Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination has put Roe v. Wade back into the national spotlight

When President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett to fill the open seat on the Supreme Court, we immediately witnessed an explosion of speculation about what this could mean for the future of Roe v. Wade.  Most pro-life activists cheered Barrett’s nomination because they assumed that she would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade if given the opportunity, and many pro-choice activists warned that America would soon resemble “the Handmaid’s Tale” if Barrett was confirmed.  But as President Trump explained during the first presidential debate, nobody actually knows how she would rule on Roe v. Wade, and it is very unlikely that she will give a direct answer to any questions about Roe v. Wade that she is asked during the Senate hearings that are currently taking place. (Read More...)

Was Joe Biden’s new campaign slogan “Build Back Better” actually plagiarized from somewhere else?

By now you have probably heard about Joe Biden’s new campaign slogan.  Even though he often has a very difficult time saying it, “Build Back Better” is plastered all over his official campaign website.  I think that his campaign team wanted something forwarding looking and that sounded optimistic, but it isn’t exactly original.  In fact, the Trump campaign has pointed out that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was using the slogan long before Biden ever did… (Read More...)

Should We Celebrate Halloween?

Every year, Americans spend billions of dollars celebrating a holiday that is deeply rooted in ancient pagan religious practices and that is considered to be one of the most important days on the entire calendar by Satanists, Wiccans and other occultists.  Today, most people believe that our “Halloween traditions” are just good fun, but almost all of the most important traditions can be directly traced back to rituals that the ancient Druids would conduct during the festival of Samhain.  For the Druids, this was a time when the veil between the living and the dead was the thinnest, and many of the practices that they instituted were designed to facilitate communication with spirits on the other side.  In early America, the colonists were strictly forbidden from celebrating Halloween for religious reasons, but today only a very small percentage of the population rejects the holiday.  In fact, one recent survey found that 74 percent of young parents believe that “Halloween is more important than ever this year”(Read More...)

It is being projected that there could be an “eight billion meal shortage” at America’s food banks over the next 12 months

In 2020, we are witnessing an explosion of hunger in the United States that is unlike anything that we have seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs since the start of this pandemic, and money is running low for a whole lot of people.  In fact, I just wrote an article about a survey that found that one out of every five Americans will be out of cash by Election Day.  More Americans are slipping into poverty with each passing month, and this has created an unprecedented surge of demand at food banks across the nation.  Meanwhile, our growing economic problems are also causing donations to dry up, and so many food banks are facing a major crunch as we head into 2021.  In fact, Feeding America is warning that their network of food banks is potentially facing an “eight billion meal shortage” over the next 12 months… (Read More...)

A new congressional report proves that the institutions of marriage and family are being systematically destroyed in America

The numbers that I am about to share with you are extremely sobering, and they should be a massive wake up call for all of us.  Yesterday, I wrote an article about how our society is breaking down everywhere we look, and nowhere is this more evident than in our marriages and in our families.  But without strong marriages and strong families, no society can thrive for long.  Recently, the Social Capital Project of the Joint Economic Committee Republicans released a report entitled “The Demise of the Happy Two-Parent Home”, but you probably never heard about it until now because it was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media.  I have never seen a congressional report document the collapse of marriage and family in American society to such an extent, and to be honest it is quite surprising to see such a quality piece of work come out of Washington. (Read More...)

Our society is in the process of breaking down all around us

Have you noticed that people don’t treat one another with the same level of respect and civility that they once did?  Everywhere I look, people are treating one another badly, and this should greatly alarm all of us.  Perhaps we can blame some of this on the pandemic, because the restrictions that authorities have implemented around the nation have definitely put people in a bad mood.  And of course the fact that this is an election year is certainly not helping things.  But I am seeing people that are supposedly on the same side treating each other with extreme contempt.  Conservatives are fighting with conservatives, liberals are fighting with liberals, Christians are fighting with Christians, and over the past year I have been seeing families break up all over the place.  Hearts are growing so cold, and all of the strife and discord that we are witnessing makes me wonder what things will be like when economic conditions in this nation really start falling apart. (Read More...)

14 Absolutely Horrible Things That Were Said About Trump After He Was Diagnosed

There was a time when a moment like this would have brought the entire nation together in unity.  Decades ago, news that the president of the United States was the victim of a deadly virus and had been rushed to the hospital would have been received with grave seriousness.  But in 2020, much of the population responded to the news that President Trump had been infected by the coronavirus with jokes, sarcasm and death wishes.  In fact, there were so many death wishes for Trump on Facebook and Twitter that major news outlets all over the U.S. were doing news stories about it.  We have never seen anything like this before, and it says a lot about where we are headed as a nation. (Read More...)

If Democrats Take The White House And Congress In November, It Will All Be Over For The Republican Party

This is not a normal election, because if Democrats are able to win the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives in November, they will end the two party system as we know it today.  Yes, there will still be two major political parties, but one will essentially be in permanent control.  In recent weeks, there has been so much chatter on the left about ending the filibuster in the Senate permanently, about granting statehood to Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, and about “packing” the Supreme Court.  Collectively, these three moves would basically make it exceedingly difficult for Republicans to ever become the majority party again.  I know that this is an extreme statement to make, but I think that you will agree with me by the time this article is over. (Read More...)