A Draconian New Law Went Into Effect On August 25th That Institutes Extreme Censorship Of The Internet On A Global Basis

The Internet just changed forever, but most people living in the United States don’t even realize what just happened.  A draconian new law known as the “Digital Services Act” went into effect in the European Union on Friday, and it establishes an extremely strict regime of Internet censorship that is far more authoritarian than anything we have ever seen before.  From this point forward, hordes of European bureaucrats will be the arbiters of what is acceptable to say on the Internet.  If they discover something that you have said on a large online platform that they do not like, they can force that platform to take it down, because someone in Europe might see it.  So even though this is a European law, the truth is that it is going to have a tremendous impact on all of us. (Read More...)

Have The Social Media Companies Become Way Too Powerful?

Do you remember the early days of the Internet?  It was like “the wild west”, and that could be bad, but in many ways it was also very good.  The Internet was very decentralized at that time, and information could flow very freely.  For the very first time, ordinary people could communicate with others all over the globe on a massive scale, and I believe that was an incredibly positive development for humanity.  Unfortunately, the elite were absolutely horrified by this free flow of information and they became obsessed with restricting it.  Today, highly advanced algorithms have been designed to shape our behavior online.  We are increasingly being funneled to just a handful of immensely powerful corporate-owned websites, and information on those sites is heavily monitored, controlled and censored. (Read More...)

Trillions Of Microplastic Particles Are In Our Air, Our Water And Our Bodies And They Are Literally Destroying The Earth

No matter where you go, you won’t be able to escape the nightmarish plague of microplastics that is absolutely devastating our environment.  Microplastics are in the air that you breathe, they are in the water that comes out of your faucet, they are in the rain that falls from the sky, and there are countless microplastic particles inside your body right now.  When you throw away a piece of plastic, you probably never think about it again, but it doesn’t go away.  In fact, a plastic trash bag that you may have thrown out decades ago could have disintegrated into thousands upon thousands of tiny microplastic particles at this point.  Needless to say, humanity as a whole produces giant mountains of plastic waste each year, and things have already gotten so bad that microplastic particles can now be found “from the highest mountains to the deepest marine trenches”(Read More...)

U.S. Scientists Are ‘Playing God’ By Creating Bizarre Human-Animal Chimeras During Extremely Strange ‘Experiments’

Many like to point out the evil that is going on in our streets, in our boardrooms and in the halls of power in Washington, but often some of the most horrific crimes that are happening in our society are taking place in our scientific laboratories.  For years, the U.S. government funded the use of “fresh” aborted babies in experiments that created bizarre human-mouse hybrids for “scientific research” purposes.  And now we are learning that U.S. scientists have created human-monkey hybrid embryos for the first time ever.  According to NPR, these embryos were created in order “to find new ways to produce organs for people who need transplants”… (Read More...)

We Are Now Entering Full-Blown Tyranny In The Western World

If we accept what they are doing to us now, they are just going to keep pushing the envelope.  Over the past 12 months, authorities throughout the western world have used the pandemic as an excuse to impose Orwellian measures that we never would have accepted during normal times.  They are promising us that these measures are just “temporary”, but the pandemic has already been with us for a year and there are no signs that it is going away any time soon.  If those governing us are willing to go to such ridiculous extremes during a relatively minor pandemic, what are they going to be willing to do once things start getting really crazy? (Read More...)

3 Things That Were Once Science Fiction That Have Now Become Science Fact

I think that everyone can agree that our world is becoming stranger with each passing day.  As I survey the news on a daily basis, I am absolutely astounded by the bizarre things that I come across.  When I was growing up, our world seemed like such a stable and predictable place, but that is definitely no longer the case.  These days, we are constantly seeing things happen that I never thought that we would actually see, and that includes officials at the Pentagon admitting that they have been testing wreckage from UFO crashes(Read More...)

When Corporations Become More Powerful Than The Government, Our Definition Of “Big Brother” Needs To Change

Throughout human history, our God-given liberties and freedoms have often been brutally crushed by oppressive governments, and that is still happening all over the world today.  But in our time, an additional threat to our liberties and freedoms has emerged.  Global corporations just continue to get larger and more powerful, and in recent years they have been increasingly using that power to shape society.  This is a very dangerous trend, because in the western world many of the constraints that our national governments are forced to operate under simply do not apply to corporations.  This gives them an enormous amount of leverage, and they are using it. (Read More...)

Big Brother Is Spying On You In Thousands Of Ways, And All Of That Info Now Goes Into Centralized “Fusion Systems”

Big Brother is watching you.  Sadly, most people don’t realize how extensive the surveillance grid has now become.  As you drive to work or to school, license plate readers are systematically tracking where you travel.  In major cities, thousands of highly advanced security cameras (many equipped with facial recognition technology) are monitoring your every move.  If authorities detect that you are doing something suspicious, they can quickly pull up your criminal, financial and medical records.  Of course if they want to dig deeper, your phone and your computer are constantly producing a treasure trove of surveillance data.  Nothing that you do on either one of them is ever private. (Read More...)