A Civil War For Control Of The U.S. Government Has Erupted Between ‘The Deep State’ And Donald Trump

Spy Espionage - Public DomainThe ruthless political assassination of Michael Flynn was just one battle of a major civil war that has erupted for control of the U.S. government. Donald Trump and his new administration are now under relentless assault by “the deep state”, and at this point it is not clear who will emerge as the victor. There are many that use the term “deep state” as a synonym for the intelligence community, but the truth is that it is much broader than that. In reality, the deep state encompasses thousands upon thousands of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats that never seem to change no matter which party wins an election. Certainly the intelligence community is at the heart of this system, but there are countless others that are embedded within key government agencies and the Pentagon that deeply resent Donald Trump and the kind of change that he is attempting to bring to Washington. (Read More...)

We Live In A Society Where ‘Fifty Shades’, Beyonce And Lady Gaga Are Considered To Be ‘Entertainment’

Fifty Shades Darker - Movie PosterWhat in the world has happened to America? We live in a society where perversion, sexual violence and occult rituals have become essential elements of our entertainment. In fact, these days it seems like we can’t get through a major awards show or a Super Bowl halftime celebration without being forced to see things that would have been absolutely unthinkable in this country just fifty years ago. Unfortunately, most Americans have already had their consciences seared so badly that these things don’t even bother them anymore. (Read More...)

Sabotage: Obama Is Commanding An Army Of 30,000 Anti-Trump Activists From His Home 2 Miles From The White House

Obama And Trump Laughing - Public DomainThroughout American history, most ex-presidents have chosen to move away from Washington D.C. once their terms have ended, and the vast majority of them have tried very hard not to interfere with their successors. Unfortunately, Barack Obama has opted for the exact opposite approach. His new home is less than two miles from the White House, and from this “command center” he will be directing the activities of an army of more than 30,000 anti-Trump activists. In fact, as you will see below, this army has already been heavily involved in many of the protests and riots that have been popping up around the nation in recent days. “Sabotage” is a very strong word, but it is becoming apparent that Obama intends to do all that he can to sabotage the Trump administration, and that is very bad news for the American people. (Read More...)

The Reason The Elite Hate Trump So Much Is Because He Is Opposed To The One World Agenda Of The Globalists

Globalists - Public DomainHave you ever wondered why the elite hate Donald Trump so much? There have certainly been many politicians throughout the years that have been disliked, but with Trump there is a hatred that is so intense that it almost seems tangible at times. During the campaign, they went to extraordinary lengths to destroy him, but it didn’t work. And now that he is president, the attacks against him have been absolutely relentless. So why is there so much animosity toward Trump? Is it just because he is not a member of their club? (Read More...)

Based On Current Trends, It Is Only A Matter Of Time Before The Gay Population In The U.S. Is Larger Than The Evangelical Population

LGBT March - Public DomainThe LGBT population in the United States is on the rise, and meanwhile the number of evangelicals is on the decline. For now, evangelicals still greatly outnumber those that identify as LGBT, but if current trends continue it is only a matter of time before the size of the gay population actually surpasses the size of the evangelical population. The primary reason for this is the enormous cultural shift that is taking place among our young people. Millennials are much less likely to identify as “evangelical” than the general population as a whole, but they are more than twice as likely to identify as LGBT. Unless something dramatic happens, the percentage of LGBT Americans will continue to increase and the percentage of evangelical Americans will continue to fall as older Americans slowly die off. (Read More...)

Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

NOAA energy map shows the intensity of the tsunami caused by Japan's magnitude 8.9 earthquakeRadiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it. (Read More...)

Now It Is The Elite That Are Feverishly ‘Prepping’ For The Collapse Of Society

Prepper - Photo by Nomadic Lass on FlickrOnce upon a time, “prepping” was something that was considered to be on “the lunatic fringe” of society. But in 2017, wealthy elitists are actually the most hardcore preppers of all. This is particularly true in places such as Silicon Valley, where a whole host of young tech moguls are putting a tremendous amount of time, effort and money into preparing for apocalyptic scenarios. So while interest in prepping among the general population has fallen extremely low right now, the election of Donald Trump has given liberal wealthy elitists even more urgency to prepare for what they believe is a very uncertain future. (Read More...)

Michael Snyder: 25 Things I Think That I Think About The Future Of America

Thinking Puzzle - Public DomainIs there hope for the future of America? Following the election of Donald Trump, such a question often evokes some extremely strong emotions from people. And even more surprising, it can turn people that are supposedly on the same side viciously against one another. Because of what I do, I spend an enormous amount of time on the Internet, and it greatly saddens me when I see people that should be working together attacking each other instead. No matter what your perspective may be, and no matter how right you think you are, the truth is that this nation is not going to have any hope for the future unless we start to learn how to love one another. (Read More...)