Here Are 5 New “Pestilences” That Have Suddenly Appeared Around The Globe

Mysterious new outbreaks of disease are erupting all over the planet.  Should we be alarmed?  Over the past few years, we have all seen how rapidly an outbreak can spread.  A few confirmed cases in one part of the world can become a true global pandemic in just a matter of weeks.  And once a pandemic begins, it can be with us indefinitely.  After more than two years of fighting COVID, our health authorities are now admitting that it is going to be with us for many years to come.  Despite all of our advanced technology, the truth is that we are exceedingly vulnerable.  A deadly new bug could come along at any time and kill millions or billions of us, and that is just one of the reasons why we should take any new “mystery illness” very seriously. (Read More...)

He Is Buying The Company, But Elon Musk’s Battle For Control Of Twitter Is Just Beginning

When it was announced that Elon Musk would be buying Twitter, millions upon millions of people all over the globe greatly rejoiced.  Many anticipated that there would immediately be dramatic changes at Twitter, but that simply is not going to happen.  In fact, according to the terms of the deal the company is not even going to be turned over to Elon Musk until about six months from now.  And once he takes control, he will have to deal with an extremely toxic corporate culture and hordes of employees that absolutely hate him.  Unless Musk cleans house, Twitter will continue to be dominated by pro-censorship progressives.  But if Musk does conduct mass firings, who will be left to actually run the company?  Musk has many other responsibilities, and to a certain extent he is going to need to rely on at least some of the employees that are already there.  So what is going to happen if those employees are resistant to the changes that Musk wishes to make? (Read More...)

How 22 Celebrities Reacted When They Learned That Elon Musk Had Just Bought Twitter…

He did it!  Elon Musk actually bought Twitter, and I am absolutely thrilled.  It is about time that one of these billionaires did something good with their money.  The major social media platforms are where we all used to go to debate the issues of our day, but in recent years a wave of extreme censorship has changed everything.  Now Elon Musk has liberated Twitter, and that is a victory that we should all celebrate.  Without the ability to speak freely, our system of government simply cannot work.  So I am very hopeful that Musk will follow through on the promises that he is now making.  In the statement that was released announcing the purchase, he made some pretty bold pronouncements(Read More...)

Chronic Shortages Of A Few Items Now Will Evolve Into Chronic Shortages Of Hundreds Of Products Later In 2022

What we have witnessed so far is just the beginning of the story.  The global response to the COVID pandemic during 2020 and 2021 created the most epic supply chain crisis in modern times, and now “black swan events” such as the war in Ukraine and the bird flu pandemic are making that supply chain crisis even worse.  Unfortunately, more global difficulties are coming.  There will be more war, there will be more pestilences, there will be more natural disasters, and even the United Nations is admitting that we are heading into the worst global food crisis since World War II.  So if you think that global supply chain problems are severe now, just wait until you see what is coming next. (Read More...)

Humanity On The Brink: Trump Warns That “Everyone Will Be Dead” If Both Sides Continue To Escalate World War 3

In all of modern history, the world has never had a worse group of leaders than it does right now, and the fate of civilization is literally in their hands.  If both sides continue to escalate matters, the proxy war in Ukraine will eventually become a shooting war between the United States and Russia.  And once a shooting war between the United States and Russia starts, it will only be a matter of time before it goes nuclear.  It is often said that there are no winners in a nuclear war, and that is certainly true.  But if a nuclear war becomes inevitable, you definitely want to be on the side that strikes first.  Because a devastating surprise first strike may not enable you to “win” a nuclear war, but it will certainly give you the best chance of surviving one. (Read More...)

“World War Three” Is About To Escalate To A Dangerous New Level

The dogs of war have been released, and many fear that our planet will never be the same again as a result.  From the very outset of this article, I want to make it exceedingly clear that I am pro-peace, because I am extremely concerned about what a global war would mean for America.  If we eventually get to a point where nuclear weapons are used, billions of people could die.  That is a scenario that we should be trying to avoid at all costs.  Even now, countless innocent civilians in Ukraine are being ruthlessly sacrificed as politicians on both sides engage in a reckless game of global domination. (Read More...)

The End Of Civilization As We Know It Is Coming – And That Is Actually Really Good News

Having the proper perspective can completely change how you view the future.  Yes, without a doubt the past few years have been very rough.  The COVID pandemic ushered in an alarming new era in 2020, 2021 was even worse, and now 2022 has added a major global food crisis, a horrifying bird flu pandemic and the biggest land war in Europe since World War II.  Unfortunately, the truth is that things will get even worse in the months and years ahead.  To many people that sounds like really bad news, but it actually isn’t. (Read More...)

“I Saw An Endless Barrage Of Missiles Being Fired At Israel During What Seemed To Be A Major War In The Middle East”

Will we soon witness a war in the Middle East that is unlike anything that we have ever seen before in all of human history?  In this article, I am going to share something with you that is very personal.  All throughout my life, I have been shown things that will happen in the future.  Much of the time, the things that I would be shown were for me or for people close to me.  I would be shown an event or a moment in time or something that would happen, and later on things would transpire just as God had showed them to me.  When I was growing up, I just assumed that this was a natural thing and that everyone had these sorts of experiences.  Of course there are lots and lots of people having these sorts of experiences, but our society generally frowns upon such things, and so many choose to keep very quiet about them. (Read More...)