There Is No Way That America Will Survive If We Stay On This Path…

Abortion was the central issue that everyone was talking about on Tuesday, and it enabled the Democrats to win key race after key race all over the nation.  As survey after survey has shown, the American people absolutely love abortion.  In fact, survey after survey has shown that support for abortion has actually increased since Roe v. Wade was overturned.  And every time abortion has been on the ballot since Roe v. Wade was overturned, pro-life forces have lost.  At this point, we need to face the reality of where we are as a nation.  Since 1973, more than 60 million babies have been slaughtered in the United States, and the American people don’t want that to stop any time soon.  Of course if we stay on this path, there is no way that America will survive. (Read More...)

The IDF Is Making Major Progress In Gaza, And That Makes Intervention By Hezbollah Much More Likely

If Hamas had been able to hold off the IDF, the entire Islamic world would have greatly rejoiced and Hezbollah would have no need to escalate the war to the next level.  But instead, the opposite is happening.  The IDF has successfully surrounded Gaza City, the perimeter is being tightened with each passing day, and the tunnels that Hamas is hiding in are being systematically destroyed.  On top of everything else, the bunker of the top military commander of Hamas has been “isolated”, and we are being told that he will soon be dead.  All of this is going to create tremendous pressure on Hezbollah, because radical Muslims all over the globe are calling for the terror group to intervene before Hamas is completely wiped out.  Of course there has already been fighting day after day along the northern front.  In fact, video footage of a massive explosion that just happened in southern Lebanon is being widely shared on social media. (Read More...)

An Alarming New Variant That Is “Taking Off” In Europe Causes A Disgusting Red Rash On The Skin

Are we on the verge of another major health scare?  When COVID first erupted several years ago, it was often difficult to identify who had it.  But now a new variant has emerged that is really “taking off” in Europe, and a disgusting red rash is one of the primary symptoms.  The variant is currently known as “JN.1”, although I am sure that they will give it a fancy new name once it spreads widely enough.  We have hardly heard anything about this new variant in the United States, but they are really buzzing about it on the other side of the Atlantic.  “JN.1” is a direct descendant of the Pirola variant, and one doctor told the Express that Pirola can “cause visible facial symptoms” such as “a red rash that might appear on your face”… (Read More...)

13 Numbers That Show How Dramatically We Have Failed America’s Children

The kids are not okay, and it is time for us to face the truth.  As long as I have been writing, surveys have shown that the mental health of our young people has been steadily getting worse.  But now we are learning that things really took an enormous turn for the worse during the pandemic.  As you will see below, one expert is warning that the number of kids that are dealing with mental health issues “has increased exponentially since the pandemic”.  The facts that I am about to share with you are likely to make you very angry.  Our system does not work, and millions upon millions of young people are having their lives ruined as a result.  The following are 13 numbers that show how dramatically we have failed America’s children… (Read More...)

The Ebola Lockdowns Have Begun

Is a new outbreak of the Ebola virus about to cause widespread panic all over the globe?  The Zaire strain of the disease is fairly common, and in recent years scientists have developed effective treatments for it.  Unfortunately, the new outbreak that has just erupted in Uganda is of the Sudan strain.  There had not been a case of that strain in a decade, but now it is spreading rapidly.  So far, there have been 63 confirmed cases, and 29 of those individuals have died.  There is no treatment and no cure for the Sudan strain.  So if this virus were to start spreading widely around the world, the death toll could potentially be catastrophic. (Read More...)

Is It Just A Coincidence That 5 Red Heifers Have Arrived In Israel As Jewish Leaders Prepare For A New Shemitah Cycle To Begin?

A major prophetic event just happened, and hardly anyone in the United States is talking about it.  In recent years a group of western Christians known as Boneh Israel has been working with officials from the Temple Institute to search for a perfect red heifer.  A red heifer is necessary if Temple sacrifices are to be reinstituted, but one hasn’t been seen in Israel for more than 2,000 years.  This is something that I have written about a few times over the years, because it directly relates to end times prophecies.  For a long time, the search for a perfect red heifer seemed to be going nowhere, but now all of that has changed.  On September 15th, five perfect red heifers from the United States landed at Ben Gurion Airport.  The following comes from the official website of the Temple Institute(Read More...)

What Are The Odds? The U.S., Europe, Africa And China Are All Simultaneously Experiencing Droughts Of Epic Proportions

Do you believe in “coincidences”?  There have always been droughts all throughout human history.  So if there were a couple of isolated droughts in 2022, it wouldn’t be a big deal.  But that isn’t what we are facing.  Instead, right now the United States, Europe, Africa and China are all experiencing droughts of epic proportions.  As a result, crops are failing in key agricultural areas all over the globe.  Of course if just one country or one region was experiencing a “historic drought”, agricultural production from the rest of the world could make up for that.  Unfortunately, what we are currently witnessing is truly unprecedented.  For the very first time in modern history, virtually all of the largest economies on the entire planet have been hit by extreme drought conditions simultaneously, and that means that global agricultural production is going to be way below expectations in 2022. (Read More...)

There Will Be Pestilences: Authorities Don’t Understand Why So Many Vile Diseases Are Suddenly Erupting Around The World

Why are we seeing so many unusual outbreaks of disease in 2022?  Coming into this year, there was just one major outbreak that everyone was talking about.  But then 2022 came along, and all of a sudden it seemed like there was a new disease in the news every month.  First, an eruption of the bird flu spread like wildfire and that resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of our chickens and turkeys.  Then monkeypox took the world by storm.  It has spread to nearly 100 different countries, and it is now the worst monkeypox outbreak in history by a very wide margin.  And now more weird diseases are popping up.  Earlier this month, I wrote an article about the appearance of “Langya henipavirus” in China and the case of polio that was just detected in New York, and in this article I will be telling you about even more strange outbreaks that are deeply alarming global authorities. (Read More...)