Why Threaten North Korea And China? Would Obama Start A War To Stay In Office?

Obama In The Oval Office - Public DomainIs Barack Obama trying to start a war, and will that war be used as an excuse to stay in office once his term is over?  Late in his second term, Obama is starting to become extremely aggressive with the rest of the world.  He just angered China by sailing an aircraft carrier task force past disputed islands in the South China Sea, he is provoking North Korea by simulating an invasion of that nation during a military exercise that is going to involve more than 300,000 troops, and he is backing Saudi Arabia and Turkey as they make moves that could very well start World War III in the Middle East.  If a war did begin, that could give Obama the excuse that he needs to exercise his emergency powers, and that could potentially include suspending the election that is scheduled for November. (Read More...)

Coming Soon? This Is What Would Happen If A 9.0 Earthquake Hit The Cascadia Subduction Zone…

Cascadia Earthquake Zone - Public DomainIf you live in the Pacific Northwest, you have probably already heard of the Cascadia Subduction Zone.  It is where the Juan de Fuca plate meets the North American plate, and it stretches approximately 700 miles from northern Vancouver Island all the way down to northern California.  This subduction zone is capable of producing far more powerful earthquakes than the much more famous San Andreas fault in southern California, and scientists tell us that it is only a matter of time before another continent-killing earthquake hits this area.  And when it does hit, it will be far worse than any other natural disaster that the United States has ever seen up to this point. (Read More...)

Take This Test To See If Most Americans Would Consider You To Be A ‘Religious Extremist’

Question Mark Road Sign - Public DomainAre you a religious extremist?  For years, world leaders have been endlessly proclaiming that we need to eradicate “extremism”, but what actually is “extremism”?  Many would point to the ISIS jihadists over in the Middle East that are beheading people that don’t agree with them as examples of religious extremists, and I think that very few people would argue with that.  But our politicians (especially the liberal ones) rarely use the term “Islamic terrorists” anymore.  Instead, they tend to use the term “religious extremists”, and that has a much, much broader connotation.  In fact, if you are a Bible-believing Christian, you are probably included in that category. (Read More...)

49 Countries Met In Brussels Earlier This Month To Discuss A Ground Invasion Of Syria

War 2016 - Public DomainHave the U.S government, Saudi Arabia and their allies been secretly plotting a massive ground invasion of Syria?  Earlier this month, defense ministers from 49 countries gathered at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium to talk about what to do in Syria.  As you will see below, Saudi Arabia’s defense minister is now admitting that a ground invasion was discussed at this meeting.  Of course the goal of any invasion would be regime change in Syria, and that is something that the Syrian army, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia are simply not going to allow.  So what the U.S. government, Saudi Arabia and their allies are contemplating could literally be the spark that sets off World War III. (Read More...)

Mitt Romney To Enter The Race? The Establishment’s Secret Plan B To Steal The Nomination From Trump

Mitt Romney - Photo by Mark TaylorIs Mitt Romney about to enter the race for the Republican nomination?  As I have written about repeatedly, the Republican establishment is absolutely desperate to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.  If it comes to it, they will move heaven and earth to make sure that he is defeated – even if that means Hillary Clinton wins the election.  Right now, Trump has won three of the first four contests on the schedule, and he is projected to win almost every state on Super Tuesday.  This would put him on a clear path toward winning the nomination, and so establishment insiders are in full-blown panic mode.  At this point, two different plans are being put forward for how to proceed if Trump continues to roll.  One is to have Marco Rubio exit the race so that Mitt Romney can run against Trump, and the other is to run a third party candidate against Trump and Clinton in the fall. (Read More...)

13 Bald Eagles Found Dead In Maryland Related To The Death Of Justice Scalia On February 13th?

Bald Eagle American Flag - Public DomainIt is a fact that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died on February 13th.  It is also a fact that 13 bald eagles were found dead near Federalsburg, Maryland this past weekend.  Could it be possible that those two events are related?  The bald eagle is both the national bird and the national animal of the United States, and it appears on our Great Seal.  And of course there were 13 states when the U.S. Constitution was originally ratified, and Maryland was one of those states.  So some are suggesting that these 13 dead bald eagles are a sign that the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia represented the beginning of the end for the U.S. Constitution.  Others are suggesting that they may be a sign of the death of America as a whole.  When I first heard about this mass death of bald eagles I didn’t think too much of it, but the more I looked into it, the more amazing the supposed “coincidences” became. (Read More...)

100 Foot Asteroid Could Pass Earth 20 Times Closer Than The Moon At 34,000 MPH On March 7th

Meteor Impact - Public DomainDid you know that a huge asteroid is scheduled to make a “close shave” with our planet on March 7th?  This asteroid is known as “2013 TX68”, and it is estimated to be anywhere from 80 to 170 feet in length.  Most news reports are saying that it is 100 feet long.  Scientists are telling us that they are not certain exactly how close this giant space rock will come, and that is rather unsettling.  They say that it could come within roughly 1/20th the distance from the Earth to the moon, or that it could pass by millions of miles away.  Because the orbit of this huge asteroid is unpredictable, they tell us that they don’t really know what will happen, but they insist that it will not hit us.  If it does pass us at 1/20th the distance from the Earth to the moon, that would be about half as far up as many of our communications satellites.  That would be incredibly close, and many are wondering what may happen if our scientists are just slightly off in their calculations. (Read More...)

Chinese Exports Plunge 11.2 Percent As Economic Activity Continues To Collapse All Over The Planet

Cargo Ship - Public DomainIf the global economy is in fine shape, then why does all of the hard data tell us that global trade is absolutely collapsing?  The Baltic Dry Index has fallen below 300 for the first time ever, and export numbers are way down for almost every major exporting nation on the entire planet.  As you will see below, this includes China.  The Chinese account for more global trade than anyone else, and so the fact that their imports and their exports are both collapsing precipitously is a huge red flag.  When less stuff is being bought and sold and shipped around the world, that tells us that the “real economy” is contracting.  Tremendous efforts are being made to try to prop up financial markets all over the globe right now, but in the end those efforts are going to prove to be rather futile.  The global economy is clearly plunging into recession, and at this point it is becoming exceedingly difficult for even the most optimistic economic analysts to deny this reality. (Read More...)