If you think that your life could never be turned around because you are too far gone, this story is for you. According to her official website, Crissy Outlaw “was molested at the age of 4…a pattern that would continue through her childhood and teen years.” But since her alcoholic father always threatened to kill anyone that touched her, Crissy always kept the abuse secret. Her parents eventually divorced, and Crissy moved in with her mother when she was 13. At the age of 17 she got pregnant, and because she believed that she was going to marry her boyfriend she decided to keep the baby. But when her boyfriend decided to break up with her she ended up having an abortion, and she says that having that abortion was one of the worst things that ever happened to her… (Read More...)
‘Trans-Species’: Man Spends $5,000 A Month To Transform Himself Into An Elf
If you could become an elf, would you do it? You might argue that elves do not exist, but one man has spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on surgeries, hair removal, creams, dyes and bleaches in a determined attempt to transform himself into one. 25-year-old Luis Padron of Buenos Aires, Argentina says that he “became obsessed with the world of elves, angels and fantasy beings after being bullied as a child”. Now he is spending about $5,000 a month so that he can permanently look like an elf, and he has told the press that “I consider myself trans-species”. Body modification has become one of the hottest global trends in recent years, but is this a case where someone has taken it way too far? (Read More...)
Debt Insanity: Does Anyone In Washington Even Care That We Are 20 Trillion Dollars In Debt?
There has been a tremendous amount of talk about the spending deal that was just reached in Congress. Most of the focus has been on who “won” and who “lost” politically, and if you have been keeping up with my articles you definitely know my opinion on the matter. But what nobody is really talking about is that this deal actually increases spending at a time when our debt has been absolutely exploding. We added more than a trillion dollars a year to the U.S. national debt during Obama’s eight years in the White House, and our debt binge actually accelerated toward the end of his second term. In fact, the national debt increased by more than 1.4 trillion dollars during fiscal 2016… (Read More...)
‘The Church Doesn’t Need Any More Coffee Bars’
Have we lost sight of who we are supposed to be? In December 2014, Kimberli Lira’s husband was diagnosed with cancer. Melchor fought against the cancer as hard as he could for more than two years, but on February 14th, 2017 he passed away. Now Kimberli is struggling to adjust to her new life as a widow with two very young children. On her blog entitled “A Young Widow’s Story” she shares her battles with grief and pain with the world, and one of her recent posts really struck a chord with me. Way too often today churches seem to be much more concerned about keeping up with the latest trends than with bringing in the presence of Jesus. The following is an excerpt from “Why the church doesn’t need anymore coffee bars“… (Read More...)
20 Amazing Facts About What Happens Every Single Minute Of Every Single Day In Our Rapidly Changing World
Our world is changing at a blinding pace that is accelerating with each passing day. Thanks to the Internet, information travels at a speed that would have been unimaginable at other times in human history, and our technological capabilities are advancing at a rate that is exponentially increasing. What all of this means is that seismic cultural shifts that used to take decades can now be accomplished in a matter of months or even weeks. So will all of this change lead to a wonderfully positive future for humanity, or will it result in a dystopian nightmare? Only time will tell, but what everyone can agree on is that our world is rapidly becoming a much different place than the world that our parents and grandparents grew up in. The following are 20 amazing facts about what happens every single minute of every single day in our rapidly changing world… (Read More...)
Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed
Do you ever feel like you have been completely abandoned by the world? Do you struggle with feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression? If so, you are far from alone. Thanks to technology Americans are more isolated than they have ever been before, and as you will see below, this is really starting to cause a major national crisis. Humans were designed to be social creatures, and researchers have found that a lack of interaction with others can cause major mental, emotional and social problems. Not only that, it can also lead to premature death. We actually have a need to love others and to be loved by them, and if those needs are not met the consequences can be quite dramatic. (Read More...)
Is God Going To ‘Bless’ A Government That Gives $500 Million A Year To Fund Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Holocaust?
More video has just been released which proves that Planned Parenthood has been selling off aborted baby parts to the highest bidder. The crimes against humanity that Planned Parenthood is committing are off the charts, and yet nobody ever goes to jail, and the federal government keeps on giving them about half a billion dollars a year. If the federal government did not give Planned Parenthood giant mountains of money every year, there are real doubts about whether it would be able to survive or not. Planned Parenthood is the number one abortion provider in the United States, and the U.S. government is their number one financial supporter by a very, very wide margin. So no matter how you want to look at the issue, the truth is that America’s abortion holocaust is being bankrolled by the U.S. government. (Read More...)
Science Is Not God, So Why Do So Many People Keep Trying To Turn It Into A Religion?
This article is likely to get a lot of people out there quite angry. In our world today, many have become convinced that science has all of the answers to humanity’s most important questions, and those that question the high priests of this new religion (scientists) are often accused of a form of “blasphemy”. We saw this clearly on display last Saturday when protesters gathered in Washington D.C. and in about 600 other cities worldwide for “the March for Science”. Those of us that are skeptical and that don’t necessarily buy into the scientific orthodoxy of the day were accused of “ignoring facts” and being “climate deniers” by various speakers at these protests. But of course the truth is that scientific theories have always been in flux all throughout history, and this will continue to be the case as time moves forward. (Read More...)