20 Signs That America Is No Longer The Land Of The Free

The United States was able to defeat Nazi Germany and helped bring down the USSR, but is the U.S. government now quickly becoming just like them?  Once upon a time, America was the land of the free and the home of the brave, but today the government has become an oppressive monster that is intrusively embedding itself in our lives in thousands of different ways.  Today we are all viewed as potential threats to the “system” that the government has imposed, and therefore everything that we do must be watched, tracked, traced, recorded and controlled.  Lip service is still given to ideals such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and freedom of movement, but all of those freedoms are rapidly dying a brutal death.  To our forefathers, living the American Dream meant living as free men and women, but today it means living under deep socialist tyranny where the government takes care of us from the cradle to the grave and uses an increasingly oppressive Big Brother police state control system to guarantee our safety.  (Read More...)

Only 23 Percent Of Americans Believe That The Federal Government Has The Consent Of The Governed

Have you ever noticed that no matter what political party is in power in America nothing really seems to change that much?  Sure, a lot of the faces change and there are some small shifts in ideology here and there, but more or less the policies of the U.S. government have been remarkably consistent over the last 40 years.  Have you ever wondered why that is?  Well, the truth is that America’s “ruling class” has an absolute stranglehold on both political parties.  You see, the little lie that we were told that “anyone can grow up and be president” simply is not true.  Living the American Dream takes connections.  Without the backing of the “establishment”, you simply are not going to go very far in politics.  In fact, without the “establishment” you aren’t going to go very far in law, the corporate world, the media or in the highest levels of education either.  Sure you might experience some success on the lower levels, but without fully becoming “connected” to the establishment to at least some degree you just are not going to advance to become one of the elite in any of those fields. (Read More...)

Shocking Red Flags! 25 Signs That Wickedness And Evil Are Rapidly Growing In America

Americans have typically viewed themselves as some of the most “good” and “moral” people on the face of the earth.  But is this actually still true today?  Or have things fundamentally changed?  The truth is that so many of us are so busy trying to make money and chasing after the American Dream that we don’t even realize what is happening to our society.  The reality is that the United States is facing a moral crisis of unprecedented magnitude.  Wickedness and evil are rapidly growing in America, and as much as people don’t want to hear it, no “political solution” is going to work unless the United States finds a way to stop this horrific moral decline as well.  A lot of people out there think that they have “an economic formula” or a “political philosophy” that will “fix” America, but every single one of them is wrong.  Nothing will “fix” America unless the moral and spiritual problems are addressed as well.  Unfortunately, each year things just seem to get even worse.  The following are 25 signs that wickedness and evil are out of control in America…. (Read More...)

The Open Society Is Dying

Once upon a time, the United States was a place where you felt like you had almost unlimited freedom.  You could get in your car and travel from coast to coast without anyone hassling you.  You could do any type of work you wanted – or even not work at all if that is what suited you.  You could say whatever you wanted to say and associate with whoever you wanted to associate with.  You could write mail without fearing that the government would read it and you could make phone calls without fearing that the government was listening in.  It was a place where freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and freedom of movement were respected and protected.  But over the past couple of decades (and especially since 9/11), things have been fundamentally changing in America.  The American Dream used to be about liberty and freedom, but now it seems to be all about giving up our liberty and freedom for safety and security.  Today, tens of millions of frightened Americans are cheering as the U.S. government implements Big Brother security measures that are so extreme that they would have made even Stalin, Hitler and Mao cringe.  But it is not just in America where the open society is dying.  It is literally happening all over the globe.  In a world where real and imagined terrorism is perceived to be the greatest threat, governments are increasingly feeling the need to watch, track, trace and control everyone and everything. (Read More...)

It’s Independence Day, But Are We Really Free As Long As A Privately-Owned Central Bank Controls America’s Currency And Runs Our Economy?

Today is July 4th – America’s Independence Day.  But are we really a free nation?  The truth is that it is really hard to argue that we are “free” when our currency system and our economy are run by an unelected privately-owned central bank.  You see, the truth is that the U.S. government does not “print money” whenever it wants.  Under the current system, in order to get more U.S. currency, the U.S. government has to borrow it.  The Federal Reserve creates the new currency out of thin air and then either keeps the “U.S. Treasury bonds” they get in return from the U.S. government or they sell them off to others.  But what kind of sense does that make?  Why does a “free government” have to go into debt to print its own currency?  It is the U.S. government that should be printing U.S. currency – not a privately-owned bank called the Federal Reserve.  The truth is that the Federal Reserve is about as “federal” as Federal Express is.  And no unelected private central bank should be “running” our economy.  Actually the free market should be running our economy, but if anyone is going to run it, it should at least be the government that we have elected.  But instead we have a group of unelected bureaucrats making our interest rate decisions, determining our money supply levels and deciding which of their friends get big bailouts.  That isn’t the American Dream!  What kind of “democracy” and “freedom” is that?  The sad truth is that as long as we allow an unelected privately-owned central bank to run our economy we will not be truly free. (Read More...)

Does America Deserve What Is Happening In The Gulf Of Mexico?

Before you read this, please be warned that the subject matter of this article is controversial.  It is going to upset a lot of people who read it.  In fact, it is likely to absolutely infuriate a large number of people.  Why?  Well, because it asks some really hard questions.  You see, most Americans prefer to see this nation as a “good” and “moral” country that God has richly blessed.  And there is no denying that God did tremendously bless the United States in the past.  But over the past several decades we have been relentlessly pushing God away as a society.  We have indulged in an orgy of endless greed, we have made lust and sexual gratification a national pastime and we have killed over 40 million babies since abortion was legalized in 1973.  Our families are fractured and our love has grown cold, and yet we continue to borrow mountains of money so that we can go buy things at the store to make ourselves feel better as we pursue “the American Dream”.  The truth is that the United States is not a “good” nation anymore.  In fact, we have become filled with evil and wickedness.  But most Americans seem to think that there will never be any consequences for all of this evil and wickedness.  In fact, most Americans seem to expect God to snap to attention whenever we decide that we need to ask Him to do something for us.  Of course the rest of the time we are more than happy to totally ignore Him.  As the Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis continues to get worse, many Americans are beginning to wonder where God is in all of this.  Well, is it possible that God has taken His hand of protection off of us due to all of our wickedness?  Is it possible that America could actually deserve what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico right now? (Read More...)

California Bankrupt?

Is the state of California bankrupt?  Well, an increasing number of politicians and economic analysts are answering that question in the affirmative.  The truth is that California is a complete and total economic disaster area.  The state government of California is projected to have a budget deficit of at least 19 billion dollars this year, and next year the budget gap is projected to grow to 37 billion dollars.  To put that in perspective, the entire budget for the government of California is only about $125 billion per year.  Already, California’s credit rating is the lowest of all 50 states, and there are persistent rumors that it is about to go lower.  If California’s credit rating is slashed, it will be very expensive for them to borrow the money that they desperately need.  Once upon a time, the state of California was the poster child for the American Dream, but now it is on the leading edge of America’s rapidly unfolding economic nightmare. (Read More...)

Guess What America? Your Cities And States Are Flat Broke

Now that the economic boom times of the earlier part of the decade are over, cities and states across America are going bust.  In fact, for a growing number of local governments throughout the United States, there is no getting around the fact that “flat broke” accurately describes the situation that they are facing.  For many of these cities and states that are on the verge of bankruptcy, the American Dream is quickly turning into the American Nightmare.  Unlike the federal government, which can ask the Federal Reserve to print up some more money when they get into trouble, state and local governments have nowhere to go when the well runs dry.  They either have to raise taxes or cut spending.  But in many areas of the country, services have already been cut to the bone and people are already being taxed into oblivion.  So what can be done?  Well, many of these state and local governments are just going to have to cut spending even deeper, squeeze even more taxes out of their residents, or go to the federal government for a handout.        (Read More...)