We Now Have Scientific Proof That People Are Getting Stupider

Brain - Public DomainAre people dumber than they used to be?  Were previous generations mentally sharper than us?  You may have suspected that people are getting stupider for quite some time, but now we actually have scientific evidence that this is the case.  As you will read about below, average IQs are dropping all over the globe, SAT scores in the U.S. have been declining for decades, and scientists have even discovered that our brains have been getting smaller over time.  So if it seems on some days like you woke up in the middle of the movie “Idiocracy”, you might not be too far off.  Much of the stuff that they put in our junk food is not good for brain development, our education system is a total joke and most Americans are absolutely addicted to mindless entertainment.  Fortunately we have a lot of technology that does much of our thinking for us these days, because if we had to depend on our own mental capabilities most of us would be in a tremendous amount of trouble. (Read More...)

Why Does The U.S. Government Have An ‘Office Of Population Affairs’?

Population Control - Public DomainDid you know that the federal government has an “Office of Population Affairs”?  I didn’t realize this either until someone sent me a link to their website.  The Office of Population Affairs operates under the umbrella of the Department of Health & Human Services, and it might as well be called “The Office of Population Control” because almost everything on the website is about controlling or reducing the size of the population.  On the site you can find information and resources about abortion, female sterilization, male sterilization and a vast array of contraceptive choices.  There is even a search engine where you can find a local “family planning clinic” where you can get rid of any “unintended pregnancy” that may be bothering you.  Frankly, it sickens me to think that my tax dollars are being used to fund all of this. (Read More...)

Mass Incarceration: 21 Amazing Facts About America’s Obsession With Prison

They Will Lock You Up To If They Get The Chance - Photo by BarnellbeNobody in the world loves locking people behind bars as much as Americans do.  We have more people in prison than any other nation on the planet.  We also have a higher percentage of our population locked up than anyone else does by a very large margin.  But has all of this imprisonment actually made us safer?  Well, the last time I checked, crime was still wildly out of control in America and for the most recent year that we have numbers for violent crime was up 15 percent.  The number of people that we have locked up has quadrupled since 1980, but this is not solving any of our problems.  Clearly, what we are doing is not working. (Read More...)

The Ten Plagues That Are Hitting America Right Now

10 PlaguesWhy are so many plagues hitting the United States all of a sudden?  Yes, one can always point out bad stuff that is happening somewhere in the country, but right now we are facing a nightmarish combination of crippling drought, devastating wildfires, disastrous viruses, dying crops and superbugs that scientists don’t know how to kill.  And as you will see, we even have a plague of flies down in Mississippi.  So what in the world is going on?  Is this just a case of bad luck, or is something else happening?  At the conclusion of this article, please feel free to tell me what you think.  The following are ten plagues that are hitting America right now… (Read More...)

Red Heifer Discovered! – Major Obstacle To The Rebuilding Of The Jewish Temple Removed

Red Heifer - YouTubeUp until now, one of the major barriers to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem has been the lack of a red heifer.  A qualified red heifer has not been seen in the land of Israel for nearly two thousand years, and without one it would not be possible to resume Temple worship.  But now a candidate has been found that could change everything.  The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has released stunning video footage of a red heifer that they believe meets the Biblical requirements.  This red heifer was born in the United States, and the owners of the red heifer contacted the Temple Institute in order to receive instructions about how to care for it.  It is hoped that this red heifer will eventually be transported to the land of Israel and be used for the purification of the priests and the vessels that will be used in a rebuilt Jewish Temple. (Read More...)

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: We Are Literally Filling Up The Pacific Ocean With Plastic

Great Pacific Garbage Patch - Public DomainWe are starting to see that there are very serious consequences for filling up our oceans with massive amounts of plastic that never biodegrades.  In fact, this is one of the greatest environmental disasters of all time and yet you rarely hear it talked about.  Virtually every molecule of plastic ever created still exists somewhere, and we all use things made out of plastic every single day.  But have you ever stopped to think about what happens to all of that plastic?  Well, the truth is that a lot of it ends up in our oceans.  In fact, humanity produces approximately 200 billion pounds of plastic every year, and about 10 percent of that total ends up in our oceans.  In other words, we are slowly but steadily filling up our oceans with our garbage.  In the North Pacific Ocean, there is a vast area where so much plastic has collected that it has become known as “the Great Pacific Garbage Patch” and as “the Pacific Trash Vortex”.  This “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” stretches from Hawaii to Japan, and it has been estimated to be larger than the entire continental United States.  It contains more than 100 million tons of plastic, and every single year it gets even larger. (Read More...)

Of Course Obama’s Amnesty Was Going To Cause A Massive Spike In Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration BillboardSome of us tried to warn that this would happen.  When you create incentives for people to come to the United States illegally, of course that is exactly what they are going to do.  In recent months, many political observers have breathlessly been watching to see if “amnesty” for illegal immigrants will get through Congress.  But as you will see below, the truth is that Barack Obama has already created a de facto policy of amnesty for most illegal immigrants, and word about it has spread quickly throughout Mexico, central America and South America.  If you are an illegal immigrant living in America and you haven’t been convicted of a crime, you are probably going to get to stay.  And if you would like to illegally immigrate to the United States, if you get blocked from entering a few times it is not that big of a deal.  You just keep trying until you finally get in.  And once you are successful, there are a whole host of “goodies” that you can sign up for – especially if you go to one of the “sanctuary cities” that Obama steadfastly refuses to crack down on.  In fact, the federal government actually has a website that instructs immigrants how to sign up for welfare programs once they arrive in the United States, and the Obama administration has actually distributed flyers that inform illegal immigrants that their immigration status will not be checked when they apply for food stamps.  So we shouldn’t be surprised at the massive influx of illegal immigrants that we are experiencing right now.  This is a problem of our own creation. (Read More...)

This Is What Happens When Young Men Are Taught That Scoring With Women Is The Ultimate Goal In Life

Elliot RodgerElliot Rodger is a horrifying example of how badly we have failed young men in America.  You see, the truth is that his obsession with sex and losing his virginity did not come out of nowhere.  Rather, it was the result of being constantly immersed in a sex-obsessed culture for the past 22 years.  In America today, our young men are constantly being bombarded with sexual messages in advertising, in television shows, in video games, in movies and on the Internet.  They are literally being trained to believe that scoring with women is the ultimate goal in life.  So we should not be surprised when their behavior reflects this underlying philosophy.  Of course very few of our young men become mass murderers like Elliot Rodger, but the crisis that we are facing is much broader than that.  The obsession with illicit sex that our young men have is destroying millions upon millions of lives, it is spreading sexually transmitted diseases like wildfire, and it is a huge factor in the decline of the American family. (Read More...)