9 Signs That The Price Of Oil In 2011 Will Soar Well Beyond 100 Dollars A Barrel

Will we see the price of oil rise significantly in 2011?  Unfortunately, that appears to be precisely where we are headed.  Despite stubbornly high unemployment and a very sluggish economy in the United States, the price of oil continues to creep upward.  Part of it can be attributed to the fact that the U.S. dollar and other major currencies are continuing to lose value relative to all commodities, and part of it can be attributed to the continuing rise in the global demand for oil.  But those factors alone do not explain what we are seeing.  Expectations are a very powerful thing, especially for financial markets, and right now there is an overwhelming consensus that oil prices are going to rise in 2011.  The big oil companies, the big oil exporting nations and the big investment banks are nearly all in agreement that a higher price for oil is coming and the speculators smell money and are starting to jump on to the bandwagon. (Read More...)

Bye Bye American Pie: 10 Reasons Why America’s Economic Pie Is Rapidly Shrinking

All over the mainstream media today, the wealthy are being pitted against the poor.  Those advocating for the wealthy claim that if we could just cut the taxes for the rich and make things easier for them that they will create lots of jobs for the rest of us.  Those advocating for the poor claim that the gap between the rich and the poor is now larger than ever and that if we could just get the workers to fight for their rights that we could get things back to how they used to be.  It is a very interesting debate, but it totally ignores a reality that is even more important.  America’s economic pie is rapidly shrinking.  As part of the new globalist economy, every single month massive amounts of U.S. wealth is being transferred out of the United States and into foreign hands in exchange for oil and cheap plastic trinkets.  In addition, every single month our national government goes into more debt, our state governments go into more debt and our local governments go into more debt.  The interest on all of this debt represents a tremendous transfer of wealth.  What most Americans fail to grasp is that our collective wealth is getting smaller.  There is now less of an “economic pie” for all of us to divide up. (Read More...)

Will The Obama Tax Cut Deal Save The Economy? NO!!

All over Washington D.C., top Republicans and Obama administration officials are running around declaring that the tax cut deal that was just passed will save the U.S. economy. But is this even partially true? Of course not! Mostly, what the “tax cut deal” does is keep tax rates exactly where they already are. Now, many of us are extremely thankful that we will not be paying higher taxes, but the truth is that if these tax cuts were going to “save the economy” they would already be saving it. Yes, this tax cut deal will provide a minor short-term stimulus to the economy, but it will also add $858 billion (some say closer to $1 trillion) to the projected federal budget deficits over the next two years. You see, this tax cut deal contained “all candy and no spinach”. In other words, the tax cuts were not accompanied by corresponding spending cuts, and that is going to lead to big trouble in the long run. (Read More...)

Buying Gold: Why Are The Chinese Gobbling Up Gold Like There Is No Tomorrow?

Why are the Chinese buying so much gold?  In 2010 it has been demand out of China that has been one of the primary factors for the dramatic rise in the price of gold.  Gold is up approximately 26 percent this year, and most analysts expect it to go even higher in 2011.  So is China buying gold at a breathtaking pace because they view it as a good investment, or are there other factors at work here?  Do the Chinese view gold as a hedge against inflation?  Is China seeking to get out of U.S. Treasuries?  Has gold simply become much more attractive than paper currencies such as the euro and the U.S. dollar?  Or could China be preparing for the coming financial collapse that so many economists see coming?  It is always difficult to tell exactly what China is up to, but one thing is for sure – they are buying gold like there is no tomorrow. (Read More...)

Desperation Sets In: More Than 100,000 People Apply For Low Paying Flight Attendant Positions With Delta Air Lines

All across America, job seekers are becoming increasingly desperate.  Today, unemployed Americans often find themselves competing against hundreds or even thousands of other job applicants for the same position.  An absolutely stunning example of this happened recently when more than 100,000 people applied for just 1,000 open flight attendant positions with Delta Air Lines.  The starting salary for these positions is only “in the upper $20,000s”, and serving peanuts and sodas to cranky passengers can get really old really fast.  But this just shows how desperate people are becoming.  For many unemployed Americans, any job is a good job at this point.  Right now there are approximately 5 unemployed Americans for every single job opening, and 6 million Americans have been out of work for 6 months or longer.  When you get that many unemployed people fighting over so few positions the desperation in the air becomes almost palpable. (Read More...)

16 Nightmarish Economic Trends To Watch Carefully In 2011

If you only watch the “economic pundits” on television, it can be very confusing to figure out exactly what is happening with the U.S. economy.  One pundit will pull out a couple statistics that got a little bit better over the past month and claim that we have entered a time of solid recovery.  Another pundit will pull out a couple statistics that got a little worse over the past month and claim that we are headed for trouble.  So what is the truth?  Well, if you really want to get a clear idea of what is really going on you have to look at the long-term trends.  There are some economic trends which just keep getting worse year after year after year, and it is those trends that tell the real story of the decline of our economic system. (Read More...)

China #1, United States #2? 25 Facts That Prove The Transition Is Really Happening

On a recent episode of The Office, Michael Scott spent much of the show bemoaning the fact that China could soon become the number one economic superpower.  Of course by the end of the episode everyone had concluded that the United States would continue to be number one indefinitely, but in the real world things are not so simple.  Sadly, the cold, hard facts reveal that China is on the rise and the United States is experiencing a dramatic economic decline.  The world is changing and China is projected to become the largest economy in the world at some point during the next decade.  Americans have been taught from birth that “the U.S. is number one”, but the transition is really happening.  China is passing the United States even in quite a few high tech industries and in many areas of scientific research.  The numbers that you are going to read below are absolutely staggering.  It is getting really hard to deny that the Chinese are wiping the floor with us economically.  In fact, they are beating us so badly that it is hard to put into words. (Read More...)

24 Signs That All Of America Is Becoming Just Like Detroit – A Rotting, Post-Industrial, Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland

For years, people have been laughing at the horrific economic decline of Detroit.  Well, guess what?  The same thing that happened to Detroit is now happening to dozens of other communities across the United States.  From coast to coast there are formerly great manufacturing cities that have turned into rotting, post-industrial war zones.  In particular, in America’s “rust belt” you can drive through town after town after town that resemble little more than post-apocalyptic wastelands.  In many U.S. cities, the “real” rate of unemployment is over 30 percent.  There are some communities that will start depressing you almost the moment you drive into them.  It is almost as if all of the hope has been sucked right out of those communities. (Read More...)