This Is The Reason Why The Left Hates Mike And Karen Pence With A Passion…

Mike Pence is the most hated vice-president in modern American history, and mountains of abuse have been heaped upon his wife Karen Pence.  The left hates them with a passion, and the reason they are hated so much is actually very simple.  It is because they are Bible-believing Christians.  In America today, there is so much fuss about the political rancor between “the right” and “the left”, but what we are facing in this country is so much deeper than that.  In reality, we are in the midst of a culture war that has been raging for decades, and the anti-Christian worldview that the left espouses has been winning that war.  But now Donald Trump and Mike Pence are attempting to reverse the tide of the battle, and this is driving the left nuts.  And even though Mike Pence is a very mild-mannered individual, celebrities such as Lady Gaga and Joy Behar have made national headlines by viciously attacking his Christian faith. (Read More...)

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Freaks Out The Mainstream Media By Saying That God “Wanted Donald Trump To Become President”

Isn’t it nice to have a press secretary in the White House that is not afraid to speak the truth?  Sarah Sanders has an extremely tough job, and she has done it with dignity and grace.  And in her position it would be really easy to attempt to be as “politically-correct” as possible, but she has not done that.  She is not afraid to get into intense exchanges with reporters from the top news networks, and she has never been shy when it comes to speaking about her faith.  And during one recent interview, she really freaked out the mainstream media by stating that she believes that God “wanted Donald Trump to become president”.  The following is a portion of her exchange with CBN’s David Brody(Read More...)

A Company That Will “Fill Your Veins With The Blood Of Young People” Has Opened 5 Clinics In The United States

If it would add a decade to your life, would you allow the blood of young people to be injected into your veins?  I understand that this may sound very strange to you, but the truth is that interest in this sort of “anti-aging therapy” has surged among the elite in recent years.  And now a company called Ambrosia has opened clinics in five major U.S. cities where you can actually have “youthful blood” injected directly into your veins.  But it isn’t cheap.  According to Jesse Karmazin, the founder of Ambrosia, having one liter of young blood injected into you will cost $8,000 and getting two liters of young blood will set you back $12,000(Read More...)

3 Pictures That Show How Much America Has Changed Since The Old Days

What would our founders think if they could see us today?  Every great civilization throughout human history eventually entered a period of decline, and we continue to get more evidence every single day that America’s decline is accelerating.  But even though I am constantly writing about this stuff, I was absolutely stunned when I first saw the photo above.  If Kyrsten Sinema had shown up on the floor of the U.S. Senate looking like that in the old days, she would have been immediately hauled away.  But today, apparently it is perfectly acceptable for America’s first bisexual senator to parade around the Senate floor looking like a prostitute.  Quite a few conservatives have remarked that she looked like the character that Julia Roberts played in Pretty Woman, but in my opinion that is being way too kind. (Read More...)

The Democrats And The Mainstream Media Are Gloating As If They Had Just Won The Super Bowl

The government shutdown is over, Roger Stone has been arrested, and the left is having a field day on social media.  And even though we could have another government shutdown in just 3 weeks, the Democrats and the mainstream media are acting as if they had just won the lottery, the World Series and the Super Bowl all on the same day.  Of course we would expect those on the left to openly celebrate after the stunning turn of events that we witnessed on Friday, but what has been surprising is how eagerly the mainstream media has joined in on the celebration.  Over and over again, reporters are gleefully using the word “caved” to describe what just happened.  For example, the following comes from a CNN article entitled Donald Trump caved. And now the government is going to re-open.”(Read More...)

If President Trump Tries To Declare A National Emergency To Build The Wall, The Democrats Plan To Use Lawsuits To Keep It From Ever Being Built

President Trump has repeatedly floated the idea of declaring a national emergency in order to pave the way for the wall to be built, and it is now being reported that the White House has actually drawn up a draft proclamation to be used if Trump decides to go in that direction.  But there is a very strong reason why he hasn’t pulled the trigger on such a move yet.  If Trump tries to make an end run around Congress in this manner, the Democrats plan to immediately take him to court.  That would mean construction of the wall would be tied up in the court system for years, and if Trump lost in 2020 it would never happen at all. (Read More...)