Obama’s War On Coal Is Going To Kill Jobs And Sent Electricty Rates ‘Skyrocketing’

The General James M. Gavin coal plant on the Ohio RiverWhen Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he stated that under his plan “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”.  Well, now it looks like he is finally getting around to keeping his promise.  New EPA rules that are designed to cripple the coal industry could send electricity rates soaring by up to 40 percent in many rural areas.  And even though we have enough coal in the ground to provide hundreds of years of energy at current levels of consumption, Obama’s plan is going to force large numbers of coal plants to completely shut down because they are simply going to become too expensive to operate.  If Americans living in rural communities didn’t care for Obama before, they really are not going to like him much when these new EPA regulations start kicking in. (Read More...)

Where In The Constitution Does It Say Obama Can Rule By Decree And “Do Whatever He Wants”?

Obama - I Have A PenBy making “at least a dozen major adjustments” to Obamacare without congressional approval, Barack Obama is making a mockery of the U.S. Constitution.  Throughout human history, political power has always tended to become concentrated in the hands of one man.  The Founding Fathers knew this, and they tried very hard to keep that from happening in the United States.  A system in which the people rule themselves is a very precious and fragile thing.  As humans, we all have the tendency to want more power.  That is why a “separation of powers” was such a radical concept.  As Bill Federer is constantly pointing out, the Founding Fathers made our federal government inefficient on purpose.  They wanted a system of checks and balances that would make it difficult to push through major changes very rapidly.  Unfortunately, Barack Obama has become extremely frustrated by this and has expressed his intention to rule by decree as much as he can during the remainder of his second term. (Read More...)

Why Are Dozens Of High Ranking Officers Being Purged From The U.S. Military?

Aerial View Of The Pentagon - Photo by Mariordo Camila Ferreira and Mario DuranSince Barack Obama has been in the White House, high ranking military officers have been removed from their positions at a rate that is absolutely unprecedented.  Things have gotten so bad that a number of retired generals are publicly speaking out about the “purge” of the U.S. military that they believe is taking place.  As you will see below, dozens of highly decorated military leaders have been dismissed from their positions over the past few years.  So why is this happening?  When I was growing up, my father was an officer in the U.S. Navy.  And what is going on right now is absolutely crazy – especially during a time of peace.  Is there a deliberate attempt to “reshape” the military and remove those that don’t adhere to the proper “viewpoints”?  Does someone out there feel a need to get officers that won’t “cooperate” out of the way?  Throughout world history, whatever comes next after a “military purge” is never good.  If this continues, what is the U.S. military going to look like in a few years? (Read More...)

9 Reasons Why Many Liberals Absolutely Hate Obamacare

Remember - Dissent is Patriotic - Photo by Kevin SmithBarack Obama’s number one job is not to defeat the Republicans.  Rather, his number one job is to run the government well.  And when it comes to Obamacare, he has failed miserably.  The launch of Obamacare has been such a colossal fiasco that words like “disaster” and “catastrophe” simply do not do it justice.  According to recent polls, Americans are against Obamacare by an average margin of about 10 percent, and even many liberals that fought so hard to get Obamacare passed are now abandoning ship.  All over America, health insurance policies are being canceled, health insurance premiums are absolutely skyrocketing, and millions of people that actually wanted to get health insurance through Healthcare.gov find that they are unable to do so.  Yes, the U.S. health care system was already a complete and total mess before Obamacare, but now Obamacare has made things much, much worse and there is little hope that things will improve any time soon.  The following are 9 reasons why most Americans (including a growing number of liberals) absolutely hate Obamacare… (Read More...)

19 Surveys Which Prove That A Large Chunk Of The Population Is Made Up Of Totally Clueless Sheeple

Sheep Sculpture Photo By Wouter HagensAre we too stupid to continue as a nation?  That may seem like a harsh question, but I think that it is one that we need to ask.  Even though we have more access to information today than ever before, it seems like the U.S. population just keeps becoming more ignorant.  So at what point does a society become so “dumbed-down” that it can no longer function effectively?  We like to complain about our leaders, but the truth is that we are the ones that elected them.  They are a reflection of who we are as a society.  And when you compare Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner to men like George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, they don’t fare too well.  Sadly, the truth is that most of our founding fathers would not have a prayer of being elected today.  Instead, they would be labeled as crazy “extremists” for insisting that we follow the U.S. Constitution.  In our entertainment-addicted society, Lady Gaga would have a much greater chance of being elected president today than George Washington would.  That is how far we have fallen. (Read More...)

21 Facts About NSA Snooping That Every American Should Know

North AmericaThere seems to be a lot of confusion about what the NSA is actually doing.  Are they reading our emails?  Are they listening to our telephone calls?  Do they target American citizens or is it only foreigners that they are targeting?  Unfortunately, the truth is that we aren’t going to get straight answers from our leaders about this.  The folks running the NSA have already shown that they are willing to flat out lie to Congress, and Barack Obama doesn’t exactly have the greatest track record when it comes to telling the truth.  These are men that play word games and tell lies for a living.  So it would be unrealistic to expect them to come out and tell us the unvarnished truth about what is going on.  That is why it is so important that whistleblowers such as Edward Snowden have come forward.  Thanks to them and to the brave journalists that are willing to look into these things, we have been able to get some glimpses behind the curtain.  And what we have learned is not very pretty.  The following are 21 facts about NSA snooping that every American should know… (Read More...)

25 Signs That Military Veterans Are Being Treated Like Absolute Trash Under The Obama Administration

Obama And The MilitaryWhy does the Obama administration treat our military veterans like human garbage?  Every year on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, Barack Obama and our other politicians make very nice speeches, but the truth about how they feel about our veterans can be seen in how they are treated every single day.  In the United States today, there are well over half a million veterans that have been waiting for at least 125 days to have their benefit claims processed.  Many of them will ultimately have their claims sent back or denied just so a government employee somewhere can get a bigger bonus.  Meanwhile, conditions at VA facilities all over the country are absolutely abysmal, and many veterans have to wait more than half a year just to get an appointment at one of those facilities.  Once you start looking into how this country really treats military veterans, it becomes easier to understand why 22 military veterans commit suicide in America every single day.  Our vets have a higher rate of unemployment, a higher rate of poverty, a higher rate of homelessness, a higher rate of depression and a higher rate of divorce then the general population.  It is a crying shame.  One of the ways that any society is judged is by how it treats military veterans, and the truth is that America has failed miserably.  This has been particularly true since Barack Obama has been in the White House. (Read More...)

Did Obama Know Too? IRS Officials Knew Patriots And Tea Party Groups Were Being Targeted 2 Years Ago

IRS Officials Knew Patriots And Tea Party Groups Were Being Targeted 2 Years Ago - Photo by dbkingThe IRS has finally publicly admitted that patriots and Tea Party groups were being specifically targeted for “extra scrutiny”, but the truth is that top IRS officials knew that this intimidating and harassing behavior was taking place two years ago.  A report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration that is going to be released this week shows that the targeting of patriots and Tea Party groups began as early as March 2010, and that the head of the IRS tax-exempt organizations division was specifically told about this targeting in June 2011.  But then the IRS lied to Congress five separate times between November 18th, 2011 and June 15th, 2012 about what was going on.  IRS officials flat out lied to Congress and adamantly denied that patriots and Tea Party groups had been specifically targeted.  So should we believe the IRS now when they try to pin the blame on a few “low-level” employees in Cincinnati?  And were Barack Obama or any members of his administration ever told about any of this?  After all, patriot groups and Tea Party organizations were screaming bloody murder about this harassment at the time and if the truth had come out before the election it could have been a massive embarrassment for the Obama campaign.  Are we to believe that nobody inside the Obama campaign ever had any discussions about this?  If Obama or those close to him did know what was going on, why didn’t they ever do anything to stop it? (Read More...)