5G Danger: Hundreds Of Respected Scientists Sound The Alarm About Health Effects As 5G Networks Go Up Nationwide

Even though many in the scientific community are loudly warning about the potential health effects that 5G technology could have on the general population, Verizon and AT&T are starting to put up their 5G networks in major cities all across the nation.  Today, the total number of cell phones exceeds the entire population of the world, and the big cell phone companies are making a crazy amount of money providing service to all of those phones.  And now that the next generation of cell phone technology has arrived, millions of cell phone users are looking forward to better connections and faster speeds than ever before.  In fact, President Trump says that 5G networks will be up to 100 times faster than the current 4G networks that we are using right now… (Read More...)

It Is Being Projected That U.S. Consumers Will “Pay 40% To 85% More For Vine-Ripe And Other Fresh Tomatoes” By The End Of 2019

It has been quite a year.  In March, catastrophic flooding in the Midwest absolutely crippled thousands of farms and “as many as a million calves” were lost in Nebraska alone.  Then in April we learned that African Swine Fever has wiped out “150-200 million pigs” in China.  To put that in perspective, that is more pigs than the entire U.S. pork industry produces in an entire year.  And now on top of everything else, the price of fresh tomatoes is about to go skyrocketing.  But this time a natural disaster is not to blame.  Instead, it is an action by the federal government that is going to cause us to pay much more for tomatoes at the supermarket.  The following comes from USA Today(Read More...)

Credit Card Charge-Offs Hit The Highest Level In Nearly 7 Years And Credit Card Delinquencies Hit The Highest Level In Almost 8 Years

When people are having a harder time paying their bills, that is a signal that the economy is slowing down.  This is something that we witnessed back in 2008, and it is something that is happening once again right now.  Credit card charge-offs at major U.S. banks haven’t been this high since the U.S. economy was pulling out of the last recession, and the same thing is true regarding credit card delinquencies.  So even though the mainstream media keeps telling us over and over that the U.S. economy is “booming”, the cold, hard numbers are telling us something completely different.  This is a point that I made yesterday in my article about how homelessness is absolutely exploding in New York City, and it is a point I will undoubtedly have to make many more times as long as the mainstream media feeds us this fictional narrative about a “booming economy”.  Look, the truth is that you can’t say that we have a booming economy until we have a year when the U.S. economy grows by at least 3 percent, and at this point we haven’t had that since the middle of the Bush administration. (Read More...)

An Evil So Great That America May Not Be Able To Ever Recover From It

Approximately 800,000 children go missing in the United States every year, and many of them end up in the hands of sex traffickers.  After you read what I have to share with you, I guarantee that you will start watching your children much more carefully when they are in public.  Earlier today I received an email from one of my readers encouraging me to check out John W. Whitehead’s latest article.  So I did, and I was absolutely horrified by what I learned.  In America today, authorities believe that the number of under-age sex workers is somewhere between 100,000 and 150,000.  Those children are purchased millions of times a year, and it has become a 9.5 billion dollar industry.  Every major city in the U.S. has a problem with child slavery, but there are certain areas (such as Washington D.C.) that have become central hubs.  This is a major national crisis, and yet for some reason very few members of Congress are making this issue a priority. (Read More...)

Pete Buttigieg Is Drawing The Same Sorts Of Crowds That Barack Obama Did During His First Presidential Run

When I originally heard that a small town mayor named Pete Buttigieg was running for president, I truthfully didn’t think that he had a prayer of actually being a serious contender for the Democratic nomination.  And yet here we are just a few months later, and he is making it happen.  It is expected that eventually there will be at least 20 Democrats running for president, but right now Buttigieg is creating more buzz than anyone else. Without a doubt, progressives are excited that he is the first openly gay man to ever run for president, and that is definitely helping him with those on the left.  But in order to be a serious contender for the presidency, more is required than that, and Buttigieg appears to possess some very keen political instincts.  He also appears to have a unique ability to deeply connect with people, and that should be very frightening for those that wish to keep him out of the White House. (Read More...)

The Internet Erupts With Speculation About Who Started The Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

The entire world was absolutely shocked by the massive fire that engulfed the Notre Dame cathedral on Monday.  We are being told that the structure of the cathedral has been saved, but according to CNN the “entire wooden interior of Notre Dame Cathedral has been lost”.  Now that the initial shock of the fire has subsided, the Internet is buzzing with speculation about the origin of the fire.  In the end, there are only two options.  Either this was an accident, or someone intentionally started the fire.  And if the fire was intentionally started, obviously someone had a motive for doing so. (Read More...)

Food Crisis 2019: An Outbreak Of African Swine Fever Is Devastating The Global Pig Population, And Pork Prices Are Skyrocketing

An absolutely devastating disease is wiping out herds of pigs all over Asia, and most people in the western world don’t even realize what is happening.  Since it was first detected last August, there have been 116 officially reported outbreaks of African Swine Fever in China, and since that time it has rapidly spread to surrounding nations such as Cambodia and Vietnam.  African Swine Fever is not harmful to humans, but the vast majority of the pigs that catch it end up dead.  It spreads very quickly and there is no cure, and this outbreak has already driven global pork prices through the roof.  If this crisis continues to escalate, we are potentially talking about a crippling blow to global food production. (Read More...)

18 Statistics That Prove That America Has Become An “Idiocracy”

What in the world has happened to us?  Once upon a time, America had the greatest system of education on the entire planet, and our people were sharp, capable and extremely well informed.  Sadly, none of those things are true anymore.  In 2006, Mike Judge made a movie entitled “Idiocracy” in which an individual of below average intelligence wakes up after being asleep for 500 years thanks to a military hibernation experiment.  When he wakes up, he quickly realizes that he is now the smartest man in America, and that is not a good thing.  The film became an instant classic, but when I originally watched it I thought that such a thing could never actually happen in this country.  Unfortunately, I was wrong.  Since 2006 our nation has been “dumbed down” at a pace that is absolutely staggering, and it is difficult to see a positive future for America if this trend continues. (Read More...)