Does ‘Putin’s Brain’ Believe That The United States Is The Kingdom Of Antichrist?

Alexander DuginAlexander Dugin, the man known as “Putin’s Brain“, believes that the U.S.-led New World Order is the “kingdom of the Antichrist” and that it is inevitable that it will be destroyed someday.  His version of Neo-Eurasianism envisions an inevitable conflict between Eurasia (dominated by Russia) and the Atlanticist New World Order of the western world during which the forces of global liberal hegemony will be defeated.  In simpler terms, he is fundamentally convinced that someday there will be a major war between Russia and the United States which Russia will win.  Before you dismiss Dugin as a “nutjob”, you should be aware that he is a professor at the top university in Russia, he is a frequent guest on all of the top Russian television networks, and his books are extremely influential.  Dugin’s writing about Eurasia was making waves long before Putin took office or ever came up with the idea for a “Eurasian Union“.  If you want to be honest about it, much of what Putin is promoting now had its genesis in the work of Alexander Dugin. (Read More...)

Obama’s War On Coal Is Going To Kill Jobs And Sent Electricty Rates ‘Skyrocketing’

The General James M. Gavin coal plant on the Ohio RiverWhen Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he stated that under his plan “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”.  Well, now it looks like he is finally getting around to keeping his promise.  New EPA rules that are designed to cripple the coal industry could send electricity rates soaring by up to 40 percent in many rural areas.  And even though we have enough coal in the ground to provide hundreds of years of energy at current levels of consumption, Obama’s plan is going to force large numbers of coal plants to completely shut down because they are simply going to become too expensive to operate.  If Americans living in rural communities didn’t care for Obama before, they really are not going to like him much when these new EPA regulations start kicking in. (Read More...)

Kim Kardashian’s Wedding, Kids React To Old Computers, And A Cat Plays Jenga

Kids React To Old ComputersThe disconnect between what Americans should care about and what Americans actually do care about is really quite frightening.  You see, the truth is that far more Americans are drawn to articles with headlines such as the one above than to news stories that actually talk about substantive issues of real importance.  Don’t worry – if you came here hoping to see Kim Kardashian’s wedding dress or kids reacting to old computers, you will get to see those things below.  But in this article I am also going to discuss some of the hard issues that most of the people in our entertainment-addicted society usually ignore.  You see, it is a crying shame that Americans know more about Kim Kardashian than they do about the Federal Reserve.  It is a crying shame that a video about a cat playing Jenga can go viral while the systematic destruction of our most basic freedoms and liberties is virtually ignored by a deeply apathetic society.  My hope is that we can start to wake up a lot more people, because time is running out. (Read More...)

The Incredible Shrinking U.S. Military

Barack Obama waves to U.S. troops at Bagram Air Field in AfghanistanBy the end of this decade, the U.S. Army will be the smallest that it has been since World War II, the U.S. Navy will be the smallest that it has been since World War I, and the U.S. Air Force will have gotten nearly 500 planes smaller.  Without a doubt, the U.S. military has not been used wisely in recent years, but the world is not becoming a more stable place.  The threat of war appears to be greater than it has been in a very long time, and yet the Obama administration seems obsessed with gutting our national defenses.  So exactly what is Obama’s agenda anyway?  In a world that is getting crazier with each passing day, why would he want to steadily shrink the size of the U.S. military? (Read More...)

The Obama Administration Wants Gun Owners To Wear RFID Tracking Bracelets?

Obama, Biden, HolderAttorney General Eric Holder says that gun owners in the United States could eventually be forced to wear RFID tracking bracelets.  In fact, in recent testimony in front of Congress he gave the impression that this was something that the Obama administration has been thinking about for quite a long time.  Holder seems to think that this would advance the cause of “gun safety” and that gun owners wouldn’t mind having an RFID microchip tracking their every movement.  Apparently he does not know gun owners very well, because most of the gun owners that I know would be extremely resistant to the idea of being “chipped”.  But this is yet another example of how the Obama administration plans to erode Second Amendment rights.  They want to put up as many obstacles as possible to owning and using guns. (Read More...)

Shocking Video Of World Leaders Wearing The Symbol Of The Pyramid At Major International Meeting

All-Seeing EyeDuring the Nuclear Security Summit, which was held on March 24th and 25th in the Netherlands, Reuters captured video of presidents and prime ministers from all over the world wearing a very peculiar pyramid-shaped pin.  Those that have studied secret societies and the occult know that the unholy pyramid is a very dark symbol that represents some of the deepest secrets of the elite.  When it shows up in a very public forum like an international summit meeting, it is usually not by accident.  As I will discuss below, thanks to Freemasons we even find this highly occult symbol on the back of all one dollar bills.  Of course the cover story is that all of these world leaders were wearing pyramids to support “nuclear security”, kind of like if you want to support breast cancer you pin a little pink ribbon to your jacket.  And you never know – perhaps that is all that this was.  But when I watched this video for the first time my jaw just about hit the floor. (Read More...)

Why Are Dozens Of High Ranking Officers Being Purged From The U.S. Military?

Aerial View Of The Pentagon - Photo by Mariordo Camila Ferreira and Mario DuranSince Barack Obama has been in the White House, high ranking military officers have been removed from their positions at a rate that is absolutely unprecedented.  Things have gotten so bad that a number of retired generals are publicly speaking out about the “purge” of the U.S. military that they believe is taking place.  As you will see below, dozens of highly decorated military leaders have been dismissed from their positions over the past few years.  So why is this happening?  When I was growing up, my father was an officer in the U.S. Navy.  And what is going on right now is absolutely crazy – especially during a time of peace.  Is there a deliberate attempt to “reshape” the military and remove those that don’t adhere to the proper “viewpoints”?  Does someone out there feel a need to get officers that won’t “cooperate” out of the way?  Throughout world history, whatever comes next after a “military purge” is never good.  If this continues, what is the U.S. military going to look like in a few years? (Read More...)

In Detroit, Heroin Is Being Sold Directly In Front Of Public Schools While Kids Wait For Their Buses

Cass Tech High School - Photo by Mike RussellHow would you feel if you found out that heroin was being sold in broad daylight in front of the school that your child was attending?  Well, that is precisely what is happening up in Detroit.  When one of my readers told me that heroin was being sold directly in front of the high school in Detroit that he graduated from, I could hardly believe it.  But as you are about to see, it is true.  Hidden cameras have captured footage of heroin deals going down directly in front of Cass Tech High School in Detroit while kids were waiting for their buses.  We are starting to see more and more of this kind of thing all over the nation.  What makes this even more tragic is that a major investigation has discovered that the U.S. government has actually been allowing the largest drug cartel in Mexico to import their drugs into this country in exchange for “information”.  So that means that government officials have been selling out our kids just to get some “intelligence” on other cartels.  And it is also common knowledge that some of the biggest banks in the world have been systematically laundering money for the drug lords.  This is why we can’t win “the war on drugs” – the U.S. government and the big banks are often working for the other side. (Read More...)