Obama Announces A Plan To Bring In Up To Four Times As Many Syrian Refugees In 2017

obama-smirkingIn 2016, approximately 10,000 Syrian refugees were brought into the United States, but in 2017 that number could skyrocket to 40,000 under Barack Obama’s new plan. Obama says that we must play our part in taking in those displaced by the ongoing Syrian civil war, but Republicans in Congress are outraged by this announcement and remain deeply concerned that there are terrorists among the refugees that are being brought in. The Obama administration insists that all refugees are being subjected to rigorous screening, but his critics are quite skeptical. Coming out of the midst of a five year civil war, documentation is scarce for many of these refugees, and there aren’t too many people that you can call over there that can serve as a solid reference at this point. (Read More...)

Palestinian Authority Races To Get A UN Security Council Resolution Before Obama Leaves Office

barack-obama-leaving-the-blue-room-public-domainA little more than four months from now Barack Obama’s time in the White House is scheduled to end, and the Palestinians know that their best chance of getting a UN Security Council resolution addressing their conflict with Israel is rapidly slipping away. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both greatly wooing the Jewish vote, and they both are making very strong pro-Israel statements these days. To many of you it probably isn’t a surprise that the Palestinians are not exactly thrilled with the prospect of a Trump presidency, but the truth is that they are very leery of Clinton as well. If you doubt this, just check out this Al-Jazeera article. At this point the Palestinians are pretty much convinced that any action at the UN Security Council must happen while Barack Obama still holds the reigns of power, and so they are in a race against time. (Read More...)

Why Are So Many Conservatives, Preppers And Christians Moving To The Great Northwest?

montana-landscape-public-domainThousands of Americans are flocking to “Big Sky” country, and this movement has become so prominent that it has even caught the attention of the mainstream media. Within the last several weeks, both The Chicago Tribune and The Economist have done major articles on this phenomenon. From all over the country, conservatives, preppers and Bible-believing Christians are moving to Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and the eastern portions of Oregon and Washington. As you will see below, this region has become known as the “American Redoubt”, and for a variety of reasons it is considered by many survivalists to be one of the top “safe zones” for when things really start falling apart in this nation. (Read More...)

Concern Grows That A Megaquake Is Going To Hit The Middle Of The United States

USGS Earthquake MapDid you know that Oklahoma was just hit by the largest earthquake ever recorded in the history of the state? And did you know that Oklahoma absolutely shattered their yearly record for earthquakes in 2015 and may break it again this year? According to the USGS, the number of significant earthquakes in the eastern and central sections of the nation has more than quintupled in recent years, and concern is growing that we could soon see a “megaquake” in the middle part of the country. Of course no discussion of megaquakes in the middle part of the country can leave out the New Madrid fault zone, which is approximately six times larger than the San Andreas fault zone in California. Scientists assure us that the New Madrid fault is around 30 years overdue for a major seismic event, and when it does happen it is going to be the biggest disaster in modern American history up to this point. (Read More...)

Another NFL Player, A Major Soccer Star And An Entire Church Join Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem Protest

Colin Kaepernick - Photo by Mike Morbeck on WikipediaThanks to Colin Kaepernick, the playing of the national anthem before a sporting event is never going to be the same again. At first there was a vicious backlash against Kaepernick for refusing to stand for the national anthem, but now large segments of the population are enthusiastically embracing him and his cause. This week, Kaepernick’s jersey became the top selling jersey in the entire NFL. If it wasn’t for this controversy that would be very odd, because Kaepernick has played very, very poorly over the past couple of years. (Read More...)

Confirmed: The Arch Of Triumph Is Going Up In New York City On September 19th

The Arch Of Triumph - Palmyra, Syria - Photo by Bernard GagnonDo you remember all of the buzz about the arch from the Temple of Baal that was supposed to go up in Times Square back in April? Well, that project was ultimately canceled, but now it has been resurrected in a new form. In April a reproduction of a different arch, the Arch of Triumph, was erected in Trafalgar Square in London, and now another reproduction of that famous arch will be going up in New York City on September 19th. This particular arch is not the same one that once stood directly in front of the Temple of Baal in Syria. Rather, the Arch of Triumph was constructed at a later date by the Romans, and it served to link the main street of the Colonnade with the Temple. So there is still definitely a connection with the Temple of Baal, but it is not as direct as had originally been envisioned. (Read More...)

Burning Man: America’s Largest Occult Festival Is A Celebration Of Weirdness And Hedonism

Burning Man - Photo by Kyle Harmon70,000 people have descended upon a very bleak stretch of Nevada’s Black Rock Desert for what is perhaps the largest celebration of hedonism on the entire planet. Burning Man has been described as a “dystopian hellscape“, and that description is not too far from the truth. From August 25th to September 5th (Labor Day Monday), revelers from all over the world will dance, carouse and “express themselves” in a temporary city that has been created entirely by its citizens. This festival is part Mad Max, part Woodstock and part Eyes Wide Shut, and many “Burners” look forward all year long to these eight days of completely unrestrained hedonism. (Read More...)


Drudge Homeland Security Elections - Drudge ReportWhy does the Department of Homeland Security all of a sudden want to oversee security for the election in November? Just a little while ago I checked the Drudge Report, and I was greeted by the following headline all in red: “HOMELAND SECURITY TO TAKE CHARGE OF ELECTIONS”. I was immediately alarmed, because I had already heard about how local election databases had been hacked, and Donald Trump has expressed concern that the presidential election in November could be rigged somehow. So I immediately clicked on the link and it took me to an article from the Washington Examiner(Read More...)