In Anticipation Of The Coming American Apocalypse, 2 Lawmakers Plan To Create ‘Christian Survivalist Centers’ In Rural Areas

A couple of lawmakers from South Carolina want to establish a network of self-sufficient communities in their state in preparation for “societal collapse”.  In the long-term, they hope to “train and equip one million neighborhood leaders” that will be able to establish “a fresh beginning for America” in the aftermath of the great crisis that is coming.  State Representatives Josiah Magnuson and Jonathon Hill are both relatively young, they were both home-schooled, and each of their fathers are pastors.  They are calling their dream the “Virtue Solution Project”, and they are examples of a new breed of American politician that recognizes that the system is failing and that we desperately need to return to the values that this nation was founded upon. (Read More...)

Why Does The Beast In ‘Beauty And The Beast’ Look Eerily Similar To Baphomet?

Beauty And The Beast Baphomet - FacebookDoes it upset anyone else that the “beast” in Disney’s new remake of “Beauty and the Beast” is a goat-man with very long horns that bears quite a resemblance to Baphomet? In Disney’s 1991 animated version of “Beauty and the Beast”, the “beast” looked very much like a gentle lion. There were a couple of small horns poking out of his head, but those could have easily been mistaken as tufts of hair. But this time around, the “beast” has been depicted as a hybrid goat-man that has enormous goat horns sticking out of his head. And of course anyone that is familiar with the occult knows that the most famous goat-man in the entire world is Baphomet – the official symbol of the Church of Satan. Could it be possible that the similarity between this “beast” and Baphomet is more than just a coincidence? (Read More...)

Many Young Adults Are Turning To Witchcraft As A Way To Rebel Against Their Conservative Christian Upbringings

Witchcraft Witch - Public DomainYoung adults in America are far less likely to identify themselves as “Christians” than previous generations of Americans, but that does not mean that they have given up on searching for spiritual meaning in their lives. According to Wikipedia, one very popular form of witchcraft known as Wicca has been growing at a rate of more than 100 percent annually in recent years, and this has been happening at a time when Christianity has been in decline in the United States. Of course other pagan and occult groups have been exploding in popularity as well, and as you will see below, one of the primary reasons for this is because many young adults are seeking ways to rebel against their conservative Christian upbringings. (Read More...)

Is Halloween Evil? Why Witches, Occultists And Satanists Celebrate Halloween And Why You Should Not

halloween-pumpkin-public-domainOn October 31st, most people will simply ignore the dark side of Halloween. The vast majority of the population will dress up in costumes, go to parties and eat candy without ever even considering where the holiday came from or what certain people are doing behind closed doors. But the truth is that Halloween night is one of the biggest nights of the year for witches, occultists and Satanists. All over America, those that are deep into the dark arts will be contacting the dead, casting spells and conducting blood sacrifices. As you will see below, there is a reason why animal shelters across the country ban the adoption of black cats this time of the year. But even our “innocent” Halloween traditions such as dressing up in costumes, “trick or treating” and carving jack-o’-lanterns all have their roots in ancient pagan practices. And every year the costumes for our young girls become even more sexually suggestive, the horror movies become even more demonic, and the public’s fascination with the occult just continues to grow. It truly is a festival of death, but most people don’t seem to care. In fact, experts are telling us that Halloween has now become America’s second biggest holiday. (Read More...)

Why Do So Many Preachers In America Refuse To Talk About Hell?

Hell Bridge - Public DomainWhen was the last time you heard a sermon about hell?  Just think about that for a moment.  Once upon a time in America, preachers all across the land regularly unleashed fiery sermons that directly confronted people with the reality of heaven and hell.  But today, that has completely changed.  In fact, there are some very well-known ministers in this country that purposely avoid ever using the word “hell” because it might offend someone.  It turns out that “happy church” can be a very lucrative business model, and many people seem to love the “me first” prosperity gospel that has infected virtually all of the major denominations at this point.  So there are countless messages about “blessing”, “breakthrough” and how God can make your life better, and very, very little preaching about sin, judgment, the cross and the urgency that we should feel to reach lost souls with the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Read More...)

Suicide Epidemic: Why Does The Number Of People Killing Themselves Just Keep Going Up?

Suicide - Public DomainDid you know that more Americans now die from suicide than are killed in car crashes each year?  According to the CDC, there has been a substantial spike in suicide deaths in the United States in recent years.  Today, approximately 9.3 million Americans admit to having suicidal thoughts, and approximately 2.7 million Americans each year actually make a plan for how they would commit suicide.  We are a deeply, deeply unhappy nation, but of course this phenomenon is not just limited to America.  According to the World Health Organization, suicide is now the third highest cause of death in the entire world.  Globally, suicide rates have soared by 60 percent over the past 45 years, and the WHO is now projecting that by the year 2020 someone will be committing suicide somewhere in the world every 20 seconds. (Read More...)

Was A Pro-Israel Messianic Jewish Christian The Primary Target Of The San Bernardino Shootings?

Nicholas Thalasinos - Photo from FacebookWhy is the mainstream media ignoring evidence that the primary reason why Sayed Farook and his wife went on a deadly shooting spree in San Bernardino, California was because Farook wanted to get revenge on a pro-Israel Messianic Jewish Christian co-worker? 52-year-old Nicholas Thalasinos had worked alongside Farook as an inspector for an extended period of time, and it is being reported that they would often have discussions about religion and politics. As you will see below, the two had been arguing about whether Islam was a peaceful religion or not, Farook had reportedly made threats to kill Thalasinos, and Farook had was quite insistent that Islam would someday “rule the world”. (Read More...)

Christians Are At War With One Another As Americans Leave The Church In Droves

War Peace - Public DomainChristianity is under attack from a thousand different directions all at once, and yet many believers have turned their guns on one another.  This war among Christians seems to intensify with each passing year, and believers are often fighting for some of the stupidest reasons you can possibly imagine.  Meanwhile, people are leaving our churches in droves and church attendance is way down.  This is especially true of younger Americans.  According to an incredible new report that was just released by the Pew Research Center, only 27 percent of all Millennials (U.S. adults born since 1990) attend religious services on a weekly basis.  When you go into many churches in America on Sunday mornings, all you see are “the greys”, and I am not talking about space aliens.  But instead of focusing on fixing what has gone wrong, many Christians (including a number of very prominent ministers) spend most of their energy savagely attacking their brothers and sisters in Christ.  This is absolutely disgraceful and it needs to stop. (Read More...)