Gangs In Chicago Reportedly Agree To Use Snipers And Automatic Weapons Against The Police

Chicago - Public DomainIs the city of Chicago about to see a wave of unprecedented chaos and violence? The facts that I am about to share with you may seem fantastical at first glance, but they come from the Chicago police and they are being reported by the mainstream media. According to authorities, at a recent gathering of major gangs in the city it was agreed that they would use automatic weapons against the police, and at least one of the gangs already has “a sniper in place” but officials do not know where that sniper is located. As I have warned before, a spirit of violence and civil unrest is rising in America, and the number of police officers that were shot and killed during the first half of 2016 was 78 percent higher than during the first half of 2015. Anyone that does not understand that we have a major problem on our hands has simply not been paying attention. (Read More...)

U.S. Anger At Israel Could Result In A UN Security Council Resolution Establishing A Palestinian State

Barack Obama talks on the phone with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in the Oval Office - Public DomainThe Obama administration is absolutely furious with Israel. At the end of July, the U.S. State Department issued a scathing press statement in which it publicly rebuked the government for Israel for “settlement activity” in East Jerusalem which the Obama administration considers to be “corrosive to the cause of peace”. There has always been tension between the Netanyahu government and the Obama administration, but I don’t know if we have ever seen the State Department use such strong language to condemn Israeli activity. Unfortunately, the rapid deterioration of the relationship between the United States and Israel could have some very serious implications for the entire region in the months ahead. As you will see below, Newsweek is reporting that France is ready to make a renewed push for a UN Security Council resolution that would formally establish a Palestinian state, and this time around the Obama administration may be ready to go along with such a resolution. (Read More...)

Will Barack Obama Try To Stay In Office If Donald Trump Wins The Election?

Barack Obama - Public DomainIf Donald Trump wins in November, will Barack Obama leave office and hand over power in an orderly fashion? Normally we would not even have to ask such a question, but these are not normal times. This week, Obama publicly stated that Trump “is unfit to serve as President” and that he is “woefully unprepared to do this job“. In addition, he told the press that Trump “doesn’t have the judgment, the temperament, the understanding to occupy the most powerful position in the world.” If Obama really believes those things are true, would he really just stand aside and hand the keys to the White House to Trump? (Read More...)

Major Volcanoes Along The Ring Of Fire Are Going Off Like Firecrackers

Ring Of Fire - WikipediaSo far this week, we have seen the most dangerous volcano in Mexico erupt, and three major volcanoes in Indonesia all erupted within the space of just 72 hours.  Mexico and Indonesia are both considered to be part of “the Ring of Fire”, and all along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean volcanoes are starting to go off like firecrackers right now.  According to Volcano Discovery, 25 volcanoes in areas that are considered to be within the Ring of Fire have erupted recently.  Our planet appears to have entered a time of increased seismic activity, and those the follow my work regularly know that this is a theme that I revisit repeatedly.  Sadly, most Americans are not paying too much attention to this increase in seismic activity, but the truth is that it has very serious implications for the west coast of the United States. (Read More...)

The Stock Market Has Predicted The Outcome Of Presidential Elections With 86 Percent Accuracy

Presidential Election 2016 - Public DomainIf you want Donald Trump to win the election, then you should be rooting for a stock market crash between now and November.  As you will see below, if stocks go up during the last three months before an election, the incumbent party almost always keeps the White House.  But if stocks go down during the last three months before an election, the incumbent party almost always loses.  Earlier today, Trump warned Americans to get out of the stock market, and if his warning turns out to be correct it will likely benefit him politically as well.  When the general population believes that things are going well, Americans tend to stick with current leadership, but when the general population believes that we have hit rocky times they are usually ready for a change. (Read More...)

The List Of Establishment Republicans That Say They Are Voting For Hillary Clinton Is Staggering

What - Public Domain
Who would have ever believed that so many big names in the Republican Party would publicly pledge to vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election?  All throughout the primaries and the caucuses, the Republican establishment expressed tremendous disdain for Donald Trump, but they were unable to derail his march to the nomination.  Now that we have reached the general election, some of the biggest names in the GOP are actually taking the unprecedented step of crossing over to the other side and are publicly announcing their support for Hillary Clinton.  This shows that many of these individuals were only “Republicans in name only” to begin with, and it also demonstrates the lengths that the elite are willing to go to in order to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. (Read More...)

12 Times Pope Francis Has Openly Promoted A One World Religion Or A New World Order

Pope Francis In The Popemobile - Public DomainOn Sunday, Pope Francis told hundreds of thousands of young people gathered for World Youth Day in Poland that they need to “believe in a new humanity” and that they should refuse “to see borders as barriers”.  Every two or three years, Catholics from all over the planet converge for one of these giant conferences, and as you will see below the Pope has not been shy about using historic occasions to promote his agenda.  Unfortunately, it has become exceedingly clear that his agenda includes moving humanity toward a one world religion and a new world order.  Of course Pope Francis is not going to use those exact phrases, but at this point it is very obvious what he is trying to do.  If you don’t believe me now, perhaps you will see things differently after you have viewed the evidence that I have compiled in the rest of this article. (Read More...)

Is It Just A Coincidence That Vicious Lightning Storms Hit Philly On The Day Of Hillary Clinton’s Acceptance Speech?

Hillary Clinton at Planned Parenthood - Photo by Lorie ShaullTo quote Hillary Clinton, what a remarkable week it has been at the Democratic National Convention.  Supporters of Bernie Sanders almost rioted several times, most protesters were kept in a “free speech cage” well away from the convention, a handful of delegates decided that it would be a good idea to hoist a Palestinian flag on the floor of the convention on Monday, and there were rumors that there was so little enthusiasm that seat fillers were being hired for Hillary Clinton’s big speech on Thursday night.  But there was some extra excitement on Thursday afternoon when vicious lightning storms forced those working in media tents just outside the Wells Fargo Center to evacuate.  The following comes from CBS News(Read More...)