Completely Surrounded By Psychopaths And Sociopaths As We Approach The Edge Of Societal Collapse

Do you remember when America was a place where you could attend a public gathering without having to worry if a sociopath was going to set off a bomb or start wildly shooting people?  Do you remember when America was a place where you could walk down the street without having to worry that a vicious pack of teens might attack you for no reason whatsoever?  Do you remember when America was a place where you could leave your car unlocked, your house unlocked and your garage open without having to worry about thieves?  Well, only old timers are likely to remember a time when you could leave your front door unlocked, but it was once like that in America.  Over the past 50 years America has fundamentally changed.  Once upon a time you could trust just about everybody, but these days it is difficult to find anyone that you can truly trust.  We are literally surrounded by psychopaths and sociopaths as we approach the edge of societal collapse.  The truly frightening thing is that we are watching society break down rapidly even though economic conditions are still relatively good.  If this is how bad things are right now, what are they going to look like after the economy collapses and people become really desperate? (Read More...)

65 Year Old Woman With A Gun Chases Off 5 Armed Robbers

In Garden Grove, California the other day, a 65 year old woman with a gun chased 5 armed criminals out of her jewelry store.  The video of this amazing incident (posted below) is quite funny, but it also demonstrates a very serious point.  The streets of many of our largest cities are slowly but surely being transformed into a living hell as our society rots from the inside out.  The criminals are always going to have plenty of guns.  If we have no way to defend ourselves, then many of us will be at the mercy of the criminals.  For example, imagine what would have happened if those 5 armed robbers had invaded her home at night?  Without a gun, what could that 65 year old woman have done?  The best she could hope for is that the criminals would take whatever they wanted and would not do any violence to her or to her family.  Of course the police would show up later and “take a report”, but the police would not be able to undo any of the damage that the crooks had already done.  This is especially true when it comes to violence against women.  You can always replace your possessions, but you can never undo a sexual assault or a rape.  America is being absolutely overrun by psychos these days, and if you don’t have a gun how in the world are you going to keep a pack of criminals from having their way with you or with members of your family?  I realize that is a very disturbing thing to think about, but these are dark times that we are living in.  As society continues to fall apart we are going to see home invasions because more twisted and more horrifying than ever before. (Read More...)

Flash Mob Crimes And Organized Looting Have Become A Normal Part Of Life In America

Once upon a time, most Americans had never even heard of “flash mob robberies” or “organized looting”.  Now they are considered to be a part of normal life in America.  On Saturday, more than 20 teens stormed into a trendy clothing store in Chicago and stole more than $3,000 worth of jeans, but it barely made a blip on the national news because this kind of thing has become so common.  After all, we just saw the exact same kind of thing happen in Jacksonville, Detroit, Baltimore and a whole bunch of other places.  Flash mob crimes have become so common in Chicago that they take public opinion polls about them.  But when I first started writing about this phenomenon a couple of years ago, hardly anyone knew what “mob robberies” were.  In fact, I had to explain what these “flash mobs” were doing to a couple of radio hosts because they had never heard of such a thing.  But now everybody knows about the flash mobs.  Another disturbing trend that we are seeing all over America is “organized looting”.  Groups of desperate criminals are going into empty or abandoned buildings and stripping out copper wire, copper pipes and anything else that they can sell for money.  At one time these kinds of thefts made the news, but now they have also become so common that they don’t get much notice anymore. (Read More...)

Why Are So Many Bad Things Happening To America?

Have you ever wondered why things have been going so badly for the United States in recent years?  Our economy is falling apart, we have been plagued with heat, drought and endless natural disasters, our cities are absolutely crumbling, we just keep getting involved in even more wars and Americans are more anxious and more overweight than ever before.  So why are so many bad things happening to America?  Why do we lead the world in so many bad categories?  Why does nothing seem to be going right?  Are we under some kind of a curse?  It is almost as if we have entered a “perfect storm” that just keeps getting worse.  In the old days it would seem like something bad would happen to the United States every once in a while, but now massive problems seem to be hitting us in rapid fire fashion.  At this point, many Americans have “crisis fatigue” because our problems never seem to end.  Each new crisis just seems to overlap with all of the other problems that are still going on.  So why is this happening, and what is our country going to look like if our problems continue to multiply at this rate? (Read More...)

12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell

The United States once had safe, beautiful cities that were the envy of the entire world, but now many of them are degenerating into rotting, festering, crime-ridden hellholes.  All over the country there are communities where crime, drugs, gangs and human trafficking have gotten completely and totally out of control.  Once upon a time you could walk down the streets of most U.S. cities at night without much fear, but these days there are many large American cities where it would be absolutely crazy to wander around the streets at night unless you want to be mugged, shot or sexually assaulted.  If you end up at the wrong place at the wrong time you might end up being abducted by a human trafficker or have your face eaten off by a crazed drug addict high on bath salts.  With each passing day our cities degenerate just a little bit more, and life in many of our worst communities truly has become a living hell.  Sadly, this comes at a time when the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world by far.  We have tried to lock as many people away as possible and our communities are still turning into hellholes.  So where do we go from here? (Read More...)

10 Things That Will Happen If Barack Obama Continues To Systematically Legalize Illegal Immigration

Barack Obama seems completely obsessed with systematically legalizing illegal immigration.  The United States borders a failed narco-state that is one of the most crime-ridden nations on the entire planet, but Barack Obama refuses to secure the border and the consequences for the American people have been absolutely catastrophic.  Right now it is already costing us tens of billions of dollars a year to provide welfare for illegal immigrants and to educate their children in our public schools.  Right now illegal immigrants are already working millions of jobs that should belong to American workers.  Right now Mexican drug cartels are already active in more than 1,000 U.S. cities.  But apparently that is not good enough for Barack Obama.  He wants to roll out the red carpet and give the green light to tens of millions more illegal immigrants.  Last year, Obama issued a list of 19 factors for government officials to use when deciding whether to use “prosecutorial discretion” in deportation cases.  In essence, under that new set of rules criminals and “national security threats” were to be deported and virtually everyone else was to be allowed to stay.  But now Barack Obama has taken things to a whole new level.  Now, if you are under the age of 30, came to the United States under the age of 16 and have lived here for at least five years you will be able to apply for legal status and a work permit.  With the election less than 6 months away it is obvious that Barack Obama is pandering for votes.   But this kind of “banana republic politics” is only going to divide America even more deeply and is going to result in some very serious pain for this nation in the years ahead. (Read More...)

Man Knocked Out, Stripped Naked And Robbed Of Everything As Crowd Of Onlookers Laugh Hysterically

How would you feel if a group of young thugs punched you in the face, knocked you to the ground, stripped you naked and took off with your car keys, your watch, your money and your cell phone?  Well, that is exactly what happened to one man in Baltimore recently and it was all caught on camera.  Perhaps the most frightening thing about this incident is that nobody from the crowd of onlookers helped this man.  Instead, most of them appear to have been too busy laughing hysterically at what was happening to him.  Sadly, this kind of behavior is becoming all too common on the streets of America.  The hearts of our young people are growing very cold, and in a lot of major U.S. cities it is simply not safe to go strolling around after the sun goes down anymore.  The man in the video that you are about to see is lucky to have gotten away alive.  When he was punched in the face he fell directly backward and in the video you can hear the sound of his skull loudly hitting the pavement.  But instead of checking to see if he needed medical help, the crowd around the man descended on him like a bunch of crazed looters.  This incident happened on St. Patrick’s Day, but it is only now that the media is starting to take notice of this video. (Read More...)

19 Signs That America Has Become A Crazy Control Freak Nation Where Almost Everything Is Illegal

Do you think that you are free?  Most Americans would still probably answer “yes” to that question, but is that really the case?  In the film Edge of Darkness, Mel Gibson stated that “everything is illegal in Massachusetts”.  Well, the same could pretty much be said for the United States as a whole.  Our lives are governed by millions of laws, rules and regulations and more are being piled on all the time.  In fact, 40,000 new laws just went into effect in January.  Every single new law restricts your freedom just a little bit more.  The truth is that America has become a crazy control freak nation where virtually everything that we do is highly regulated.  You have probably broken multiple laws today that you don’t even know exist.  We have all become criminals and lawbreakers because almost everything is illegal at this point.  Our politicians are convinced that they are “making life better” by piling gigantic mountains of laws on to our backs, and law enforcement authorities are convinced that they are helping society by “cracking down on crime”, but the reality is that our liberties and our freedoms are being strangled by all of this government oppression.  This is not the way that America is supposed to work. (Read More...)