Well, that sure escalated quickly. Rather than waiting until the end of the week, on Tuesday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to announce that a formal impeachment inquiry is being initiated. Needless to say, leftist celebrities all over America greatly rejoiced at this news. In fact, for many of them it was essentially the equivalent of having Thanksgiving, Christmas, a birthday party, the Super Bowl and winning the lottery all rolled into one giant drug-fueled celebration. After “suffering” so much since Donald Trump won the election in November 2016, this surprise announcement gave many of them hope that they may soon be rid of their orange-haired tormentor forever. Of course in the end the only thing that is really going to matter is what the 53 Republicans in the Senate decide to do once the House inevitably votes to impeach, but for the moment the Hollywood elite couldn’t be happier. (Read More...)
“The Dam Could Break On Thursday”: Here Are 12 Quotes That Show The Democrats Are Getting Ready To Impeach Trump
It looks like they are really going to do it. The Democrats are actually preparing to begin impeachment proceedings, and as you will see below, one senior House Democratic aide is warning that “the dam could break on Thursday”. That is the day when acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire is scheduled to testify to the House Intelligence Committee, and Democrats on that committee are going to make it exceedingly clear that they want the whistleblower complaint that is at the center of this latest political firestorm. It is being alleged that President Trump repeatedly pressured the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter at a time when Ukraine was desperate for military aid from the United States. President Trump has publicly admitted that he discussed Joe Biden’s corruption with the Ukrainian president, but he insists that he never actually pressured him to do anything. Trump is offering to release a full transcript of the call in order to prove his point, but that is not going to satisfy the Democrats. They want the whistleblower complaint, and they want it immediately. (Read More...)
Theology Students Are Being Taught To Confess Their “Climate Sins” While Sitting In Front Of A Bunch Of Potted Plants…
The folks at Union Theological Seminary are taking the concept of “talking to your plants” to a frightening new level. Each year, students at the seminary pay a ridiculous amount of money to go to the school, and they are there to be trained to be the Christian leaders of tomorrow. But instead, they are being taught to confess their “climate sins” to potted plants, and eventually these impressionable young minds will be leading churches and Christian institutions all over America. I realize that this story is so bizarre that it sounds like somebody made it up, but it is actually true. The following was posted by the official Twitter account of Union Theological Seminary last week… (Read More...)
Is California About To Get Hit By A Hurricane For The Very First Time In U.S. History?
In the entire history of our country, a hurricane has never made landfall in the state of California. So if such a thing actually happened, it would be considered to be an extremely unusual event. Well, right now there are three very dangerous tropical storms swirling in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Tropical Storm Kiko is not expected to be a serious threat to make landfall, but Tropical Storm Lorena and Tropical Storm Mario “are expected to become hurricanes by Friday as they approach the Mexican coast”. Tropical Storm Lorena is the more immediate threat, and the latest forecast is projecting that it will reach Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula by Saturday. If it maintains hurricane strength and continues to ride up the west coast, it is entirely possible that we could see something that we have never seen before. Most forecasters don’t want to talk too much about it yet, because it truly would be an unprecedented event, but there really is a chance that California could get hit by a hurricane for the very first time in U.S. history. (Read More...)
Almost All The Votes Are Counted, And There Are 2 Ways That Benjamin Netanyahu Could Remain Prime Minister Of Israel

Avigdor Lieberman Is Israel’s New “Kingmaker”, And He Will Use That Leverage To Make Sure Israel Goes To War With Hamas
Last November, Avigdor Lieberman resigned as Israel’s defense minister when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to reject Lieberman’s plan for a military operation in Gaza and agree to a ceasefire with Hamas instead. At the time, Lieberman called the ceasefire a “surrender to terrorism”, and of course it didn’t last very long at all. Hamas has continued to bombard Israel with rockets in the months since then, and this has once again brought Israel and Hamas to the brink of war. But everything was on hold until Tuesday’s election, and it appears that the outcome of that election is going to make war with Hamas much, much more likely. (Read More...)
Trump Says That The Military Response To The Attack On Saudi Arabia Will Be “Proportionate”
Trump administration officials are telling reporters and that there is no doubt that the attack on the oil production facilities in Saudi Arabia originated from Iranian soil, although Trump himself is being less dogmatic in his public statements. It appears that Trump wants all of the evidence to come in before making a final decision about what to do, but clearly he is leaning toward military action against Iran. And when we hit Iran, there is a very high probability that they will hit back. In fact, the Iranians have already stated unequivocally that they will defend themselves. So as I discussed yesterday, we are potentially facing a scenario that could ultimately lead to World War 3. (Read More...)
U.S. Prepares To Strike Iran As The Middle East Braces For World War 3 To Erupt
President Trump is using the phrase “locked and loaded” to describe our current stance toward Iran, and the big news networks appear to believe that some sort of U.S. military action could be imminent. We just witnessed the worst attack on Saudi oil production facilities in history, and it would seem to be extremely unlikely that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia would allow this to pass with no response. Houthi rebels in Yemen have publicly taken responsibility for the attacks, but as you will see below, U.S. officials have already completely rejected that explanation for a variety of reasons. At this point, we are being told that the attacks probably originated either from Iranian-backed Shia rebels in southern Iraq or from Iran itself. And if the U.S. strikes back by conducting airstrikes inside Iran, that could literally cause World War 3 to erupt. We are so close to a major war breaking out, but most Americans are still not paying attention. (Read More...)