My New DVDs

Michael Snyder 2015Recently, Stan Johnson of the Prophecy Club invited me down to Dallas, Texas to give two talks to his church.  I consider these two talks to be the most important presentations of my life up to this point, and I spoke about some things that I have never spoken publicly about before. The first presentation was entitled “Economic Collapse, World War III & The Death Of America“, and the second presentation was entitled “The Regathering Of The 10 Lost Tribes Of Israel“.  During these talks, I addressed spiritual issues much more directly than I normally do on my websites.  I did this, because I believe that now is the time to be talking about these things.  Over the past six years, I have written more than 1,200 articles about the coming economic collapse, and these articles have been read by millions of people all over the globe.  Now we stand at the precipice of the greatest economic crash in the history of the United States, and what is going to follow that crash is going to absolutely shock the entire planet.  In my first presentation, I laid out the most comprehensive warning about the future of America that I have ever come across.  It is a warning message unlike any other.  In the second presentation, I shifted gears.  It was the most hope-filled message that I have ever delivered.  Even if you have been following my websites for years, you are going to be stunned by what I have to share in these two presentations. (Read More...)

Is The U.S. Food Supply Cursed?

Dinner - Public DomainWhy are so many catastrophes hitting U.S. food production?  This week, we have learned that more than 7 million turkeys and chickens have already been killed as the result of a devastating bird flu outbreak here in the United States.  This particular strain of the bird flu has already spread to the states of Minnesota, Iowa, California, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin, and scientists are mystified as to why it is moving so rapidly.  But what we do know is that this flu has the potential to kill an entire flock of chickens or turkeys in just 48 hours.  This pandemic is quickly becoming a major national crisis all by itself, but when you combine this with all of the other disasters hitting our food supply, a very troubling picture emerges.  Could it be possible that the U.S. food supply is cursed? (Read More...)

19 Statistics About Abortion That Every American Should Know

Baby - Public DomainEvery single day a tragedy greater than 9/11 takes place, but hardly anyone is talking about it anymore.  On September 11th, 2001 more than 3,000 Americans lost their lives when three giant steel frame skyscrapers were brought down in New York City.  That was a great evil, but so is the fact that we purposely kill more than 3,000 of our own babies every single day in this country.  The fact that society has generally accepted the practice of abortion does not lessen the evil that we have done one bit.  Today, the United States has the highest abortion rate in the entire western world, and hardly anyone makes a fuss about it anymore.  In fact, a lot of Americans laugh about it, and some even do comedy skits about it.  We are so casual about abortion these days that one university is actually recruiting teen girls to have abortions for a “scientific study” that is being conducted.  But someday we will be judged for what we have done.  We have killed more than 56 million of our own babies, and their blood is crying out for justice.  In the end, we will reap what we have sown.  The following are 19 statistics about abortion that every American show know.  Please share these numbers with everyone that you can… (Read More...)

Christians Are Being Systematically Purged From The U.S. Military

Soldier - Public DomainIf you are a Bible-believing Christian, there is no place for you in Barack Obama’s version of the U.S. military.  Christian service members all over the nation are being disciplined for reading their Bibles, talking about their faith publicly and encouraging others to live a moral lifestyle.  And just saying the name of “Jesus” at the wrong place or the wrong time while serving in the military is enough to spark a national controversy.  We live at a time when political correctness in America is wildly out of control, and thanks to Obama the U.S. military has become one of the most politically correct institutions in our society.  Things have gotten so bad that dozens of top officers that did not agree with Obama’s views have been forced out of the military in recent years.  The U.S. military is being transformed into an overtly anti-Christian institution, and for those of us that are Christians that is a very chilling development. (Read More...)

The Number Of Volcanoes Erupting Right Now Is Greater Than The 20th Century’s YEARLY Average

Volcano EruptionIs the number of volcanic eruptions worldwide increasing?  Yes.  During the 20th century, there were a total of 3,542 volcanic eruptions globally.  That works out to approximately 35 eruptions per year.  That may sound like a lot, but according to Volcano Discovery there are 36 volcanoes erupting around the world right now.  In other words, the number of volcanoes erupting as you read this article is greater than the 20th century’s yearly average.  And all of this is part of a larger trend.  In 2013, we witnessed the most volcanic eruptions worldwide that we had ever seen in a single year, and 2015 is already threatening to be another one for the record books.  All over the planet, volcanoes that have long been dormant are beginning to wake up, and this is greatly puzzling many scientists.  Fortunately, most of the eruptions in recent years have been relatively small.  But scientists tell us that if we do see a VEI 7 or a VEI 8 eruption today, the amount of energy that would be released would be somewhere in the neighborhood of a million nuclear bombs going off all at once, and such an eruption would completely literally transform our civilization almost overnight. (Read More...)

Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG

Police State Riot Control Exercise - Public DomainWhat in the world are the elite up to?  In recent days, we have learned that the New York Fed is moving a lot of operations to Chicago because of concerns about what a “natural disaster” could do, the federal government is buying 62 million rounds of ammunition commonly used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles for “training” purposes, and NORAD is moving back into Cheyenne Mountain because it is “EMP-hardened”.  In addition, government authorities have scheduled a whole host of unusual “training exercises” all over the nation.  So are the elite doing all of this in order to prepare for something really BIG, or should we just chalk up all of this strange activity to rampant government paranoia? (Read More...)

A 1,000 Mile Stretch Of The Pacific Ocean Has Heated Up Several Degrees And Scientists Don’t Know Why

Pacific Ocean AnomalyAccording to two University of Washington scientific research papers that were recently released, a 1,000 mile stretch of the Pacific Ocean has warmed up by several degrees, and nobody seems to know why this is happening.  This giant “blob” of warm water was first observed in late 2013, and it is playing havoc with our climate.  And since this giant “blob” first showed up, fish and other sea creatures have been dying in absolutely massive numbers.  So could there be a connection?  And what is going to happen if the Pacific Ocean continues to warm up?  Could we potentially be facing the greatest holocaust of sea life in the Pacific that anyone has ever observed?  If so, what would that mean for the food chain and for our food supply? (Read More...)