Avigdor Lieberman Is Israel’s New “Kingmaker”, And He Will Use That Leverage To Make Sure Israel Goes To War With Hamas

Last November, Avigdor Lieberman resigned as Israel’s defense minister when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to reject Lieberman’s plan for a military operation in Gaza and agree to a ceasefire with Hamas instead.  At the time, Lieberman called the ceasefire a “surrender to terrorism”, and of course it didn’t last very long at all.  Hamas has continued to bombard Israel with rockets in the months since then, and this has once again brought Israel and Hamas to the brink of war.  But everything was on hold until Tuesday’s election, and it appears that the outcome of that election is going to make war with Hamas much, much more likely. (Read More...)

Trump Says That The Military Response To The Attack On Saudi Arabia Will Be “Proportionate”

Trump administration officials are telling reporters and that there is no doubt that the attack on the oil production facilities in Saudi Arabia originated from Iranian soil, although Trump himself is being less dogmatic in his public statements.  It appears that Trump wants all of the evidence to come in before making a final decision about what to do, but clearly he is leaning toward military action against Iran.  And when we hit Iran, there is a very high probability that they will hit back.  In fact, the Iranians have already stated unequivocally that they will defend themselves.  So as I discussed yesterday, we are potentially facing a scenario that could ultimately lead to World War 3. (Read More...)

U.S. Prepares To Strike Iran As The Middle East Braces For World War 3 To Erupt

President Trump is using the phrase “locked and loaded” to describe our current stance toward Iran, and the big news networks appear to believe that some sort of U.S. military action could be imminent.  We just witnessed the worst attack on Saudi oil production facilities in history, and it would seem to be extremely unlikely that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia would allow this to pass with no response.  Houthi rebels in Yemen have publicly taken responsibility for the attacks, but as you will see below, U.S. officials have already completely rejected that explanation for a variety of reasons.  At this point, we are being told that the attacks probably originated either from Iranian-backed Shia rebels in southern Iraq or from Iran itself.  And if the U.S. strikes back by conducting airstrikes inside Iran, that could literally cause World War 3 to erupt.  We are so close to a major war breaking out, but most Americans are still not paying attention. (Read More...)

Has America Become One Of The Most Evil Nations On The Entire Planet?

How will history remember us?  As Americans, we like to think that we are a light to the world and that other countries should be using us as a model for how to properly do things.  But the truth is that we have become unspeakably evil, and after reading this entire article I doubt that there will be anyone that will disagree with me.  And while it is certainly true that there are quite a few other nations that are also tremendously evil, none have fallen harder or faster then we have.  At one time America truly was “the hope of the world”, but now just about every form of wickedness that you can possibly imagine is exploding all around us, and very few of our national leaders seem to care. (Read More...)

This Is Why So Many Americans Are Deathly Afraid Of Going To The Hospital…

What you are about to read in this article is likely to make you very angry.  Once upon a time, the primary mission of our hospitals was to help people, but today they have become vicious financial predators.  Many Americans try very hard to avoid visiting the hospital because of what it might cost, but if an emergency happens there is no choice.  They often get us when we are at our most vulnerable, and they never explain to us in advance how much their services will actually cost.  And then eventually when the bills start arriving we discover that they have charged us 30 dollars for a single aspirin or “$2,000 for a $20 feeding tube”.  It is a giant scam, but they have been getting away with it for decades, and so they just keep on doing it.  And many hospitals go after those that are not able to pay their ridiculous bills extremely aggressively.  Just consider the following example which comes to us from USA Today(Read More...)

22 Surveys Which Prove That Americans Never Want To Go Back To The Way America Used To Be

For a long time a great battle has been fought to determine the future direction of this country, and at this point one thing has become exceedingly clear.  America is never going to be the country that it once was.  Of course for millions of Americans this is actually very welcome news, but for those of us that have been working so hard for so long to restore the values that this nation was founded upon, it is incredibly sad to finally come to this realization.  In order for America to return to her glory days, our nation would need to embrace the values that once made our nation so great, and the truth is that the American people have resoundingly rejected those values.  This is especially true for our young people, and it won’t be too long before they are running everything.  The other side has control of our education system, of our major media outlets, of our entertainment industry and of our legal system.  They are literally systematically training future generations what to think, and that has proven to be an insurmountable advantage.  The “culture war” has been over for a long time, and they won.  But that doesn’t mean that the broader conflict is over. (Read More...)

As The NFL Season Begins, The Social Decay In NFL Cities Is Worse Than Ever

This year America is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the NFL.  Every week, millions of us will gather around our televisions to watch extremely well paid young men throw a football around.  I love football myself, and I am hoping for a really good season.  But while these highly paid teams are playing in some of the most beautiful sports stadiums in the entire world, the cities that they represent are rapidly falling apart all around them.  From coast to coast, major U.S. cities are rapidly being transformed into rotting, decaying hellholes, and it is getting worse with each passing year. (Read More...)

Researchers Blame Marriage Rate Decline On A “Lack Of Economically-Attractive Men”

You can’t make this stuff up.  The marriage rate in the United States began steadily falling in the 1980s and has been hovering near record lows in recent years, and much has been written about why this is happening.  But now researchers from Cornell University are promoting a shocking new theory that could fundamentally change the nature of the entire debate.  According to their new study which was just published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, the primary reason why the U.S. marriage rate has been declining is because there is a “lack of economically-attractive men”.  In other words, these researchers are saying that a large number of single men out there are simply not “marriage material” because they are not making enough money.  It seems very strange that researchers at an Ivy League university would make such a claim in this day and age, but apparently they are quite serious. (Read More...)