There have been so many attacks on the Federal Reserve recently that the mainstream media now feels almost forced to try to defend their actions. The most blatant example of this recently was an article in the Washington Post entitled “Five Myths About The Federal Reserve”. The article was authored by Greg Ip, the U.S. economics editor of The Economist. According to Wikipedia, the Rothschild banking family is a partial owner of the firm that operates The Economist. You would have thought that they would have gotten someone a whole lot less obvious to produce this propaganda piece, but apparently they did not think anyone would notice. Of course an economics editor of The Economist is going to defend the Federal Reserve. He would be fired if he didn’t. The Economist is well known to be a mouthpiece for the international central banking establishment. But what is really sad is how poor a job Greg Ip did in defending the Fed. If these are the best intellectual arguments they can come up with then they are in huge trouble. (Read More...)
The American People Are Taking A Stand Against Naked Body Scanners And TSA Groping
An amazing thing is happening. Americans from every walk of life and from across the political spectrum are standing up and are saying “NO” to naked body scanners and TSA groping. It isn’t as if we are against airport security. For decades, the vast majority of us have been more than happy to walk through metal detectors in order to get on an airplane. But when the government wants to look at our naked bodies and fondle our wives and our children that is just too much. The truth is that these new “enhanced pat-downs” would be considered sexual assaults if they were committed out on the street. Horror stories have been pouring in from airports across the United States and the American people have had enough. (Read More...)
The Establishment Media Is Already Trying To Blame The Tea Party And Opponents Of The Federal Reserve For The Coming Economic Collapse
Why does it seem like major establishment news outlets come out with the exact same talking points so often? This time, the mainstream media in both the United States and in the UK are placing blame for an economic collapse that hasn’t even happened yet on the Tea Party movement and on opponents of the Federal Reserve. Of course it is completely and totally ridiculous to even think for a moment that the Tea Party could be responsible for our current financial problems. The Tea Party is still basically brand new, and even though they gained a a number of seats in Congress during this past election, they still have far, far less power than the establishment Democrats or the establishment Republicans. The notion that the Tea Party could be responsible for plunging the entire globe into a devastating economic depression is absolutely hilarious. But that is exactly what some major mainstream media outlets are actually suggesting. (Read More...)
What Is The Best U.S. State To Move To If You Want To Insulate Yourself From The Coming Economic Meltdown?
Today, millions of American families are considering a move to another part of the country because of the growing economic problems that the United States is experiencing. In the past, most Americans would normally just ride recessions out and would be able to safely assume that things would get back to “normal” sooner or later. But for many Americans, this time just feels different. Unemployment has never stayed this high for this long since the Great Depression. Thousands of our factories and millions of our jobs have been shipped overseas, and many of our formerly great cities (such as Detroit) have been turned into deindustrialized wastelands. The federal government and most state governments are essentially bankrupt and continue to get into more debt at an accelerating pace. Meanwhile, Helicopter Ben Bernanke and his cohorts at the Federal Reserve have fired up the printing presses in a desperate attempt to revive the U.S. economy. Many believe that by flooding the financial system with paper money that they are setting in motion a series of events which will eventually lead to the death of the dollar. With so much wrong with our economy, is it any wonder why more Americans are deeply concerned about the state of the economy today than at any other time since World War II? (Read More...)
41 Facts About The History Of Central Banks In The United States That Our Children Are No Longer Taught In School
*The original version of this article contained a few minor inaccuracies. I apologize for this. I am not a historian, and several of the facts that I made originally are hotly disputed among historians. I have attempted to revise the article in such a way as to reflect the historical consensus more accurately. However, the central points of the original article are not in dispute. Central banking has always been a huge issue throughout U.S. history and central banking remains a tremendous threat to our financial system in 2010. Everyone makes mistakes, and I am sure I will make many more. However, the main point of the article is to detail how corrosive central banking and the financial elite have been throughout U.S. history, and hopefully most everyone can see that very clearly. There will always be historical debate about certain points, but the overall themes are unmistakable when you step back to take a look at the bigger picture. (Read More...)
Why Is Russia Building 5000 More Nuclear Bomb Shelters In Moscow By The End Of 2012?
Russia certainly seems to be in a hurry to prepare for something. RT is reporting that 5,000 new nuclear bomb shelters will be constructed in the city of Moscow by the end of 2012. Russian authorities believe that these new shelters are urgently needed because the current nuclear bomb shelters will only hold approximately half the population and are quite outdated. In addition, there are apparently very few nuclear bomb shelters for those living outside the city center at this point. Officials want virtually the entire population of Moscow to be able to reach a bomb shelter within a matter of minutes. But in this era when the “Cold War” is supposed to be over, why are 5000 nuclear bomb shelters such an urgent necessity? (Read More...)
The Death Of The Dollar? 11 Signs That We Could Be On The Verge Of A Global Currency Crisis
Over the past several decades, the U.S. dollar and other major currencies around the globe have been continually devalued, but they have still remained stable enough for trade to flourish and for the world to enjoy an unprecedented era of prosperity. However, that all may now be changing. Many analysts now fear that the new $600 billion program of quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve may set off a round of “competitive devaluations” across the globe that could precipitate a global currency crisis. If that happens, it might not just be the death of the dollar that we are talking about. Instead, we could potentially see the death of fiat currencies worldwide in the coming years. Under the current system, nations have a built-in incentive to devalue their national currencies because it gives them a competitive advantage in world trade. In fact, quite a few countries have been doing this for years, but in 2010 currency devaluations have become a “hot button” issue and the extreme actions taken recently by the U.S. Federal Reserve and other global central banks have pushed us to the brink of a global currency war. (Read More...)
The Most Dangerous Place On Earth: The Brutal Drug War Raging On The U.S. Border
Most Americans have no idea that the most dangerous place on earth is just across the United States border. The city of Juarez, Mexico is nestled right next to El Paso, Texas and it is the murder capital of the world. So far this year, more than 2,000 people have been murdered in the city. The Mexican government has been trying to get a handle on the situation, but corruption is so rampant on all levels of government in Mexico and the drug cartels are so incredibly powerful that it just seems to be a losing battle. But it is not just Juarez that is a crisis point. The truth is that vast stretches of the U.S. border with Mexico have become war zones and yet the mainstream media in the United States is strangely silent about the whole thing. (Read More...)