Something Big Coming In 2016?: Five Prominent Watchmen Issue Exceedingly Ominous Warnings

Planet Earth Globe Ominous - Public DomainIs a great shaking about to hit America?  Is 2016 going to turn out to be one of the major turning points in our history?  On The Economic Collapse Blog and End Of The American Dream, I am constantly warning my readers about what is coming, but today I want to shift the focus to what other watchmen are telling us.  And as you will see below, when I use the term “watchmen” I am also including women.  All five of the individuals that I am featuring in this article are people that I highly respect, and all five of them have issued extremely ominous warnings about our future.  So hopefully you are ready to receive what you are about to hear, because their messages are not to be taken lightly. (Read More...)

UN Rejects Israel’s Claim To The Golan Heights As Top Rabbis Await The Messiah’s Imminent Arrival

Golan Heights - Photo by EsclaThe UN Security Council has unanimously rejected Israel’s claim to sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and this is likely to cause tensions in the Middle East to rise even higher.  On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boldly declared “that the Golan Heights will remain under Israel’s sovereignty permanently.”  After close to 50 years of control over the Golan Heights, this should not have been much of a shock.  But the Arab world immediately went into an uproar, and the UN Security Council has taken action.  In a unanimous decision, the UN Security Council has announced that Israel’s claims to the Golan Heights are “null and void and without international legal effect.” (Read More...)

Unhappy America: Will The United States Collapse Due To An Internal Societal Meltdown?

American Flag Blowing In The Wind - Public DomainAre we witnessing the beginning of the end for the United States of America?  All great nations eventually fall, and the United States is not going to be any exception.  Many of those that write about the decline of our once great country tend to focus on external threats, and there are certainly many that could be talked about.  But perhaps even more ominous is the internal societal meltdown that we see happening all around us.  According to Real Clear Politics, recent surveys show that 67 percent of Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track, and only 26 percent of Americans believe that it is headed in the right direction.  So even though we are tremendously divided as to what the solutions are, the vast majority of us can see that something is deeply, deeply wrong with America. (Read More...)

Houston Flooding Is The 8th Historic Flood To Hit America Since The End Of September

Houston Flooding - Public DomainWhy has the United States been hit by historic flood after historic flood in recent months?  The flooding that is pummeling the city of Houston is the 8th historic flood in this country since the end of September.  City officials down in Houston have labeled the flooding that is currently slamming the city “a life-threatening emergency“, and they are insisting that “Houston residents should avoid travel at all costs today.”  At this point, dozens of subdivisions have been flooded and major sections of Interstate 10 and Interstate 45 are under water near downtown.  Authorities are telling us that water is getting to areas that it has never been before, and Fire Department spokesman Jay Evans announced that the water is already 10 to 15 feet deep in some areas.  But even though some parts of Houston have already gotten close to 20 inches of rain within the last 24 hours, there is more rain in the forecast, so this crisis is far from over. (Read More...)

Bathroom Crisis In America: The National Debate Over Gender-Neutral Bathrooms Goes Viral

Bathroom Sign - Public DomainShould public facilities continue to offer separate bathrooms for men and women?  In 2016, this has become a political “hot potato” that is causing emotions to run high on both sides of the debate.  Many liberals consider the push for gender-neutral bathrooms to be on the cutting edge of the civil rights movement in the United States.  Meanwhile, many conservatives consider separate bathrooms for men and women to be a matter of basic moral decency.  What both sides of the debate can agree on is that this is an issue that is not going away any time soon.  Gender-neutral bathrooms are popping up in public places all over America, and the Obama administration has even installed one in the White House.  Unfortunately, these gender-neutral bathrooms can have some very serious unintended consequences as you will see below. (Read More...)

America 1956 vs. America 2016

Once Upon A Time - FacebookIs America a better place today than it was back in 1956?  Of course many Americans living right now couldn’t even imagine a world without cell phones, Facebook or cable television, but was life really so bad back then?  60 years ago, families would actually spend time on their front porches and people would actually have dinner with their neighbors.  60 years ago, cars were still cars, football was still football and it still meant something to be an American.  In our country today, it is considered odd to greet someone as they are walking down the street, and if someone tries to be helpful it is usually because they want something from you.  But things were very different in the middle of the last century.  Men aspired to be gentlemen and women aspired to be ladies, and nobody had ever heard of  “bling”, “sexting” or “twerking”.  Of course life was far from perfect, but people actually had standards and they tried to live up to them. (Read More...)

The Exodus Of People Moving Away From California Is Becoming An Avalanche

The Golden Gate Bridge - Public DomainOver the past ten years, approximately five million people have moved away from the state of California, and as you will see in this article this mass exodus appears to be accelerating.  So exactly why is this happening?  Once upon a time, it seemed like almost everyone wanted to live in California.  The nearly endless sunshine, the incredible weather, the pristine beaches and a booming economy motivated millions of young Americans to move out there to pursue “the California Dream”.  In fact, in the early nineties I actually explored the idea of moving out there myself.  But now the California Dream has become a nightmare.  Californians are being taxed to death, traffic in the major cities is absolutely horrific, violent crime and gang activity are on the rise, millions of illegal immigrants are putting an incredible strain on social support systems, and the ultra-liberal government in Sacramento seems to have gone completely insane.  In addition, the state faces constant threats from earthquakes, wildfires, droughts and mudslides, so it is quite understandable why so many people feel motivated to leave and never come back. (Read More...)

Easter Suicide Bombing A Preview Of The Persecution Christians Will Face During The Tribulation?

Death Abstract - Public DomainAt least 65 people were killed and at least 300 were injured when an Islamic suicide bomber targeted a group of Christians that were celebrating Easter in a park in Lahore, Pakistan on Sunday.  Photographs and videos from the scene show bodies that are absolutely covered in blood and that are mangled beyond description.  To be honest, many of them are so graphic that I would not feel comfortable sharing them with my readers.  This brutal attack comes right on the heels of the horrific terror bombings in Brussels, Belgium, and it appears that we have entered a period of time when there will be a feeding frenzy of Islamic terrorism.  According to Wikipedia, there have been 96 such terror attacks since the start of 2016 alone, and this is already shaping up to be a record setting year for Islamic terror.  But of course this is just the beginning.  What we will see in the months and years to come will be far worse.  In fact, attacks like the one that we witnessed on Easter are just a very small preview of the persecution that Christians will experience during the coming Tribulation period. (Read More...)