Primary Voting Results Clearly Show Which Direction America Is Heading

Elections have consequences, and the results that have been coming in from all over the country during this primary season are making it very clear where both major political parties are heading.  For the Democrats, we have seen a number of progressive candidates win extremely impressive victories lately, and that includes knocking off a couple moderate Democrats that had been serving in Congress for a very long time.  On the other side, conservative challengers have been soundly defeated by moderate Republicans over and over again.  As funny as this may sound, both parties appear to be moving in the same direction at this point.  Both parties appear to be moving to the left, and that has fundamental implications for the future of this nation. (Read More...)

Scientists Have Warned That A 400 Foot Tsunami Could Hit The East Coast If An Asteroid Hit The Atlantic Ocean

We live at a time when giant space rocks are whizzing past our planet with alarming regularity.  Sometimes we know in advance that they are coming, and sometimes we don’t.  In fact, on July 28th an asteroid the size of a car zipped past our planet “at a range that rivals the orbits of some high-flying satellites”, but we had only spotted it for the very first time on July 26th.  If we couldn’t see that one until it was nearly upon us, could it be possible that there are much larger potential threats hurtling toward our planet that we currently know nothing about? (Read More...)

Your Phone Is Spying On You, And Companies Are Generating Secret “Surveillance Scores” Based On That Information

Nothing that you do on your phone is private.  In this day and age, most of us have become extremely dependent on our phones, and most Americans never even realize that these extremely sophisticated little devices are gathering mountains of information on each one of us.  Your phone knows what you look like, it knows the sound of your voice, it knows where you have been, it knows where you have shopped, it knows your Internet searches and it knows what you like to do in your free time.  In fact, your phone literally knows thousands of things about you, and all of that information is bought and sold every single day without you knowing.  And as you will see below, there are lots of companies out there that use information collected from our phones to create secret “surveillance scores” that are used for a whole host of alarming purposes. (Read More...)

Stories Of Economic Despair From America’s Worst Economic Downturn Since The Great Depression Of The 1930s

The economic pain that we are witnessing right now is far greater than anything that we witnessed during the last recession.  U.S. GDP declined by 32.9 percent on an annualized basis last quarter, more than 100,000 businesses have permanently shut down since the COVID-19 pandemic first hit the United States, and more than 54 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits over the last 19 weeks.  Up until just recently, a $600 weekly unemployment “supplement” and a federal moratorium that prevented many evictions had helped to ease the suffering for millions of American families, but both of those measures have now expired.  As a result, a tremendous amount of economic pain which had previously been deferred will now come rushing back with a vengeance.  Millions of American families are no longer going to be able to pay their bills, and experts are warning that we could soon see an “eviction crisis” that is absolutely unprecedented in American history. (Read More...)

Joe Biden Is About To Pick His Running Mate, And That Choice Could Have Extremely Serious Implications For Our Future

Originally, I wasn’t going to write about Joe Biden’s search for a running mate, but I changed my mind.  Most of the time running mate picks are of relatively little consequence as far as the election outcome is concerned, and many of those on tickets that do not ultimately win end up being forgotten by the public fairly rapidly.  If you doubt this, just try to name the running mates of failed presidential candidates Bob Dole, Michael Dukakis and John Kerry off the top of your head.  In fact, many of you that are reading this article probably cannot name Hillary Clinton’s running mate without looking it up.  But this time is different. (Read More...)

A Sizable Earthquake Just Hit Los Angeles, And The Clock Is Ticking For The West Coast Of The United States

Every time the west coast shakes, it is another reminder that a day of reckoning is fast approaching.  Someday time will run out and “the Big One” will finally strike, and the devastation will be far more immense than most people would dare to imagine.  Over the last 7 days, there have been 1,957 earthquakes in California and Nevada, but the one that everyone is talking about is the magnitude 4.2 earthquake that just shook up Los Angeles.  According to ABC News, this quake was large enough to trigger “alerts from the state’s new quake warning system”… (Read More...)

We Are In The Process Of Completely Losing America

When I was growing up, I was taught to love America.  My father was in the U.S. Navy, our family spent six years overseas as he served at a military base in a foreign land, and every day I would say the Pledge of Allegiance at the local school for military children that I attended.  It was during this period of time that Ronald Reagan was first elected president of the United States, and the things that he said about the greatness of America’s values really inspired me.  Of course no nation has ever been perfect, but at one time the United States was united by a common set of values that we were constantly striving to live up to.  And one of the reasons why I am often so hard on America in my articles is because I want us to rediscover those values and start trying to live up to them once again. (Read More...)

COVID-19 Shows America Is Vulnerable To Biological Terror, And Weaponized Viruses Are Surprisingly Easy To Make

In this article, I want to talk about something that has been on my heart for quite a while.  Over the last several months, we have all seen the chaos that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused all over the globe.  Overall, more than 16 million confirmed cases have been reported worldwide, and more than 650,000 people have died.  But of course those raw numbers do not tell the entire story.  This virus has struck fear into the hearts of billions of people all over the world and has thrown the entire global economy into a devastating economic depression.  After watching what COVID-19 has done to us, it is inevitable that many of those that wish to do us harm will be inspired to look into the feasibility of purposely releasing viruses that are even deadlier than COVID-19 inside the United States.  Thanks to dramatic leaps in technology over the last couple of decades, it has become very easy to create and weaponize viruses, and once such a biological weapon is released we may never even know who attacked us. (Read More...)