Can We Entrust The Future Of This Country To Politicians That Are Constantly Flip-Flopping In A Desperate Attempt To Get Votes?

How can we trust someone that will literally say anything to get elected?  Voters have come to tolerate a certain level of inconsistency in our politicians, but Kamala Harris is taking things to an entirely new level that we have never seen before.  She is disavowing a whole host of far-left positions that she previously deeply believed in, and she is trying to convince all of us that she is now a “moderate” that is deeply in touch with what the American people truly want. (Read More...)

Just In Time, They Are Really Ramping Up The Fear For 3 Different Very Frightening Diseases

Why are there suddenly so many stories about deadly diseases in the news?  We are just a little over two months away from November, and so this is a perfect time to deeply alarm the general public about a coming health crisis, right?  But this time around it isn’t just one major disease that is making news.  As you will see below, people are freaking out about 3 different very frightening diseases.  Of course when people are afraid that they might die from some extremely deadly outbreak, they are far more likely to accept measures that they would usually not even consider during normal times. (Read More...)

Will Kennedy’s Endorsement Of Trump Cause A Seismic Shift In The Race For The White House?

Is Donald Trump about to get the key endorsement that he needs to win the presidency?  There have been a lot of twists and turns this election season, and now there has been another one.  It is being reported that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will drop out of the race on Friday and officially endorse Trump.  In such a close race, this endorsement could potentially make a world of difference.  Some recent polls have shown Trump with a narrow lead, but other recent polls have shown Kamala Harris with a narrow lead.  If RFK Jr. can deliver a bump of even a couple of percentage points for Trump, that would be huge. (Read More...)

11 Examples That Show That We Are Truly Living In Very Strange Days

Every day, we are literally being bombarded by news stories that indicate that the world that we live in is going completely nuts.  We are constantly having to deal with unprecedented political chaos, economic turmoil, escalating global conflicts, frightening pestilences and historic natural disasters.  I find myself using the word “chaos” a lot these days, because that is what we are witnessing all around us.  Yesterday, I shared some really crazy things that have taken place within just the past week, and today I have an even longer list of really crazy things to share with you.  The following are 11 examples that show that we are truly living in very strange days… (Read More...)

They Are Preparing For Absolutely Massive Anti-Israel Protests At The Democratic National Convention

Do you remember what happened when the Democrats held their convention in Chicago in 1968?  The Democrats are really hoping to avoid a repeat of what we witnessed 56 years ago, and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson insists that law enforcement authorities in his city are ready.  We shall see.  Tens of thousands of protesters from 264 different radical protest groups have descended upon Chicago, and the war in the Middle East is what they are upset about more than anything else.  They are determined to get as much attention as possible, because so far the Biden administration has not been responsive to their demands. (Read More...)

Literally Just One Day Later, We Got A Major Confirmation That Something Really Big Could Be Happening

Are we not supposed to notice that something big is going on?  Literally just one day after the World Health Organization classified the Monkeypox outbreak in central Africa as a “public health emergency of international concern”, a confirmed case of the new mutant strain of Monkeypox was confirmed in Sweden.  Did the WHO know about this case before they made their announcement?  Somebody really needs to be asking that question.  And as you will see below, one expert is now telling us that there are “almost certainly” cases in the UK already.  Will we soon see cases of the new mutant strain of Monkeypox popping up all over the world? (Read More...)

We Really Are Living In The End Times

Is it possible that Jesus specifically warned us about the times that we are living in nearly 2,000 years ago?  You may have noticed that global events have started to spiral out of control lately.  Normally, the summer is a period when things are relatively quiet.  As far as the news industry  is concerned, August is supposed to be the quietest month of all because so much of the world is on vacation.  But that definitely has not been the case in 2024.  According to journalist Simon Tisdall, in recent weeks we have been experiencing a “peaking of volatility, instability and insecurity, unprecedented in recent times”… (Read More...)

The U.S. Is Not Prepared To Fight One Major War, But Three Major Wars Are Rapidly Approaching

What in the world has happened to our military?  When I was growing up, I was proud that my father was an officer in the U.S. Navy.  At that time we possessed the most powerful military in the entire world by a wide margin, and as a result nobody wanted to mess with us.  But now everything has changed.  Our military has been transformed into a “woke” joke, and we all saw what happened during the absolutely disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.  We desperately need to get our act together, because war is coming.  In fact, we could soon find ourselves fighting multiple major wars simultaneously.  Unfortunately, a study that was just released by a congressional panel concluded that we are not even ready to fight one major war at this point… (Read More...)