Gunned Down For Believing In Christ: The Mainstream Media Is Silent As The Persecution Of Christians Escalates

The global persecution of Christians continues to escalate dramatically, and yet the mainstream media in the United States is virtually silent about it.  In this article, I am going to quote a lot of sources, but they are all either overseas news outlets or Christian websites in the United States.  To a certain extent, I think that the mainstream media is extremely hesitant to report about the global persecution of Christians because it may cause the general public to feel sympathetic, and that would definitely be counterproductive to what they are trying to accomplish.  Ultimately, the elite are trying to demonize Christians, conservatives, patriots and anyone else that would attempt to oppose their radical agenda for America.  So they are banning us from their Internet platforms, they are mocking us on their news and entertainment programs, and they certainly don’t want to highlight the fact that the persecution of Christians is escalating rapidly around the globe. (Read More...)

Early Voting By Young People Is Up 500% In Some States – And That Is Really Bad News For One Party

Americans from the age of 18 to the age of 29 are voting in record numbers in many states that offer early voting.  Traditionally, young people have not turned out in high numbers for midterm elections, but that has apparently changed in a major way this time around.  In fact, a massive increase in early voting by young people is one of the reasons why Nancy Pelosi is already declaring victory.  Young adults are far more liberal than the population as a whole, and they overwhelmingly tend to vote for Democrats.  The problem for Democrats in previous elections has been actually getting them to go vote, but in 2018 large numbers of young people appear to be highly motivated. (Read More...)

62 Percent Of All U.S. Jobs Do Not Pay Enough To Support A Middle Class Life

We just got more evidence that the middle class in America is rapidly disappearing.  According to a shocking new study that was just released, 62 percent of all jobs in the United States do not pay enough to support a middle class life.  That means that “the American Dream” is truly out of reach for most of the country at this point.  Today, Americans are working harder than ever but the cost of living continues to rise much faster than our paychecks are increasing.  Earlier this month, I went and looked at the latest numbers from the Social Security Administration, and I discovered that 50 percent of all American workers make less than $30,533 a year.  But that is just above poverty level.  In fact, the federal poverty level for a family of five is currently $29,420.  Most families are just barely scraping by from month to month, and most U.S. workers are just one major setback away from falling out of the middle class. (Read More...)

Russia And China Are Apparently Both Under The Impression That War With The United States Is Coming…

Could it be possible that the U.S. is heading for a major war?  If you ask most Americans that question, they will look at you like you are crazy.  For most people in this country, war with either Russia or China is not something to even be remotely concerned about.  But the Russians and the Chinese both see things very differently.  As you will see below, Russia and China both seem to be under the impression that war with the United States is coming, and they are both rapidly preparing for such a conflict. (Read More...)

Where Does The Tradition Of Wearing Halloween Costumes Come From?

The modern tradition of wearing costumes on Halloween can be traced back more than 2000 years to the Celts of ancient Britain.  During a Druidic festival known as Samhain, which is still celebrated by Wiccans and other modern pagans, revelers would often wear masks or costumes.  In modern times wearing costumes is considered to be “innocent fun”, but in those times the masks and costumes were worn for very specific spiritual purposes.  For some, the goal was to ward off evil spirits, but for others the purpose of the mask or costume was to help the participant communicate with the spirit world.  And as you will see below, there are some that still believe in this practice today. (Read More...)

“No Choice” Other Than War: Israeli Military Strikes 8 Targets In Gaza As The Conflict Escalates

Israel and Hamas are already essentially in a state of war, and yet the mainstream media in the United States has been virtually silent about this conflict.  For the past 6 months, Hamas has been conducting violent demonstrations along the border with Israel, and last Friday 130 protesters got shot as the violence escalated wildly out of control.  Over the past several weeks, Israel has been enduring an endless barrage of incendiary devices and rockets, and the Israelis appear to be out of patience at this point.  On Wednesday night, the Israeli military hit eight different Hamas targets in the Gaza strip.  The following comes from Haaretz(Read More...)

More Than Half A Million People: America’s Homelessness Crisis Is Rapidly Exploding On Both Coasts

The homelessness crisis in the United States is getting a lot worse, and it is happening at a pace that is absolutely frightening.  Did you realize that more than half a million Americans are homeless right now?  One out of every four homeless Americans actually has a job, but thanks to rapidly rising housing prices they are not able to afford a place to live.  So every night in this country, hundreds of thousands of people are sleeping in shelters, in their vehicles or on the streets.  It is a national crisis that isn’t going away, and during the next economic downturn it is only going to intensify. (Read More...)

Migrant Declares That Donald Trump Is ‘The Antichrist’ As ‘The Caravan’ Grows To 14,000 People

Even though the midterm elections are about two weeks away, it is the massive caravan of migrants currently headed toward the U.S. border that is garnering most of the top headlines.  President Trump had been hoping that this caravan would be stopped at Mexico’s southern border, but that did not happen, and now it appears that we could be looking at a major international incident along the U.S. border with Mexico not many days from now.  As you will see below, it is being reported that the population of “the caravan” has grown to 14,000 people, and many of them are extremely angry with Donald Trump. (Read More...)