Something That Is Absolutely Critical To Remember Over The Next Several Months

A victory is not a victory if you betray your core values in the process of achieving that victory.  This is not the article that I was expecting to write today, but this is one of those times when I have been taken in a direction that I did not anticipate.  Today, everyone can see that America is very deeply divided.  Anger, frustration and hatred are rising all around us, and we are rapidly approaching the election in November.  As November approaches, I believe that things are going to get very heated.  And when an election gets heated, it can be very tempting to hate the people on the other side.  But we must not give in to that temptation, because Americans are not supposed to be hate-filled people.  In the end, our lives will be defined by how much we love, and that includes how much we love those that are our enemies.  I know that such talk is very rare in America today, and that is why articles like this are so desperately needed. (Read More...)

America Has Never Experienced A Heatwave Quite Like This

Every summer is hot, and every summer there are heatwaves, but what we are witnessing in 2020 is rewriting all of the rules.  It has been blistering hot across the Southwest, and record after record is being broken.  In a year when we have had a seemingly endless series of things go wrong, we definitely didn’t need a historic heatwave to hit us, and it is causing all sorts of problems.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we will be getting any relief for at least a few more days, because it is being reported that record-setting heat is “expected to last throughout the week”… (Read More...)

Is The Stunning Peace Deal Between Israel And The UAE A Prelude To Formally Dividing The Land Of Israel?

Last week’s surprise announcement of a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates caught just about everyone by surprise.  I hadn’t heard anything about a potential deal in the works, and the mainstream media in the western world was completely blindsided by the deal.  But this has become Israel’s pattern in recent decades.  The Oslo Accords, Israel’s peace deal with Jordan and other agreements were negotiated under a cloak of total secrecy because officials didn’t want public sentiment to potentially destroy negotiations.  And there could potentially be other “peace deals” in the works right now that we don’t know anything about. (Read More...)

How Would You Feel About A Nationwide Mask Mandate That Forced You To Wear A Mask In Public At All Times?

I think that this headline is going to upset a lot of people, and it should.  Personally, I believe that if you want to wear a mask you should be able to wear a mask, but if you don’t want to wear a mask you should not be forced to wear one.  And I also believe that we should be respectful of the choices that others have made.  I have seen so many instances where a crazed individual has viciously gone after someone else for either wearing or not wearing a mask, and that should not be happening.  Why don’t we all just chill out and let people deal with this pandemic however they want to deal with it?  To me, that makes a whole lot of sense.  Unfortunately, many of our control freak politicians want to micromanage our behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that includes the Democratic candidate for president. (Read More...)

Has America Entered A New Era Of Permanent Civil Unrest?

In 2020, it seems like each new day brings more headlines about chaos on the streets of America, and on Monday that included violence right outside the gates of the White House.  It is being reported that there was “an active shooter near the White House”, and we are being told that the Secret Service shot a “male suspect” and that the “male suspect” had been transported to the hospital.  I am sure that we will learn more about this incident in the days ahead, and we should be thankful that the Secret Service was able to easily handle this situation.  But there are reports that a group of protesters plans to “lay siege” to the White House in the weeks leading up to the election, and so officials will undoubtedly have their hands full as we draw closer to November. (Read More...)

Why Have So Many Enormous Earthquakes Hit The United States In Recent Months?

Unusually large earthquakes have been striking diverse locations all over the United States in recent months, and experts are not exactly sure why this is happening.  On Sunday, a very strange magnitude 5.1 earthquake that hit North Carolina made headlines all over the nation.  In fact, when I checked the Drudge Report on Sunday it was the top headline on the entire site.  Earthquakes of this size very rarely happen in the eastern United States, and it is being reported that this quake was the most powerful to hit the state in more than one hundred years… (Read More...)

Escape From New York: Wealthy Residents Flee In Droves As The City Degenerates Into A Hellhole

Hundreds of thousands of wealthy residents have already left New York City, and more are leaving every day as America’s biggest city rapidly degenerates into a hellhole.  This is incredibly sad to watch, because in many ways New York had been an incredible success story over the past several decades.  The 1970s and 1980s were nightmarish times for the city, but over the past several decades it was transformed into a virtual paradise for the wealthy and famous.  Crime rates absolutely plummeted, the city was given a dramatic facelift and a booming financial community brought an unprecedented amount of wealth into New York.  But now many of the old problems are starting to come back again, and a lot of wealthy New Yorkers have decided that it is time to look for greener pastures. (Read More...)

Enjoy The Month Of August And Use It To Prepare, Because September Is Coming…

2020 has definitely been a chaotic year so far.  The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly disrupted life all over the planet, we have witnessed a horrific economic downturn, and civil unrest has been raging in major U.S. cities for months.  But the good news is that we appear to have hit a pocket of relative calm here in August.  Yes, global events are still going crazy, and the bizarre explosion that we just witnessed in Beirut is just one example.  But compared to what we experienced during the first half of 2020 and compared to what we will experience during the last portion of this year, I believe that August should be relatively peaceful.  I would encourage everyone to enjoy this month as much as possible and to use it to prepare for what is ahead, because September is just around the corner. (Read More...)