One Of The Main Reasons Congress Is Getting So Little Done Is Because They Will Have 218 Days Off In 2017

Would you like to have a job that gave you 218 days off a year? According to the official calendar put out by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the House of Representatives will only be in session for 147 days in 2017. And that is actually an increase from last year. In 2016, there were only 131 legislative days for the House. So if you are wondering why Congress never seems to get anything done, this is one of the biggest reasons. The sad truth is that members of Congress simply do not spend a lot of time doing what they were elected to do. (Read More...)

Rush Limbaugh And Ann Coulter Are Right – America Is On The Verge Of Widespread Chaos And Civil Unrest

Things will never be the same in America from this moment forward. When 66-year-old James Hodgkinson attempted to gun down as many Republican members of Congress as possible at a baseball field in Virginia, he permanently shattered the notion that we could go back to the way that things used to be in this country. At one time, Republicans and Democrats may have strongly disagreed with one another over the issues, but there was always a certain code of civility that everyone understood and respected. But now that is long gone, and if our politicians and the big media outlets continue to fuel the rising hatred in this country, it won’t be too long before we are dealing with widespread chaos and civil unrest from coast to coast. (Read More...)

Democrats Are Already Using The Shooting Of Steve Scalise To Call For More Gun Control

The left never lets a good crisis go to waste. Within hours of the shooting of U.S. Representative Steve Scalise and other Republicans at a baseball field in Virginia, top Democrats were already calling for more gun control. Of course the shooter, 66-year-old James Hodgkinson, is from a state that already has some of the toughest gun laws in the entire nation. And the largest city in Illinois, Chicago, is plagued by rampant gun violence on a daily basis. Alternatively, crime rates tend to be very low where rates of gun ownership are very high. Up here in north Idaho, anyone that would dare to break into homes at night would have a very, very short criminal career. Gun owners are the number one crime deterrent, but liberals still don’t understand this. (Read More...)

We Want A Government So Small That We Can Barely See It

We need to fundamentally redefine the relationship between government and the people in this country. Today, we have become so accustomed to big government that most of us can’t even imagine another way of doing things. And I am not just talking about the federal government either. Even in a red state like Idaho, the state government has become a sprawling bureaucracy that requires 3.5 billion dollars a year to keep going. And all over the country many local governments are “supersized” as well. But this isn’t the way that our Founding Fathers intended for things to work. They intended to create a society where government is very limited and where liberty and freedom are maximized. (Read More...)

‘Julius Caesar’, Antifa And Kathy Griffin All Show That The Left Has Absolutely No Positive Message To Offer

The endgame of the radical left is a nation filled with hatred, anger and violence. Is this really a message that the American people are going to embrace? For decades, Democrats have been getting a tremendous amount of mileage out of “divide and conquer” tactics. In other words, they get one group of people to support them by pointing a finger of accusation at another group. Just recently, I published an article entitled “A List Of 100 Things That Liberals Hate About America”, and I could have easily doubled or tripled that list. The left specializes in hate, and the presidency of Donald Trump has been like throwing red meat to a bunch of sharks that are in a feeding frenzy. Lacking any kind of a positive message to share, the left is in the process of self-destructing as they show the entire world how intellectually and morally bankrupt they truly are. (Read More...)

They Want To Make The Rest Of The Country Just Like California

If millions are leaving California because life there is so horrible, then why would those same people want to try to make their new communities more like the state that they just left? About five million people have migrated out of the state of California over the past decade, and most of them are leaving for very good reasons. The number one destination for ex-Californians is Texas, and this has caused the state to move a little bit to the left politically. For example, Trump beat Clinton by only about 9 percent in Texas back in November. It is getting to the point where many people in Texas are starting to resent anyone with a California license plate, because there are so many ex-Californians that would like to turn Texas into another version of their home state. (Read More...)

5 Trends That Are Destroying The Middle Class In America

The middle class in America has been shrinking for decades, and our leaders seem powerless to do anything about it. Two years ago, the middle class became a minority in this country for the first time ever. In other words, the middle class now accounts for less than 50 percent of the population. But back in the early 1970s, the middle class made up more than 60 percent of the population. I have often compared being in the middle class to playing a really bizarre game of musical chairs. When the music stops playing each month, more chairs are being pulled out of the middle class, and most of us are just hoping that we will still have a chair for the next go around. (Read More...)

Has Kathy Griffin Produced A Defining Moment That Will Cause America To Reject The Hate-Filled Ideology Of The Radical Left?

The image of Kathy Griffin holding up a bloody mock ‘decapitated’ head of Donald Trump will be burned into our memories forever, and she may have just produced the single most destructive moment for the radical left that this country has seen in decades. It is perfectly fine to disagree with President Trump and his policies, but to hold up his ‘decapitated head’ like an ISIS executioner would goes far beyond anything that would ever be acceptable in a civilized society. This is a moment that absolutely screams “too far”, and I believe that it will be this moment that causes many Americans to finally realize that the hate-filled ideology of the radical left is entirely bankrupt. (Read More...)