12 Signs That America Has Become A Politically-Correct Madhouse

What in the world has happened to the United States? We are rapidly getting to the point where political correctness is in danger of becoming our national religion. Of course most people would not even call it a “religion”, but for most Americans this unwritten set of rules shapes everything that they think, do and say. Many had been hoping that the spell of political correctness would be broken by the election of Donald Trump, but that obviously has not happened. The forces of political correctness still have a stranglehold on our education system, on all forms of entertainment, on our legal system, and on most of the politicians in both political parties. (Read More...)

The NFL Has Become A Circus Of Political Correctness

NFL Cam_Newton_during_the_2011_NFL_season - Photo by Pantherfan11Do you remember when the NFL actually used to be about football?  The NFL has become a reflection of society at large, and it has been disgusting to watch the transformation take place.  And I am not talking about the reprehensible behavior of players such as Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and Greg Hardy.  The things that each of those men are accused of doing are absolutely horrible, and each one of them should have the opportunity to be held accountable for their actions in a court of law.  But what I am talking about is how the NFL has become a circus of political correctness.  These days, there is very little talk about what is actually happening on the field.  Rather, there is endless debate about the latest scandals and about what the proper politically-sensitive response to those scandals should be.  And of course the media just loves to add fuel to the fire.  If they can get a coach or a player to say something that is just slightly politically inappropriate that will give them the latest “breaking news” to write about. (Read More...)

If You Do Not Conform, The Thought Nazis WILL Get You

Big Brother Is Watching YouIf you do not conform to the new politically correct moral code in America, you cannot be a CEO of a major corporation.  If you think that I am joking, just read on.  I am actually deadly serious.  If you are a young person in America today, what you believe about certain issues is going to determine how high you can climb the ladder in your professional life.  In fact, a day is rapidly approaching when anyone that wants to have any measure of professional success in our society is going to have to conform to the moral code.  If you choose not to conform, the thought Nazis WILL get you. (Read More...)

15 Quotes About The Duck Dynasty Controversy That Every American Should See

Phil RobertsonWhat is being done to Phil Robertson shows just how far America has fallen.  The thought police are waging an all-out campaign to take down one of the biggest names in the United States, and if they are successful none of us will ever be safe again.  We are becoming a nation that is governed by bullying, intimidation and unwritten speech codes, and if you happen to say the “wrong thing” you could lose everything.  Liberal pundits are gleefully declaring that making statements such as Robertson made “should get you fired from most jobs“.  That means that they believe that unless you conform to their version of morality (or keep your mouth shut forever) you should lose your job.  So are you ready to lose your job for what you believe?  Because that is where we are heading.  In the future, if you do not conform to their politically correct Big Brother speech code, you will be unemployable and you and your entire family will be outcasts from society.  That is why the Duck Dynasty controversy is so important.  This is a “line in the sand” moment, and if the thought police are successful than those that refuse to abandon Biblical morality will soon be forced underground.  Do you really want to live in a country where a large percentage of the population can no longer express what they believe to be right and wrong? (Read More...)

The Dark Side Of Halloween: The Kind Of Stuff That Real Life Nightmares Are Made Of

On October 31st, tens of millions of Americans will celebrate Halloween by going trick-or-treating or by attending costume parties.  For most people, Halloween is a fun evening of dressing up and eating too much candy, and it is a holiday that is becoming more popular than ever.  According to a recent report from the National Retail Federation, seven out of every 10 Americans plan to celebrate Halloween this year.  That is the highest level that the National Retail Federation has ever recorded.  This year, it is being projected that Americans will spend $6.86 billion on Halloween.  Every year Halloween just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  But there is also a dark side to Halloween.  It is not “politically correct” to talk about this, but the truth is that the way that many people choose to celebrate Halloween is the kind of stuff that real life nightmares are made of. (Read More...)