The Best Place To Live In The United States? Here Are 9 Maps To Consider

United States Fun Map - Public DomainIf you could live anywhere in America during the tumultuous years ahead, where would it be?  This is a topic that is hotly debated, and the truth is that there is not a single right answer.  If you have a very strong family support system where you are, it might not be right to try to move 2000 miles away and start a new life from scratch.  And for many Americans, moving is out of the question in the short-term because they are completely and totally dependent on employment in their local areas.  But in recent years we have seen an increasing number of Americans strategically relocate to another region of the country.  They can see our society breaking down and they can see the storm clouds on the horizon and they want to do what they can to prepare themselves and their families for what is ahead.  So is there a “best place to live” in the United States?  Are there some areas that are preferable to others?  The following are 9 maps to consider… (Read More...)

If Netanyahu Loses, You Can Blame Barack Obama

Benjamin NetanyahuIt’s no secret that Barack Obama greatly dislikes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  But officially, Obama says that he is not trying to influence the outcome of the Israeli election.  Unfortunately, just like with so many other lies that Obama tells, that simply is not true.  A couple of months ago, it looked like Netanyahu was going to cruise to an easy victory in this election.  But then a flood of money and an army of Obama operatives started heading into Israel.  Now, the latest opinion polls project that Isaac Herzog’s Zionist Union will take 26 seats in the Knesset, and Netanyahu’s Likud Party is only being projected to take 22 seats.  Netanyahu is blaming this dramatic swing in the polls on an “international conspiracy“, but he won’t mention Obama by name.  However, anyone with half a brain can see what is happening.  Even CNN admits that “corks will be popping at the White House and State Department if Netanyahu loses”. (Read More...)

While Obama Guts The U.S. Military, Russia Prepares For War

Russian Nuclear Missile To Be Personally Delivered To ObamaThe Russian military and the U.S. military are going in two very different directions.  Military spending in Russia is increasing by a whopping 33 percent this year alone, and the Russians are feverishly preparing as if a major war with the United States is inevitable.  But despite the fact that the conflict in Ukraine has raised tensions with Russia to Cold War levels, the Obama administration is still acting as if we were living in a “post-Cold War” era.  Even while the Russians are arming themselves to the teeth, the U.S. military is being gutted.  In fact, the U.S. Army is in the process of being cut down to the smallest size that we have seen since the end of World War II, and the U.S. Navy is already the smallest that it has been since World War I.  There is very little political debate about this gutting of our military at the moment, but someday we may look back and bitterly regret not being more prepared. (Read More...)

East Coast Tsunami: If It Happens, MILLIONS Of Americans Could Die

Tsunami Hazard ZoneCould you imagine what would happen if a tsunami hundreds of feet high slammed into the east coast of the United States at several hundred miles an hour?  Just because it has never happened during any of our lifetimes does not mean that it can’t happen.  In fact, scientists tell us that there is a very good chance that it will happen someday.  And if it does happen, there is a very good chance that the number of dead Americans could be in the millions.  Even though there are “Tsunami Hazard Zone” signs on Florida beaches to remind us of this potential threat, we have built giant cities right along the edge of the water all along the Atlantic coast.  Today, an astounding 39 percent of all Americans live in counties that directly border a shoreline.  The potential damage that a major east coast tsunami could do would be unimaginable.  Remember, those living along the Indian Ocean never expected a tsunami in 2004, and those living in Japan never imagined what would hit them in 2011.  These things do happen, and it might very well happen to us one day. (Read More...)

When Technology Becomes Religion And Science Becomes God

Internet Worship - Public DomainAre we in love with how smart we are?  In America today, there are technology companies that have a much larger “cult following” than any religious organization.  And there are millions upon millions of Americans that freely confess that they “believe in science”.  So what does this say about us?  Does it say that we have discarded ancient “superstitions” and instead have embraced logic and reason?  Sadly, in most cases the truth is that we have simply traded one form of religion for another.  Scientists and technology gurus have become our new high priests, and most of us blindly follow whatever they tell us.  But in the end, just like with so many religious organizations, it is all about the money.  Those with the money determine what the science is going to say, who the high priests are going to be, and what messages are conveyed to the public.  For example, once upon a time the big tobacco companies had armies of doctors and scientists that swore up and down that smoking cigarettes was not harmful.  In fact, many doctors and dentists in America once personally endorsed specific brands of cigarettes.  Of course millions of Americans were getting sick and dying, but this was dismissed as “anecdotal evidence”.  And over in Germany, “science” was once used to prove that the Germans were the master race.  We look back in horror now, but at the time the best “science” in the world was used as justification to promote some horrible untruths.  And of course the same thing is happening today.  We are told over and over that “the science is settled” regarding genetically-modified food, climate change and vaccine safety, and yet those of us that think for ourselves know that isn’t the case at all.  But if you do not believe in the “official story”, you don’t get to be part of the “scientific establishment”.  By definition, the only people that get to be “scientific experts” are the ones that embrace the “doctrine” of those that control the big corporations, that fund the research studies at the major universities and that own the big media outlets.  Everyone else is not permitted to be part of the discussion. (Read More...)

The New Madrid Earthquake That Will Divide The United States In Half

New Madrid Fault Earthquake ZoneOnce upon a time, North America almost divided along a very deep subsurface rift.  Today, that rift system and the faults associated with it are known as the New Madrid fault zone.  This fault zone is six times larger than the San Andreas fault zone in California and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi.  Back in 1811 and 1812, four of the largest earthquakes in U.S. history struck that area of the country.  The movement of the ground was so powerful that it changed the course of the Mississippi River and it rang church bells in Boston, Massachusetts.  So could such an earthquake (or worse) strike today?  Well, last year the U.S. Geological Survey released a report that warned that the New Madrid fault zone has the “potential for larger and more powerful quakes than previously thought“, and the USGS also admits that the number of significant earthquakes in the middle part of the country has more than quintupled in recent years.  We also know that the U.S. government and large corporations are so concerned about the potential for a major New Madrid earthquake that they have held major exercises that simulate one.  Scientists tell us that it is just a matter of time until another superquake hits the region, and personally I am one of the millions of Americans that believe that we will eventually see a New Madrid earthquake that will divide the United States in half.  That is one of the reasons why I included a New Madrid earthquake in my novel.  But others are skeptical.  They point out that we have not seen a truly devastating earthquake in that region for more than 200 years.  So why be concerned about one now? (Read More...)

The U.S.-Backed Government In Ukraine Is Starting To Lose The Civil War

War In Ukraine - Photo by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung from Berlin, DeutschlandThe mainstream media in the U.S. is being very quiet about this, but the truth is that the U.S.-backed government in Kiev is starting to lose the civil war.  This week, the separatists captured the very important railway junction of Debaltseve despite the fact that a ceasefire is supposed to be in place.  Buoyed by a constant influx of Russian weapons and supplies, the separatists have gained a clear upper hand in the conflict.  But this was not supposed to happen.  When protest groups that were funded, organized and advised by organizations in the United States violently overthrew the democratically elected Ukrainian government, the Obama administration was hoping that the Ukrainian people would rapidly embrace their new pro-western leaders.  Instead, the nation was plunged into a very bitter civil war that could go on for many years.  And as the battlefield stands right now, the government in Kiev will probably be forced to concede even more territory in the months ahead as more weapons and fighters arrive from Russia.  The Obama administration could decide to intervene by shipping large amounts of weapons and supplies to the Ukrainian government, but that could turn the civil war in Ukraine into a proxy war between the United States and Russia.  And the thing about proxy wars is that sometimes they turn into real wars. (Read More...)

Saudi Arabia And ISIS Both Want The Same Thing: World Domination

World Domination - Public DomainWhen ISIS released a video which showed Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive, it shocked the entire planet.  The evil that it takes to do such a thing is on a level that is almost unspeakable.  In the western world, we have a very hard time understanding what would motivate anyone to take a life in such a manner.  But in the Middle East, this brand of tyranny has been percolating for a very, very long time.  The brand of Islam that ISIS seeks to impose on the areas of Iraq and Syria that it has conquered has been practiced in Saudi Arabia for centuries.  Just like ISIS, Saudi Arabia also publicly flogs those that “insult Islam”.  Just like ISIS, Saudi Arabia also beheads those that commit serious violations of sharia law.  And it is no secret that the Saudis have been pouring billions upon billions of dollars into organizations that promote jihad all over the globe.  But because they have a quarter of the world’s oil reserves and they pretend to be our friends, we don’t say anything.  They may be more subtle than ISIS, but ultimately they have the same goal as ISIS.  When it is all said and done, the Saudis and ISIS both agree that Islam will ultimately rule the world one day.  The only disagreement is about how to get there. (Read More...)