Our cities are filled with extreme violence, and the blood of the innocent flows in our streets, and yet most Americans still seem to be in denial about what is happening. This isn’t just a momentary spike in violent crime that we are witnessing. The increase in violent crime that we experienced in 2020 was unprecedented, and things have been even worse in 2021. If you are not familiar with those numbers, here is a reminder… (Read More...)
Global Supplies Of Wheat, Corn And Soybeans Are “Shrinking”, And This Is Causing Hunger To Explode All Over The Planet
It turns out that things are even worse than we originally thought. Did you know that global supplies of wheat are shrinking? If that wasn’t bad enough, global supplies of corn and soybeans are shrinking as well. As a result, prices for all three have been soaring and the number of hungry people around the planet is rapidly rising. The COVID pandemic, widespread crop failures and global supply chain disruptions are some of the factors that are being blamed for this growing crisis. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that things will get much better any time soon. In fact, Forbes is telling us that we should not expect to see things turn around “until late 2022 – or beyond”… (Read More...)
Inside The Biden Administration’s Devious Plan To Purge Conservatives From The U.S. Military
If you are currently a member of the U.S. military and you would like to keep your job, you may want to delete all of your social media accounts. We have just learned that the Pentagon is going to begin monitoring the social media accounts of the men and women that are serving in the military with the goal of identifying “extremist content”. And as you will see below, those that get labeled as “extremists” are in danger of being permanently relieved from duty. Not only is this fundamentally un-American, this radical new approach also threatens to permanently shift the culture of the U.S. military dramatically to the left. Even if a Republican is elected president in the next election, the U.S. military will never be the same after a relentless political purge that lasts for four long years. (Read More...)
As Israel Relentlessly Pounds Terrorists In Gaza, The War Threatens To Expand Elsewhere
Residents of Gaza spent the night cowering in fear as a series of dramatic airstrikes destroyed buildings used by Hamas terrorists. We have never seen anything quite like this, and the Israelis haven’t shown any signs that they plan to let up any time soon. In fact, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is saying that the IDF “will continue to operate as long as needed to restore quiet and security to all Israelis”. That could take a while, because Hamas just keeps firing even more rockets into Israel. On Monday, Hamas rockets forced Israeli citizens into bomb shelters in the cities of Ashdod, Ashkelon and Beer Sheva… (Read More...)
Netanyahu Warns “We’ll Do Whatever It Takes To Restore Order And Quiet” After Nearly 3,000 Rockets Are Fired At Israel
If you were running a country and somebody decided to fire close to 3,000 rockets at your cities, what would you do? I know what I would do, and it wouldn’t be pretty. Every nation on the entire planet has a right to self-defense, but right now Israel is being savagely attacked by the left and by corporate media outlets all over the globe for simply choosing to defend itself. Of course if 3,000 rockets were fired at Washington D.C. or New York City, many of those same voices would be calling for all-out war. The hypocrisy that we are witnessing right now is staggering. Hamas made the decision to start lobbing hundreds and hundreds of rockets at Israel, and now they are paying a great price for doing so. During an appearance on “Face The Nation” on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that his nation will continue to do “whatever it takes to restore order and quiet”… (Read More...)
If The Trucks Stop Running, It Won’t Just Be A Gasoline Shortage That We Are Facing…
Our enemies now understand that you can completely paralyze America by taking out just a handful of pipelines. Even though all of us knew that any gasoline shortages were just going to be temporary, the shut down of the Colonial Pipeline caused a frenzied wave of “panic buying” all along the east coast. But if something caused the gasoline to stop flowing for a longer period of time, not being able to fill up our vehicles would be among the least of our problems. Trucks need gasoline too, and if our trucks stopped running for an extended period it would virtually paralyze every part of our society. Most Americans don’t realize this, but we are completely and utterly dependent on our truckers. Without them, our way of life would quickly cease to exist. We hardly ever hear anyone give recognition to the hard working truck drivers that are cruising up and down our highways day after day, but the truth is that they are absolutely critical to our success as a nation. (Read More...)