Two Nuclear Power Plants In Florida Are Directly In The Path Of Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma is more powerful than all of the other major Atlantic storms this year combined, and it has an eye as large as the entire Detroit metro area. It is being reported that “upwards of 90%” of Barbuda has already been destroyed by the storm, and it is being projected that some areas of Puerto Rico could be without power “for between four and six months”. You may want to view these photos and these videos to get a better idea of the immense destructiveness of this very powerful storm. The latest forecasts have Hurricane Irma making landfall in Florida, but so far the two nuclear power plants in Florida that would be directly in the path of the storm have not even started the process of shutting down(Read More...)

Alert! 40 Percent Of Americans Now ‘Prefer Socialism To Capitalism’

Americans are increasingly embracing socialism, and this is particularly true for young adults under the age of 30. As you will see below, four out of every ten Americans now prefer socialism to capitalism, and if current trends continue it is just a matter of time before those that prefer socialism are in the majority. Of course our society has already been very heavily socialized. We have been trained to believe that if a problem exists, then it is the job of government to fix it, and over time government on all levels of our system has just gotten bigger and bigger. But what most Americans don’t realize is that the United States never would have become an economic powerhouse without free market capitalism, and the further that we drift away from our roots the deeper that our economic problems will become. We need leaders that are willing to stand up and proudly declare that free market capitalism works incredibly well when the shackles are taken off, and that is precisely what I intend to do. (Read More...)

Please Help Michael Snyder Become Donald Trump’s Best Friend In Congress #MAGA

Can you name Donald Trump’s best friend in Congress? I was thinking about this question the other day, and I couldn’t come up with a single name. Since nobody else seems very eager to take on that mantle, I will be more than happy to claim it. If I get elected to Congress, I will call for the witch hunts against Trump and his administration to be immediately shut down, I will publicly defend the president every chance that I get, and I will do all that I can to advance the Make America Great Again agenda. I believe in the values and the principles that Trump campaigned on, and there is a reason why they resonated so strongly with the American people. Trump openly defied the globalists in both major political parties, and even though all of the “experts” said that he didn’t have a prayer of winning, he was able to pull off the biggest miracle in American political history. Now we need to get Trump some friends in Congress, and if you would like to help me become Donald Trump’s best friend in Congress you can contribute to the campaign right here(Read More...)

President Trump Wants Tax Cuts, But Once Again The RINOs In Congress May Block His Agenda

It has become exceedingly clear that we need to try to remove as many establishment Republicans from Congress as we possibly can in 2018. Even though the Republicans are in control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, the “Make America Great Again” agenda is not being implemented, and the blame for that lies entirely with the RINOs (Republicans in name only). Obamacare still has not been repealed, the wall has not been built, and now there is talk that the RINOs plan to block Trump’s tax reform bill. It was expected that the Democrats would try to obstruct Trump’s agenda, but Trump’s biggest problem so far in his presidency has been his fellow Republicans. If they won’t go along with what he is trying to do, we will kick them out and put in people who will. (Read More...)

An Update From Michael’s Campaign In Boise

Hello from Boise, Idaho! The reason why I have not been posting new articles lately is because I have been on the road. I have been in Boise since Monday, and absolutely amazing things have been happening for the campaign. I spent most of Tuesday and most of Wednesday at the Republican booth at the Western Idaho Fair. I shook a lot of hands and passed out a ton of brochures. Thanks to you guys, we have the best looking and highest quality campaign material of anyone running for any political office in the state of Idaho. And we also have a source that can print brochures for much cheaper than anyone else is getting them. We are stretching every single campaign dollar as far as it will possibly go, and if you would like to contribute to the effort you can do so right here. (Read More...)

ISIS ‘Hit Squads’ Are Using The Refugee Program To Infiltrate Western Nations

I know that the headline sounds over the top, but this has actually been confirmed by German intelligence and by the mainstream media. ISIS terrorists have been using the refugee program to sneak into North America and Europe, and yet very little is being done to stop this from happening. One of the reasons why this hits so close to home for me is because leftists are pushing to bring a lot more Islamic refugees up here to north Idaho. Since our area has a low population density, a significant number of refugees could dramatically alter the character of our community very rapidly. Many moved up here in order to have a safe place to raise their families, but now the left seems determined to bring the danger of Islamic extremism to our local neighborhoods. (Read More...)

‘Aren’t You Supposed To Be Hiding In A Hole And Waiting For The End Of The World?’

Is it useless to try to save America? Since I announced that I would be running for a seat in Congress, I have had a number of people become extremely upset with me. According to these people, I am misleading the public by suggesting that we should fight for the future of our country, and that instead I should be telling people to bunker down and prepare for the worst. Of course my wife and I are definitely big preppers, and nothing about my long-term outlook for this nation has changed one bit. But I have always said that when things get really bad that instead of digging a hole and hiding, we would be running to the front lines to storm the gates of hell instead. We believe that the greatest chapters of our lives are still ahead of us, and we also believe that the greatest hour for the people of God collectively will be during the darkest times that humanity has ever faced. (Read More...)

We Cannot Condemn The Violence In Charlottesville Strongly Enough

What just happened in Charlottesville, Virginia should break all of our hearts. This is not what our country is about, and I am really struggling to find words that are strong enough to denounce the violence that we just witnessed. Hating people because of the color of their skin is evil. I know that a lot of people are trying to put a political spin on what happened in Charlottesville, but the truth is that it had absolutely nothing to do with normal political discourse. A very, very small group of people that are filled with hate have been trying to draw attention to themselves, and now thanks to a senseless act of violence the eyes of the entire world are on them. The rest of us need to join together to strongly denounce them, because their kind of hate has no place in our society. (Read More...)