25 Stats That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed

The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In AmericaThe 25 statistics that you are about to read are solid proof that the middle class in America is being systematically wiped out.  Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world.  It seemed like almost everyone owned a home, had a couple of nice vehicles and could provide a very comfortable lifestyle for their families.  Sadly, that has all changed.  In America today, prices are rising at a very brisk pace but incomes are not.  There aren’t nearly enough jobs for everyone anymore, and most of the jobs that are being “created” are jobs that pay very little.  The largest employer in America is Wal-Mart, and the second largest employer is actually a temp agency (Kelly Services).  In a desperate attempt to make ends meet, millions of American families endlessly pile up more debt, and millions of other American families find themselves forced to turn to the government for help.  At this point, more than 49 percent of all Americans receive benefits from the federal government each month.  The percentage of Americans that cannot financially take care of themselves is rising every single year, and our independence is being whittled away as we become increasingly dependent on the government.  Unfortunately, our politicians continue to stand aside and do nothing as our jobs are shipped overseas, inflation steals our purchasing power and the middle class continues to shrink.  The following are 25 stats that prove that the American Dream is being systematically destroyed… (Read More...)

The Population Control Agenda Is Being Relentlessly Pushed In American Public Schools

They Love DeathDo you want your kids to be taught that the earth has too many people and that they should have no more than two children for the good of the planet?  Yes, I know that this sounds absolutely crazy, but this is actually the kind of propaganda that is being forced upon our young people all over America.  The population control agenda is being relentlessly pushed in high school textbooks, in classroom instruction and by outside organizations that are given constant access to our high school students.  As you will see below, the number one population control organization in the United States, Planned Parenthood, conducts nearly 900 presentations in high schools in the Los Angeles area every single year.  And the population control propaganda gets even worse once our kids go off to college.  I know – I spent eight years in the classroom at U.S. public universities and most parents would be absolutely horrified to learn what their children are being taught. (Read More...)

Uh Oh: 47 Million Food Stamp Recipients Are Having Their Benefits Cut Back On November 1st

Crying Girl - Photo by D Sharon Pruitt47.6 million Americans are about to have their food stamp benefits cut, and most of them have absolutely no idea that it is about to happen.  Needless to say, a lot of them are going to be very angry when they discover that they cannot buy as much food for their families anymore.  The reason that this is happening is because a temporary boost to food stamp benefits that was put in during the last recession is expiring.  But most of the people that are having their benefits cut will not understand this.  Most of them will just be very upset that the government is “taking money away” from them.  And considering the “mini-riots” that we witnessed earlier this month when the system that processes food stamp payments went down for a few hours, it is obvious that a lot of food stamp recipients can very easily be pushed over the edge.  So what would happen if we have another “debt ceiling crisis” in Washington D.C. early next year and food stamp benefits are temporarily cut off completely? (Read More...)

33 Stats That Prove That SOMETHING Desperately Needs To Be Done About The National Debt

Tea Party SignThe U.S. national debt is 36 times larger than it was just 40 years ago.  That is not a misprint.  That is actually the truth.  We are literally destroying the future of America, but most Americans don’t really seem to care.  In fact, the most hated politicians in America are the Tea Party politicians that recently tried to take a stand against the out of control borrowing that the federal government has been doing.  Pew Research has just released a new survey that shows that the popularity of the Tea Party is at an all-time low.  So while many Americans may say that they theoretically want something to be done about the national debt, when push comes to shove they don’t actually mean that.  You see, the reality of the matter is that about 128 million Americans get money from the federal government every month.  That accounts for the majority of all government spending.  Anyone who tries to take those goodies away is going to be hated.  So we are going to continue down this crazy path until the system completely crashes someday. (Read More...)

Moral Relativism

John Adams, the second president of the United States, once made the following statement: “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”  As we promote a return to constitutional principles, perhaps we should also be asking ourselves if the American people are moral enough to uphold and defend our Constitution anymore.  Will a political shift in Washington D.C. solve all of our problems, or should we be looking into our own hearts as well?  As controversial as it may be to question the morality of the American people, the truth is that after all of the shocking things that have transpired in this nation over the last 50 years someone certainly should be willing to ask the hard questions.  It would be hard to deny that moral relativism and moral decay are absolutely rampant in the United States today, and that our moral problems are very much at the heart of many of our problems. (Read More...)

Be A Watchman

When I was young, someone told me the following: “Life is like a coin – you can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once.”  So how are you spending your life?  Are you just “killing time” and watching world events go by or are you actively trying to make a difference?  When your life is over, will you be proud of the legacy that you have left, or will you be ashamed of what you have done with the time that you were given?  None of us can go back now and change what we have done in the past, but the future stands unwritten before us.  The remaining chapters of your life can be a beautiful thing – but only if you are courageous enough to seize the day.  One way that you can make a difference in this world is by being a watchman.  So exactly is a watchman?  Well, in the ancient world they did not have any of the modern forms of communication that we take for granted today, so the only way a city would know that a threat was approaching would be to post watchmen on the city walls.  A watchman would stand at his post for endless hours, watching intently for any threats that might be headed for the city.  If the watchman did spot something troubling on the horizon it was his job to sound the alarm – thus buying the residents of the city precious time to prepare.  If the watchman did his job correctly, it could potentially deliver the city from total disaster and literally save the lives of thousands upon thousands of people. (Read More...)

The American People Are Taking A Stand Against Naked Body Scanners And TSA Groping

An amazing thing is happening.  Americans from every walk of life and from across the political spectrum are standing up and are saying “NO” to naked body scanners and TSA groping.  It isn’t as if we are against airport security.  For decades, the vast majority of us have been more than happy to walk through metal detectors in order to get on an airplane.  But when the government wants to look at our naked bodies and fondle our wives and our children that is just too much.  The truth is that these new “enhanced pat-downs” would be considered sexual assaults if they were committed out on the street.  Horror stories have been pouring in from airports across the United States and the American people have had enough. (Read More...)

Why The Chinese Monopoly On Rare Earth Elements Is So Incredibly Dangerous

Most Americans have no idea why rare earth elements are important or why the Chinese monopoly on them is so dangerous.  But now that China is enforcing strict new quotas on the export of these metals a lot more people are going to start learning about them.  So just exactly what are they?  Well, “rare earth elements” is a name that has been given to 17 metals from the middle of the Periodic Table with nearly unpronounceable names such as lanthanum, cerium, tantalum, neodymium and europium.  These metals are used in an increasing number of high technology products.  Everything from iPods to wind turbines to missile-guidance systems use these metals.  Unfortunately, today China controls over 90 percent of the world supply of rare earth elements.  This puts China in an incredibly powerful position. (Read More...)