Obama Is Using The Threat Of A UN Resolution That Would Divide The Land Of Israel To Blackmail Netanyahu

Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - Public Domain
Barack Obama has sunk to a new low.  He is using the threat of a UN Security Council resolution that would divide the land of Israel and give full UN recognition to a Palestinian state to blackmail Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Many had expected France to submit this resolution to the Security Council for a vote in September, but the French made it very clear that they were not going to go ahead unless they had U.S. approval.  So that means that all of the power is in Obama’s hands, and apparently he is not shy about using it as leverage in order to get what he wants.  And apparently one thing that Obama wants is for the Israeli government to keep any new settlement construction from happening in “Palestinian areas” of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. (Read More...)

Will The Discovery Of Huge Amounts Of Oil In Israel Lead To War In The Middle East?

Israeli Tank on the Golan HeightsBillions of barrels of oil have been discovered in Israel, and this discovery could essentially make Israel energy independent for many decades to come.  But there is just one problem.  This discovery was made in the Golan Heights.  If you are not familiar with the Golan Heights, it is an area that Israel took from Syria during the Six-Day War of 1967.  The government of Israel considers the Golan Heights to now be part of Israeli territory, but the United Nations does not recognize Israel’s claim.  Instead, the UN still recognizes Syrian sovereignty over that area.  So now that massive amounts of oil have been discovered there, what will this do to tensions in the region?  Could this discovery of oil help set the stage for World War III? (Read More...)

America Is Done: Only 29 Percent Of Americans Want To Cut Off Funding For Planned Parenthood

Tattered American Flag - Public DomainI recently came across one of the saddest statistics that I have ever seen in my entire life.  Less than a week ago, I was roaming around Denver International Airport and I decided to pick up a copy of USA Today and catch up with what was going on in the world.  As I read the paper, one particular story really grabbed my attention.  A poll had been taken to find out how Americans felt about potentially cutting off federal funding for Planned Parenthood.  I figured that it would be pretty close to 50/50, and considering all of the revelations that have come out in recent months I wouldn’t have even been surprised if a majority of Americans wanted to defund the organization.  Well, it turns out that the survey discovered that Americans are against cutting off federal funding for Planned Parenthood by a more than two to one margin.  Here is an excerpt from that USA Today article(Read More...)

A UN Resolution Setting The Parameters For A Palestinian State Is Still In Play

Jerusalem Wire Fence - Public DomainBecause nothing happened in the days immediately following the start of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly on September 15th, most people seem to think that we are not going to see a UN resolution formally recognizing a Palestinian state any time soon.  But according to the Jerusalem Post, such a resolution is still very much in play.  France is still very much interested in introducing such a resolution, but they are not going to do it unless they have the support of the United States.  In other words, the fate of a UN resolution setting the parameters for a Palestinian state is in the hands of Barack Obama. (Read More...)

In New York, Pope Francis Embraced Chrislam And Laid A Foundation For A One World Religion

Pope Francis - Public DomainRemarks made by Pope Francis at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan have sparked a firestorm of criticism from those that do not believe that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.  Many have taken the Pope’s remarks as a major step in the direction of a one world religion, and the truth is that the Pope has made other such statements in the past.  In recent years, the theory that Christianity and Islam are just two distinct paths to God among many others has rapidly gained traction all over the planet.  Some religious leaders have even gone so far as to try to merge Islamic and Christian practices, and the term “Chrislam” is now often used to describe this ecumenical movement.  If all this sounds incredibly strange to you, just keep reading, because this is just the tip of the iceberg. (Read More...)

September 25, 2015: The UN Launches A ‘New Universal Agenda’ For Humanity

Puzzle Last Piece - Public DomainOne of the biggest steps toward a one world government that we have ever seen is happening this week, and yet barely anyone is even talking about it.  In fact, it is even being called a “new universal Agenda” for humanity.  Those are not my words – those are the words that the United Nations is using.  If you don’t believe this, just go look at the official document for this new UN agenda.  You won’t have to read very far.  The phrase “new universal Agenda” is right near the end of the preamble.  Officially, the name of this ambitious new program is “the 2030 Agenda“, and it is being hyped as a way to get the whole world to work together to make life better for all of us.  And a lot of the goals of this new agenda are very admirable.  For example, who wouldn’t want to end global poverty?  But as you look deeper into what the UN is trying to do, you find some very disturbing things. (Read More...)

The September 28 Blood Supermoon, The Ring Of Fire And The Coming Great Japan Earthquake

Blood Moon - Public DomainOn September 28th, we will witness the last of the four blood moons that fall on Biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015.  This blood moon will be a “supermoon” and it will be clearly visible from the city of Jerusalem.  According to Google, a supermoon is “the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth.”  In recent years, there have been some that have suggested that there is a link between supermoons and increased seismic activity on our planet.  But others have written articles that claim to debunk this theory.  Personally, I have read what both sides of the argument have to say, and I do not know which side of the argument is correct.  But what I do know is that seismic activity along the Ring of Fire has picked up dramatically in recent years.   (Read More...)

September 23, 2015: Why Are So Many Warning That This Date Is An Extremely Significant Deadline?

September 23, 2015 - Public DomainOver the past year or so, there has been an unprecedented amount of buzz on the Internet about the month of September 2015.  And of all the days during that month, no date has gotten more attention than the date of September 23rd.  So precisely what will happen on September 23, 2015?  Well, we do know that it is Yom Kippur – the most solemn of all the festival days that we find in the Scriptures.  September 23rd is also the last day of the summer, and as I have discussed previously, it is when Pope Francis will be arriving at the White House to meet with Barack Obama.  Other than that, I do not know of any specific major event that either will or will not happen on that day, but I do believe that September 23rd is going to be extremely significant. (Read More...)