We just witnessed a clear example of foreign interference in our election – and the goal was to help Biden win

This time around, there won’t be any need for a special counsel investigation to determine if there was foreign interference in the presidential election.  The FBI has already established that a foreign government is trying to influence the outcome of the 2020 election, and the goal is to help Joe Biden win.  Earlier this week, mainstream media reports that stated that “the Proud Boys” were sending threatening emails to Democratic voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Alaska and Arizona quickly went viral.  Even though the Proud Boys immediately denied being involved, many assumed that these threatening emails had to be the work of Trump supporters.  But when I read the message that was being sent out, I instantly recognized that something really fishy was going on.  Anyone that has any discernment whatsoever should be able to see that it was obviously written to deeply anger Democrats so that they would be motivated to go out and vote against Trump(Read More...)

Will Black and Latino voters deliver another “Trump miracle” in 2020? The numbers suggest it could happen…

Could it be possible that President Trump has one more miracle up his sleeve?  At this point, many Democrats are anticipating a Joe Biden landslide on Election Day even though his own campaign manager admits that the “inflated national public polling numbers” should not be trusted.   The truth is that both campaigns know that this is going to be a tight race that comes right down to the wire, and there are two key groups of voters that have traditionally been heavily Democratic that could end up swinging the election to Trump.  The Biden campaign has been counting on Black and Latino voters to vote like they normally do, but recent numbers indicate that may not happen this time around. (Read More...)

Yet another warning that makes it clear that we should all be bracing for a major seismic event along the west coast

While most Americans remain completely fixated on the upcoming presidential election, large earthquakes continue to rattle the Ring of Fire at an alarming rate.  On Monday, a magnitude 7.5 quake struck near the little town of Sand Point, Alaska, and it was felt over a very large area.  In fact, it is being reported that shaking could be felt “as far away as Chugiak, Anchorage and Bethel”.  Following the initial earthquake, there was a series of very large aftershocks.  As I write this article, there have already been 19 aftershocks of at least magnitude 4.0 in the region.  By the time most of you read this article, that number will almost certainly be higher.  Sadly, even though we have been witnessing a lot of shaking along the southern coast of Alaska and the west coast of the continental United States in recent months, very few experts seem concerned about the possibility that a very large seismic event could be coming. (Read More...)

74% of families with children making less than $100,000 have “experienced serious financial problems” during this crisis

The reason why so many people are clamoring for Congress to get another stimulus bill passed is because an unprecedented number of households are in desperate financial need right now.  As you will see below, millions of Americans missed their rent or mortgage payments last month, millions missed their student loan payments, and millions are falling into poverty.  The economic downturn that was sparked by the coronavirus pandemic has stretched on far longer than most people originally anticipated, and many Americans are simply running out of money at this point.  In fact, one survey that was conducted not too long ago found that 40 percent of all households have “used up all or most of their savings” and 74 percent of families with children that make less than $100,000 a year have “experienced serious financial problems” during this crisis… (Read More...)

Why are so many Americans suddenly relocating, buying guns and storing up huge quantities of food?

In 2020, we have been watching hundreds of thousands of Americans relocate, gun sales have shattered all previous levels, and people are purchasing and storing huge stockpiles of food.  We have seen the American people get deeply concerned about the future before, but we have never seen anything quite like this.  It is definitely a major life decision to pack up everything you own and move to another part of the country, but that is precisely what countless Americans have been doing in recent months.  WABC wanted to know precisely how many people have been doing this in New York City, and the information that they were able to get from the United States Postal Service really surprised them(Read More...)

Are the big social media companies literally trying to determine who wins the presidential election?

In 2016, the big social media companies were criticized for allowing others to influence the outcome of the election, but in 2020 the big social media companies are directly interfering in the election more than anyone else is by a very wide margin.  They insist that they have a duty to prevent the flow of “harmful information”, but whenever they act it always seems to help Democrats and hurt Republicans.  It has become obvious that Facebook, Twitter and other large social media companies are trying to help Democrats win, and that is especially true when it comes to the presidential election.  No matter what you think of Joe Biden and no matter what you think of Donald Trump, all Americans should want the election to be fair.  Unfortunately, the big social media companies have discovered that they have the ability to sway public opinion on a massive scale, and this is the first election in which they are really flexing those muscles.  But if we allow those that control the levers of power on the Internet to determine the outcomes of our elections from now on, our system is doomed and the American experiment will be over. (Read More...)

A 9 hour wait? Early voting is shattering previous levels as voters flock to the polls in droves

Would you be willing to wait more than 9 hours to cast a vote on the very first day of early voting?  As you will see below, that is precisely what just happened in Georgia.  We have become accustomed to seeing long lines to vote on Election Day, but in 2020 we are witnessing colossal lines to vote three weeks before the election.  And this is happening even though tens of millions of Americans will be casting their votes through the mail this year.  The numbers that I am going to share with you in this article are eye-popping, and they seem to indicate that there is an unprecedented amount of interest in this election.  In recent months there has been a tremendous nationwide effort to encourage people to vote in 2020, and it appears that it is working. (Read More...)

Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination has put Roe v. Wade back into the national spotlight

When President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett to fill the open seat on the Supreme Court, we immediately witnessed an explosion of speculation about what this could mean for the future of Roe v. Wade.  Most pro-life activists cheered Barrett’s nomination because they assumed that she would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade if given the opportunity, and many pro-choice activists warned that America would soon resemble “the Handmaid’s Tale” if Barrett was confirmed.  But as President Trump explained during the first presidential debate, nobody actually knows how she would rule on Roe v. Wade, and it is very unlikely that she will give a direct answer to any questions about Roe v. Wade that she is asked during the Senate hearings that are currently taking place. (Read More...)