Do you remember what economic conditions were like in 2008 and 2009? Well, what is ahead of us is likely to be significantly worse. There will be severe pain for those that get blindsided by this new crisis, but those that choose to get prepared in advance will have the best chance of successfully weathering the coming storm. This week, we learned that the rate of inflation in the United States surged even higher last month. And this is happening even though the overall economy is steadily slowing down. At this point, the vast majority of the population understands that economic conditions are rapidly deteriorating. In fact, one recent survey discovered that 70 percent of all Americans now believe that an economic downturn is ahead of us… (Read More...)
The Number Of Monkeypox Cases In New York City Has Doubled AGAIN
The global monkeypox outbreak shows no signs of slowing down. Someone recently pointed out to me that 9,000 cases out of a worldwide population of nearly 8 billion people is not really that big of a deal, and that would be correct. But my concern is what this outbreak could become. Despite everything that health officials all over the western world have done so far, the number of cases continues to rise at an exponential rate. There are now 10,320 cases, and this outbreak has spread to 72 different countries. If the trajectory of this outbreak does not change, what will the numbers look like by the end of this year? (Read More...)
Here Are 3 Reasons Why The U.S. Military Is Facing An Extremely Severe Recruiting Shortage In 2022
Should we be surprised that so few young adults want to serve in the U.S. military? When I was growing up, serving in the U.S. military was considered to be a noble profession. My own father was in the U.S. Navy throughout all my years in school, and I never once thought that he should leave to get a different job until he finally decided that it was time to retire. But now Joe Biden and his politically correct minions at the Pentagon have transformed our military into a laughingstock, and that should deeply grieve all of us. The U.S. military is one of our most important national institutions, but it continues to get weaker and weaker. (Read More...)
“The California Dream” Has Become “The California Cesspool”
Once upon a time, California was the hottest destination in the entire country. Millions of young people poured into California in search of a new life, and today it has the largest population of any U.S. state by a very wide margin. But now “the California Dream” has become “the California Cesspool”, and residents are moving to other states on a permanent basis in very large numbers. In fact, at this point a lot of California residents are even choosing to move to Mexico in order to escape the state. Decades of really bad decisions have turned the Golden State into an endless nightmare, and there appears to be no hope on the horizon. (Read More...)
This Version Of Monkeypox Is An Excruciatingly Painful Disease, And It Continues To Spread At An Exponential Rate
Do we have another major global pandemic on our hands? When I wrote my first article about monkeypox in early May, there were 3 total cases. Today, there are 7,534 and the total number of cases continues to rise at an exponential rate. I had been hoping that this outbreak would quickly fade after an initial spike, but that hasn’t happened. Instead, the number of cases has just kept doubling time after time, and if we stay on this trajectory we are going to have a historic nightmare on our hands by the end of the year. Hopefully that will not be the case, but what we are witnessing right now is extremely alarming. (Read More...)
Much Of The Southwest Is Turning Into ‘Death Valley’ As Dust Bowl Conditions Return And Water Resources Dry Up
The endless drought in the Southwest has become a full-blown national emergency. If Lake Mead, Lake Powell and the Colorado River keep drying up at the rate they have been, millions of Americans could soon be without water and electricity. Despite all of our advanced technology, those living in the Southwest continue to be extremely dependent on a handful of critically important water sources, and if those water sources get so low that they cannot be used we are going to have a major crisis on our hands. (Read More...)
Augusto Perez: “This New Virus Was Devastating To Mankind. The Carnage That Was Taking Place Was Horrific To Behold.”
It shouldn’t be a surprise to any of us that strange diseases are erupting all over the world. In Matthew 24, Jesus specifically warned us that there would be multiple “pestilences” in the end times. So if we really are living in the end times, we should expect major outbreaks of disease to become quite common. Of course we have already been hit by COVID, but the Lord has shown many men and women of God that other pandemics are coming as well, and those pandemics will be even worse than COVID. I know that many of you may not be eager to hear this, but it is the truth. (Read More...)
Why Are So Many Extremely Bizarre “Mystery Creatures” Starting To Appear All Over The Planet?
Have you noticed that there have been a lot of stories about “unexplained creatures” in the news lately? Normally I don’t pay much attention to stories like that, but today my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to do some digging. What I found was that stories about mystery creatures have been going viral on social media with surprising regularity. In some cases, the mystery creatures are able to be identified, but often they are not. In this article I am going to be asking a number of questions, because right now I don’t have all the answers and that is okay. Our world is full of great mysteries, and for many of those great mysteries there are no easy answers. (Read More...)