50 Actual College Course Titles That Prove That America’s Universities Are Training Our College Students To Be Socialists

What in the world are they teaching to our young people?  As you go through the list of college course titles below, I am sure that many of you will be completely shocked.  Most parents assume that they are sending their children to college to get prepared for their future careers, but the truth is that a lot of our major colleges and universities have become little more than indoctrination centers for progressive thought.  Our college students are literally being systematically trained to be socialists, and it is working.  According to a brand new Harris Poll that was just released, 37.2 percent of all Americans “prefer living in a socialist country”.  But for Millennials and Generation Z combined, that figure is 49.6 percent.  That means that essentially half of our young adults want to be socialists, and that has enormous implications for the future of our society. (Read More...)

Deadbeat Nation: 37 Million Credit Card Accounts In The U.S. Are “Seriously Delinquent” Right Now

Is the consumer debt bubble finally starting to burst?  If the latest numbers on delinquent credit card accounts are any indication, that appears to be precisely what is happening.  As I noted the other day, Americans currently have 480 million credit cards, and they are carrying 870 billion dollars worth of balances on those cards.  That is one giant pile of debt, but there won’t be a problem as long as the vast majority of Americans regularly make their credit card payments.  Unfortunately, the number of credit card accounts that are delinquent has been steadily rising, and now we are being told that the number of “seriously delinquent” accounts has shot up to 37 million(Read More...)


Is this a sign of what is coming for the rest of the nation?  In Martin County, Kentucky times are very tough right now.  Thanks to severe budget cutbacks, there are only two paid law enforcement officers covering a deeply impoverished 231-square-mile area that sits right in the heart of America’s raging opioid crisis.  Needless to say, Martin County Sheriff John Kirk feels greatly outnumbered by the thieves, sexual predators and drug dealers that he has to contend with on a daily basis, and he recently issued a very ominous warning to the citizens of his county(Read More...)

Is This Legal? Official Copies Of The Mueller Report Are Being Sold Online, And The Release Date Listed Is “March 26”

Can this possibly be legal?  Somebody apparently thinks so, because copies of the Mueller report are being offered for sale online right now, and according to the pre-order announcement the release date is going to be “March 26”.  As a former attorney, I have no idea how anyone can legally do this.  As I have documented previously, when Mueller is done with his report he is supposed to submit it to Attorney General William Barr, and then it will be up to Barr to determine how much of the report, if any, will be made available to the public.  I suppose that it is possible that Barr has already agreed to release the full report to the public at the end of this month, but I find it difficult to believe that it would have been kept so quiet.  To me, something is not right about all of this. (Read More...)

Will 5G Cell Phone Technology Lead To Dramatic Population Reduction As Large Numbers Of Men Become Sterile?

I know that the title of this article is controversial, but the scientific research that has been done in this area inevitably leads us to some conclusions that are inescapable.  Our current cell phone technology produces electromagnetic radiation that damages male fertility, and the radiation produced by the new 5G technology will be much more powerful and therefore much more dangerous.  But most people don’t know about this.  Instead, most people are greatly looking forward to the rollout of 5G technology because it will be up to 100 times faster than our current 4G technology, and who wouldn’t want that?  The big cell phone companies will be spending hundreds of billions of dollars to install hundreds of thousands of new 5G antennas, and every single one of those antennas will be constantly emitting very powerful electromagnetic radiation.  Since we can’t see the radiation, to many people the threat does not seem real, but the truth is that if you live in a major urban area you are constantly being bombarded by it.  And once the new 5G network is completely rolled out, you would literally have to live in the middle of nowhere to get away from it completely. (Read More...)

Denver Airport installs a talking gargoyle that says “Welcome to the Illuminati Headquarters, I mean, Denver International Airport!”

Denver International Airport has just installed a brand new animatronic talking gargoyle statue that is making fun of the “conspiracy theories” about the airport.  As you can see in this video, the animatronic statue is incredibly lifelike, and it must have cost a fortune to create.  The airport claims that the goal is to get more people to travel through Denver, but the truth is that when you are booking a flight there really isn’t much choice.  Denver is one of the main national hubs for air traffic, and I have personally changed plans there countless times.  Nobody is going to add extra time to their flight plans just to go through Denver if they don’t need to do so.  In the end, this sort of a promotion is very funny, but it isn’t going to change consumer behavior.  So is there something else going on?  Could it be possible that they are attempting to use humor to mask what is really going on at the airport? (Read More...)