Here Comes The Fear: The WHO Warns That The New Mutant Strain Of Monkeypox Is An Emergency “For The Entire Globe”

It was fun while it lasted.  We actually had quite a few months without an official “global health emergency” to be concerned about, but now that streak is over.  On Wednesday, the World Health Organization announced that Monkeypox has officially been classified as a “public health emergency of international concern”.  Health officials have lost control of the new mutant strain that is spreading in Africa, and so that is why this move was made.  Compared to the strain that caused so much chaos in 2022, this new strain has a much higher death rate and we are being told that in many cases it is spreading without any sexual contact at all.  If this thing gets loose in the United States and Europe, the level of fear that we will witness will be off the charts. (Read More...)

Will Turkey Try To Invade Israel Once The End Times War In The Middle East Spirals Out Of Control?

Did you see what just happened in the Middle East?  We live at a time when the entire world is going crazy, and I am entirely convinced that it won’t be too long before the war in the Middle East takes an apocalyptic turn.  Even CNN is admitting that we are dangerously close to witnessing an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, and in such a war both sides would not hold anything back.  Of course once Israel and Hezbollah start pummeling one another with everything that they have got, other interested parties are likely to join the fighting.  Could that potentially include the nation of Turkey?  On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made headlines all over the world when he suggested that his forces could actually enter the land of Israel at some point(Read More...)

Was The Destruction Of The Francis Scott Key Bridge In Baltimore Some Sort Of A Warning For America?

Less than two weeks before the most ominous sign in the entire history of the United States appears above our heads, a bridge named after the author of the text of the U.S. national anthem has collapsed after a key support structure was rammed by a massive cargo vessel.  “The Star-Spangled Banner” is the best known national anthem on the entire planet, and it is one of our most cherished national symbols.  Some have suggested that the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore symbolizes the collapse of America itself.  If this is true, could it be possible that the destruction of this bridge was some sort of a warning for America? (Read More...)

4 Key Areas To Focus On As You Prepare For The Chaotic Events Of 2024 And Beyond

Are you ready for what is coming next?  Recently, I have been getting a lot of questions about prepping.  Thanks to the war in the Middle East, a lot of people out there are realizing that we really are running out of time.  So in this article, I am going to give some very basic practical advice.  In the short-term, it is going to be very important for you to build up your emergency fund.  Times are going to get a lot harder, and in the midst of those hard times you are going to need to continue to pay the bills.  Looking beyond a short-term perspective, you are going to need to be prepared to survive in a world that has gone completely mad. (Read More...)

Virologists Warn That Monkeypox Has Become A “Hyper-Mutated Virus” As It Spreads To More Countries And More U.S. States

We have never seen a global monkeypox outbreak of this magnitude, and health authorities still cannot tell us why it is happening.  When I wrote about this outbreak nine days ago, there were three cases in the United Kingdom.  Now this outbreak has spread to 21 countries, and there are 310 confirmed, probable or suspected cases.  By the time you read this article, that number will probably be even higher.  If cases were isolated in just one country or in a particular geographical region, it would be much easier to try to contain this outbreak.  But at this point this new strain of monkeypox has already spread all over the planet. (Read More...)

How Has Monkeypox Spread All Over The Globe At Lightning Speed?

What in the world is going on?  In the past, we were told that monkeypox was not a major concern because it was so difficult to spread it from person to person.  But now monkeypox seems to be spreading like wildfire.  On May 7th, the very first case in the western world in 2022 was confirmed in the United Kingdom.  Now here we are less than two weeks later and there are now dozens of confirmed and suspected cases in seven different countries outside of Africa.  Yesterday, I discussed the cases that have popped up in Spain, Portugal and the United States.  Now there are three more nations that are reporting confirmed or suspected cases, and that should greatly alarm all of us. (Read More...)

Even More Cases Of The Monkeypox Have Been Confirmed As This Sickening Plague Continues To Spread

It is just 24 hours later, and the number of confirmed cases in the UK has more than doubled.  I told you that I would be keeping an eye on this story, and there have been some alarming new developments.  When I wrote about the monkeypox outbreak in the UK yesterday, there were three confirmed cases.  Now there are seven, and authorities can’t explain why it is spreading.  This is a disease that is not supposed to spread from person to person easily, but apparently some human to human transmission has been happening in these new cases. (Read More...)

Federal Authorities Have Already Documented Two Cases In Which Votes Have Been “Discarded” In Key Swing States

The integrity of our elections is of paramount importance, because if our ability to choose our own leaders is compromised that undermines everything that our system of government is based upon.  So every American should be hyper-sensitive to any allegation that our votes are being tampered with, because any attack on the voting process is an attack on all of us.  This is one issue that should be able to unite Republicans and Democrats, and hopefully people across the political spectrum will report anything suspicious that they notice over the coming weeks.  And as I become aware of troubling incidents, I will share them with my readers, because the integrity of our elections is definitely one of my hot button issues. (Read More...)