We are getting dangerously close to the “hot phase” of World War III, but most people in the western world don’t even realize what is going on. They simply trust our leaders when they tell us that we will never have to be directly involved in a conflict with Russia, but meanwhile those same leaders continue to push us ever closer to such a scenario. Earlier today, we learned that the UK has now delivered long-range “Storm Shadow” cruise missiles to Ukraine… (Read More...)
Oklahoma Farmer: “I Think We’re To The Dust Bowl, About The Same Or Worse.”
Our food prices aren’t just going up because our leaders pumped way too much money into the system. All over the world, crops are failing, and that includes right here in the United States. Earlier this year, CNN warned that we are in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”, and so we really need this to be an extremely successful year for our farmers. Unfortunately, that just isn’t happening in much of the country. In fact, one wheat farmer in Oklahoma says that his farm is experiencing “the most severe drought I’ve ever seen”… (Read More...)
This Is Why Experts Are Warning That A Massive Tsunami Could Potentially Hit The West Coast…
We all live on a giant rock that is flying through space, and the truth is that this giant rock is not very stable. There are dozens of significant earthquakes around the world each day, and as I write this article volcanoes are erupting all over the planet. In addition, scientists are starting to detect a lot of very unusual activity on the floors of our oceans. Hydrothermal vents can heat water to temperatures greater than 600 degrees Fahrenheit, and a team of researchers recently discovered a “sprawling field” of such vents in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean… (Read More...)
4 Ways That Joe Biden Could Get America Into A Nuclear War
Have you ever looked at Joe Biden and wondered if this guy is going to get us all killed? If so, you are definitely not alone. Biden is an ill-tempered lunatic that is not all there mentally, and his foreign policy team includes well-known warmongers such as Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken and Victoria Nuland. Over the past two years they have been provoking our enemies every chance they get, and that has pushed us to the brink of war with several of them. They keep telling us that they know exactly what they are doing, but if they get this wrong we are not going to get a “do over”. Once the missiles start flying, there will be no going back. The following are 4 ways that Joe Biden and his minions could get America into a nuclear war… (Read More...)
5 Theories That Are Swirling Around The Internet About Why Fox News Fired Tucker Carlson
Why in the world would Fox News fire Tucker Carlson? He had the highest-rated show on cable news by far, and he is wildly popular with millions upon millions of Americans. Unfortunately, if you want to survive as a cable news host in this day and age, popularity is not enough. You must please the elitists that own your network, the advertisers that are paying the network’s bills, and the political establishment in Washington. For years, Tucker Carlson has repeatedly said things on his show that no other cable news host would dare to say, and it was inevitable that this would get him into big trouble. (Read More...)
Should We Be Concerned That So Many UFO Sightings Are Happening All Over The World?
Extremely strange aircraft are spotted flying through our skies every single day. This is happening in every part of the globe, and those that are having experiences with these aircraft come from a wide variety of different cultures. It has become exceedingly obvious that something is going on, but of course there is a tremendous amount of disagreement about what all of this means. Some argue that these aircraft have an extraterrestrial origin, others argue that they have a terrestrial origin, and yet others believe that most of these sightings can all be explained as “experimental military aircraft”, drones, weather balloons or other man-made anomalies. But at this point nobody can deny that there is lots of strange activity happening above our heads, and it appears to be accelerating. (Read More...)
Anger Is Rapidly Growing As Economic Conditions Steadily Deteriorate All Over The World
We are in the early stages of a global economic collapse, and people all over the globe are getting extremely angry. Here in the United States, higher prices are an inconvenience, but in other parts of the world higher prices can mean the difference between feeding your family or not. And once people get to a point where they cannot even survive on the incomes that they are bringing in, they can become very unpredictable and very violent. For example, a large economic protest that just happened in Lebanon quickly descended into violence as protesters aggressively clashed with government security forces… (Read More...)
The 3 Wars Of The Apocalypse Are Getting Dangerously Close
If you aren’t concerned by what has been happening around the globe the past few days, it is probably because you just aren’t paying attention. Extreme violence has brought the Middle East to the brink of war, China has gotten very aggressive with Taiwan, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov just stated that the U.S. and Russia have now reached a “hot phase” of the conflict in Ukraine. What I am going to share with you in this article is so important, because we have reached a point where literally three different major wars could erupt at any moment. Just one would be bad enough, but if all three were to happen simultaneously we could potentially be facing a truly apocalyptic scenario very rapidly. (Read More...)