What In The World Has Happened To Our System Of Education?

Our kids can’t really read very well.  And it turns out that they aren’t very good at math either.  But those running our system of education continue to tell us that they are doing a wonderful job.  If they just had more funding, they insist, our test scores would go way up.  Of course that is complete and utter nonsense.  Our system of public eduction was a failure back when I was in school many years ago, and it is much worse now.  At this point, only about one-third of all U.S. students in the fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades are proficient in reading(Read More...)

Let’s Talk About The Current State Of Public Education In The United States

America’s public schools have never been worse than they are right now.  Test scores are falling, and many of our kids cannot read, write, speak or do basic math effectively.  As a result, each level of education has had to be “dumbed down”, because each year the next incoming class has been woefully unprepared at the previous level.  This is one of the big reasons why many tests these days require only answers that are true/false or multiple choice.  Our kids are simply not equipped to handle much more than that.  Sadly, this is true even at the college level.  I spent eight years earning three degrees at a couple of the best public institutions in America, and the level of education that I received was exceedingly poor.  Even at that time, the family pet could have passed most of the “college courses” that I was forced to endure.  Of course things have only gotten far worse since then. (Read More...)

29 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education In America Is A Giant Money Making Scam

College Graduates By Kit from Pittsburgh, USACollege education in the United States has become a cruel joke.  We endlessly push our high school kids to invest tens of thousands of dollars and at least four years of their lives to get a college education because they won’t have any sort of a “future” without it.  So they sign up for decades of debt slavery and spend years listening to pompous windbags fill their heads with utter nonsense.  The sad truth is that most college courses are a total joke and they do very little to actually prepare those students for the real world.  I know – I attended public universities in the United States for eight years.  Most college courses are so easy that the family dog could pass them.  When they finally graduate, our young people discover that they were lied to all along.  The promised “good jobs” are not there for most of them, but the huge debts that they committed themselves to will follow them around permanently.  When you are just starting out and you are not making a lot of money, having to make payments on tens of thousands of dollars of student loan debt can be absolutely crippling.  This is why I say that college education in America is a giant money making scam.  Our young people are seduced by the idea of college being a five year party that will provide an automatic ticket into the middle class, but the reality is that the only guarantee is that it is a ticket to serfdom unless you have wealthy parents that are willing to foot the bill for you.  And bankruptcy laws have been changed to make it incredibly difficult to get rid of student loan debt, so once you have signed up for student loan debt slavery you are basically faced with two choices: either you are going to pay it or you are going to die with it. (Read More...)

35 Shocking Facts That Prove That College Education Has Become A Giant Money Making Scam

College education in America is a bad joke.  Instead of preparing the next generation of leaders for the jobs of tomorrow, the college education “industry” has become a giant money making scam.  We constantly preach to our high school students that they “need” to go to college and we tell them to not even worry about how much it is going to cost because a college education is “always” worth the money.  Then we lend them outrageous amounts of money so that they can pay the gigantic bills for the “education” that they are receiving.  But the truth is that the quality of education at America’s colleges and universities is absolutely abysmal these days.  I spent 8 years at U.S. universities, and most of the courses that I took could have been passed by the family dog.  Sadly, once our young people graduate they quickly discover that there are way too many college graduates and not nearly enough good jobs.  Today, we have millions upon millions of young Americans that are enslaved to student loan debt for the rest of their lives.  They were promised a bright future, but instead most of them are discovering that they are going to be working really hard to pay off financial predators for decades to come.  Unfortunately, for most college graduates a diploma is simply a ticket to a crappy job and a lifetime of debt slavery. (Read More...)

College Education?: Shocking New Research Proves That Our College Students Are Learning Next To Nothing

Have you ever wondered what all those college students are actually learning?  Well, according to one shocking new study, they are apparently not learning much at all.  According to very extensive research detailed in a new book entitled “Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses”, 45 percent of U.S. college students exhibit “no significant gains in learning” after two years in college.  For many Americans, a statistic like that comes as a complete shock, but for anyone that has spent much time in or around U.S. colleges lately this should not come as much of a surprise.  This new research also found that today’s students spend approximately 50% less time studying than U.S. college students did just a few decades ago.  What this research shows is what many of us have known for a long time – that the quality of college education in the United States today is a complete and total joke. (Read More...)

16 Shocking Facts About The Student Loan Debt Bubble And The Great College Education Scam

As you read this, there are over 18 million students enrolled at the nearly 5,000 colleges and universities currently in operation across the United States.  Many of these institutions of higher learning are now charging $20,000, $30,000 or even $40,000 a year for tuition and fees.  That does not even count living expenses.  Today it is 400% more expensive to go to college in the United States than it was just 30 years ago.  Most of these 18 million students have been told over and over that a “higher education” is the key to getting a good job and living the American Dream.  They have been told not to worry about how much it costs and that there is plenty of financial aid (mostly made up of loans) available.  Now our economy is facing the biggest student loan debt bubble in the history of the world, and when our new college graduates enter the “real world” they are finding out that the good jobs they were promised are very few and far between.  As millions of Americans wake up and start realizing that the tens of thousands of dollars that they have poured into their college educations was mostly a waste, will the great college education scam finally be exposed? (Read More...)

8 Extremely Unusual Events That Will Happen During The Month Of April

When is the last time that there was so much buzz about one month?  As we enter April, there is so much anticipation in the air, and it isn’t just because of the Great American Eclipse on April 8th.  In recent days, I have heard from so many people that feel like something really big is about to happen.  I can feel it too.  It is almost as if we are all holding our breath as we wait for the next shoe to drop.  Chaos is threatening to erupt all over the globe, and meanwhile signs in the heavens are literally screaming at us to pay attention.  The following are 8 extremely unusual events that will happen during the month of April… (Read More...)

The Guy That Could Replace Putin Warns That War With The West Would Result In An “Apocalypse” And “The End To Everything”

The Russians have warned us over and over again that they will use nuclear weapons if they are forced into a direct war with western powers.  So why are most western leaders not taking those threats seriously?  Ukraine is not worth fighting a nuclear war over.  Both sides would be wise to try to find a peaceful resolution while it is still possible to do so.  But instead, we continue to see escalation after escalation.  In particular, the Biden administration seems determined to see how close it can go without pushing things completely over the edge.  This is very foolish, because the Russians are very serious about fighting a nuclear war if they are pushed too far. (Read More...)