You Won’t Believe What Facebook Has Banned Now…

If this sort of extreme censorship continues, pretty soon anybody that has anything even remotely important or interesting to say will be completely banned by Facebook.  As you will see below, Facebook has just banned Zero Hedge, and they have also just announced that they will be systematically censoring any content that has “misinformation” about vaccines.  Of course this is just the latest chapter in a relentless campaign by the social media giants to censor alternative sources of information.  Since Donald Trump’s victory in November 2016, the social media crackdown has just gotten worse and worse, and it has gotten to the point where we can now safely say that free speech is dead on the major social media platforms. (Read More...)

Will 5G Cell Phone Technology Lead To Dramatic Population Reduction As Large Numbers Of Men Become Sterile?

I know that the title of this article is controversial, but the scientific research that has been done in this area inevitably leads us to some conclusions that are inescapable.  Our current cell phone technology produces electromagnetic radiation that damages male fertility, and the radiation produced by the new 5G technology will be much more powerful and therefore much more dangerous.  But most people don’t know about this.  Instead, most people are greatly looking forward to the rollout of 5G technology because it will be up to 100 times faster than our current 4G technology, and who wouldn’t want that?  The big cell phone companies will be spending hundreds of billions of dollars to install hundreds of thousands of new 5G antennas, and every single one of those antennas will be constantly emitting very powerful electromagnetic radiation.  Since we can’t see the radiation, to many people the threat does not seem real, but the truth is that if you live in a major urban area you are constantly being bombarded by it.  And once the new 5G network is completely rolled out, you would literally have to live in the middle of nowhere to get away from it completely. (Read More...)

The Big Reason Why We Need A Conservative Version Of Facebook And Other Social Media Platforms

Do you remember what television news was like before the Fox News Channel came along?  Everybody pretty much said the same thing, and dissenting opinions on many of the most critical issues were generally not given any air time.  Of course Fox News is definitely still very much tied into the establishment, but at least they started providing a “Republican” point of view which was a stark contrast to the liberal propaganda that we were constantly being force fed by the other networks.  And then the social media era arrived, and suddenly everyone had a voice.  For years, we could say pretty much whatever we wanted on the major platforms, and we were generally left alone.  But then the election of 2016 happened, and since that time the social media giants have been cracking down on conservatives with a vengeance.  Yes, once in a while a liberal voice gets “deplatformed” or “shadowbanned” as well, but the truth is that conservatives have overwhelmingly been the targets of this relentless censorship campaign.  That is why we need to create a conservative version of Facebook and other social media platforms.  But instead of censoring liberal viewpoints, we will allow everyone to exercise the right of free speech, and we will let the “marketplace of ideas” determine which viewpoints ultimately triumph. (Read More...)

The Average Adult In The U.S. “Logs 6 Hours, 43 Minutes Of Total Screen Time Daily”

Can you imagine a society where there are no phones, no televisions and no computers at all?  America was once such a place, but now everything has changed.  Today, most Americans willingly plug themselves into “the matrix” for multiple hours each day.  We are increasingly living our lives through our screens, but in the process the amount of real human interaction that we have with one another just continues to go down.  We are absolutely addicted to our phones, our televisions and our computers, and many of us actually become extremely physically uncomfortable if we are forced to “unplug” for even a few hours.  But even though we already know all of this, the numbers from a brand new survey that was just released are still hard to believe.  According to a survey of 2,000 people, the average adult in the United States spends about six hours and 43 minutes a day staring at a screen(Read More...)

Watch What Happens When A Baby That Is Addicted To A Cellphone Has It Taken Away

You have got to watch this video!  I have to admit that I was mesmerized when I first starting watching it.  This baby appears to be less than a year old, and yet it already throws a massive temper tantrum every time a cellphone is taken away.  But as you will see in the video, all the mother has to do to stop the tantrum is to give the cellphone back to the baby.  If you need a good laugh, this video is perfect for you, but I think that it also contains a much deeper message.  You see, the truth is that our society is just like that little baby.  We have become deeply, deeply addicted to the digital world that we have created, and when we are forced to disconnect from that world most of us don’t respond very well. (Read More...)

Authorities Are Using A “Mysterious New Tool” That Can Unlock Virtually Any Cellphone

Your cellphone is a gold mine of information about where you have been, who you have been talking to, and what you have been doing online.  And now a “mysterious new tool” is enabling law enforcement authorities all over the nation to get access to that information on virtually any phone.  So if you end up going to prison someday, it could be the evidence that is pulled out of your cellphone that ultimately puts you away.  Of course most Americans never even consider that their own cellphones could be systematically gathering evidence against them.  For most of us, cellphones are simply extremely convenient tools that allow us to communicate effectively with the rest of the world.  But if the authorities decide to investigate you, your cellphone is going to be one of the first things that they want, and what they find on there could put you behind bars for a very, very long time. (Read More...)

One Company Wants To Implant Microchips Into The Hands Of “Hundreds Of Thousands” Of Global Workers

It is really happening.  At one time, the idea that large numbers of people would willingly allow themselves to have microchips implanted into their hands seemed a bit crazy, but now it has become a reality.  Thousands of tech enthusiasts all across Europe have already had microchips implanted, and now a Swedish company is working with very large global employers to implement this on the corporate level.  In fact, Biohax recently told one of the biggest newspapers in the UK that they have been talking with a “major financial services firm” that has  “hundreds of thousands of employees”(Read More...)

Are They Telling Us What Is Coming? The Mainstream Media Boldly Declares “You Will Be Microchipped”

At one time, the notion that the general population would be microchipped someday was a “conspiracy theory”, but now the mainstream media is coming right out and telling us that we will all get chipped.  It is almost as if they are trying to mentally condition us to accept what is coming.  Of course it is being portrayed as “cool” and “trendy”, and a lot of people will be fooled by that.  But if someday “identity chips” are required for the entire population, the potential for tyranny would be off the charts.  Unfortunately, some sort of permanent digital identification is increasingly being pushed as the solution to problems such as identity theft, tax evasion, illegal immigration and money laundering.  And tech companies would love to have a universal way to confirm the identities of individuals on the Internet.  But very few people are talking about the dark side of this technology, and that is a very frightening thing. (Read More...)