If Everything Is So Great, Then Why Do Two-Thirds Of Americans Say The Country Is On The Wrong Track?

Wrong Way - Public DomainAmericans appear to be increasingly pessimistic about the future of America.  According to a Real Clear Politics average of recent polls, 68.9 percent of Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track, and only 23.1 percent of Americans believe that we are headed in the right direction.  But if you have been listening to the endless parade of political speeches at the Democratic and Republican National conventions, you would be tempted to think that the greatest days for the United States are right around the corner.  The politicians keep promising us that better times are coming if we will just make the “correct” choices on election day, but no matter who we send to Washington D.C. things just seem to keep getting worse and worse.  Let’s take a look at just a few of the signs that indicate that our country is going in the wrong direction… (Read More...)

An ‘Unprecedented’ Wildfire Hits California At The Same Time ‘Unprecedented’ Heat Strikes The East Coast

Wildfire In A Forest - Public DomainIt is starting to look more than just a little bit “apocalyptic” out there.  If you follow my work closely, you already know that weather patterns in the United States have been going absolutely crazy and that last year was the worst year for wildfires in all of U.S. history.  Well, this week things have gotten even worse.  A “heat dome” has brought triple digit temperatures to much of the country, and an “unprecedented” wildfire is ripping through the hills north of Los Angeles “like a freight train“.  The so-called Sand Fire started on Friday, and since that time it has been burning 10,000 acres a day.  An acre is approximately the size of a football field, so that means this fire has been burning the equivalent of 10,000 football fields every single day, and it is only “10 percent contained” at this point. (Read More...)

Is It Wrong For Women To Be Addicted To Sexually Explicit Romance Novels?

Romance Novel - Public DomainAbout a billion and a half dollars will be spent on romance novels in the United States this year.  These novels will outsell the categories of “sci-fi, mystery, and fantasy combined“, and they will account for more than half of all mass-market fiction paperbacks sold.  To say that they are popular would be a vast understatement.  Many of these novels are “clean”, innocent and even inspirational, but many others are extremely sexually explicit.  In America today, 64 percent of all Christian men and 15 percent of all Christian women admit that they have viewed pornography within the last month, and we correctly label this as a national moral crisis.  But are women that can’t get through a day without reading a sexually explicit romance novel that much different? (Read More...)

How An Entire Church Ended Up On An ISIS Kill List

Psycho - Public DomainOn Wednesday, I was contacted by someone on an ISIS kill list.  Of course there are probably lots of people out there that believe that “ISIS is after them”, but this particular individual and his wife were actually told that they are on an ISIS kill list by the FBI.  Not only are they on the list, but so is their pastor.  It turns out that ISIS has apparently been pulling names off of church directories on the Internet, and so now an entire church has ended up on an ISIS kill list.  In the past perhaps many of us would have been less alarmed by this, but the attacks in Orlando, Dallas, Nice, and Baton Rouge are all still fresh in our minds.  Innocent people are being targeted and killed just to make a statement, and nobody knows who will be next. (Read More...)

What Is That? Could This Bizarre Winged Creature Be A Fairy, An Alien Or A Locust From The Book Of Revelation?

The Winged Creature - L.A. MarzulliI wasn’t going to write about this.  I was trained as an attorney and I am skeptical by nature, and so I generally don’t like to write about things that I can’t prove.  But in the case of this bizarre winged creature, a couple of factors changed my mind.  First of all, we actually have physical evidence which has been scientifically tested.  When it comes to things like this, people are always crying out for some real physical evidence, and now we have some.  Of course the existence of evidence does not mean that we can necessarily find answers to all of our questions, but at least we have something to work with.  Secondly, a highly respected researcher named L.A. Marzulli has spent a great deal of time extensively investigating this case.  I have personally interacted with L.A. Marzulli, and I have followed his work for years, and so I know how credible he is. (Read More...)

Governments To Christians: Don’t You Dare Speak Out Against The Sexual Sin In Society

Barbed Wire - Public DomainIn our upside down world, evil has become good and good has become evil.  Once upon a time, everyone in society generally knew what was “right” and what was “wrong” even if they didn’t always abide by the rules.  But now the rules have been totally flipped on their head.  If you choose to live a lifestyle that is morally wrong, you are celebrated by society, and if you choose to speak out against the sexual sin that is exploding everywhere around us then you are considered to be a “hater” and a “bigot”.  In fact, governments all over the world are now passing “hate speech” laws that are making it a crime to speak out against sexual sin.  With each passing year it gets even worse, and those pushing this agenda forward are never going to be satisfied until those standing up for Biblical truth are locked away in prison. (Read More...)

The Worst (Fake?) Coup Ever Has Enthroned Erdogan As A Dictator And Has Sealed Turkey’s Fate

President ErdoganWhat just happened in Turkey?  I have been thinking about this for a number of hours now, and I have narrowed it down to two options.  Either this was the worst military coup in my entire lifetime, or it was staged.  I will explain how I came to this conclusion below, but in any event the end result of this “coup” is that President Erdogan is even more popular and has consolidated power to an extent that is absolutely breathtaking.  He already was essentially a dictator, but now this “coup” has sealed Turkey’s fate and has pushed them even farther down the path toward becoming a radical Islamic state. (Read More...)

Republican Convention To Get Hit Next? FBI And DHS Warn Of ‘Violence’ And ‘Terror’ At The RNC

Stop Terrorism Red Hand - Public DomainAfter what just happened in Nice, France, officials are likely even more concerned about the potential for violence and terrorism at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week.  Details are still coming in as I write this article, but what we know so far is that a 31-year-old Tunisian man plowed his truck into a huge crowd that was gathered along the waterfront for a fireworks display during Bastille Day celebrations in the French city of Nice, and he reportedly shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ at the police before they shot him dead.  His rampage of death reportedly lasted for two kilometers before he was finally stopped, and dozens have been killed.  This comes on the heels of the massacre of five police officers in Dallas, and that came not too long after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history in Orlando.  Clearly we have entered a time when the usual rules don’t apply anymore.  So will the Republican National Convention be the next target to get hit? (Read More...)