The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: We Are Literally Filling Up The Pacific Ocean With Plastic

Great Pacific Garbage Patch - Public DomainWe are starting to see that there are very serious consequences for filling up our oceans with massive amounts of plastic that never biodegrades.  In fact, this is one of the greatest environmental disasters of all time and yet you rarely hear it talked about.  Virtually every molecule of plastic ever created still exists somewhere, and we all use things made out of plastic every single day.  But have you ever stopped to think about what happens to all of that plastic?  Well, the truth is that a lot of it ends up in our oceans.  In fact, humanity produces approximately 200 billion pounds of plastic every year, and about 10 percent of that total ends up in our oceans.  In other words, we are slowly but steadily filling up our oceans with our garbage.  In the North Pacific Ocean, there is a vast area where so much plastic has collected that it has become known as “the Great Pacific Garbage Patch” and as “the Pacific Trash Vortex”.  This “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” stretches from Hawaii to Japan, and it has been estimated to be larger than the entire continental United States.  It contains more than 100 million tons of plastic, and every single year it gets even larger. (Read More...)

Does ‘Putin’s Brain’ Believe That The United States Is The Kingdom Of Antichrist?

Alexander DuginAlexander Dugin, the man known as “Putin’s Brain“, believes that the U.S.-led New World Order is the “kingdom of the Antichrist” and that it is inevitable that it will be destroyed someday.  His version of Neo-Eurasianism envisions an inevitable conflict between Eurasia (dominated by Russia) and the Atlanticist New World Order of the western world during which the forces of global liberal hegemony will be defeated.  In simpler terms, he is fundamentally convinced that someday there will be a major war between Russia and the United States which Russia will win.  Before you dismiss Dugin as a “nutjob”, you should be aware that he is a professor at the top university in Russia, he is a frequent guest on all of the top Russian television networks, and his books are extremely influential.  Dugin’s writing about Eurasia was making waves long before Putin took office or ever came up with the idea for a “Eurasian Union“.  If you want to be honest about it, much of what Putin is promoting now had its genesis in the work of Alexander Dugin. (Read More...)

19 Reasons Why You Can Laugh When Anyone Tells You That The Economy Is In Good Shape

Laughing Woman - Photo by Peter van der SluijsHave you heard the one about the “economic recovery” in the United States?  It’s quite funny, but it is not actually true.  Every day, the establishment media points to the fact that global stock markets have soared to unprecedented heights as evidence that the economy is improving.  But just because a bunch of wealthy people have gotten temporarily even richer on paper does not mean that the real economy is in good shape.  In fact, as you will see below, things just continue to get even tougher for the poor and the middle class.  Retail stores are closing at the fastest pace since the fall of Lehman Brothers, the rate of homeownership in this country is the lowest that it has been in 19 years, one out of every five families do not have a single member that is employed, and one out of every five children is living in poverty.  We are working harder, earning less and going into more debt.  With each passing day, the middle class gets a little bit smaller and the ranks of the poor get a little bit larger.  But at least the stock market is doing great, eh? (Read More...)

Of Course Obama’s Amnesty Was Going To Cause A Massive Spike In Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration BillboardSome of us tried to warn that this would happen.  When you create incentives for people to come to the United States illegally, of course that is exactly what they are going to do.  In recent months, many political observers have breathlessly been watching to see if “amnesty” for illegal immigrants will get through Congress.  But as you will see below, the truth is that Barack Obama has already created a de facto policy of amnesty for most illegal immigrants, and word about it has spread quickly throughout Mexico, central America and South America.  If you are an illegal immigrant living in America and you haven’t been convicted of a crime, you are probably going to get to stay.  And if you would like to illegally immigrate to the United States, if you get blocked from entering a few times it is not that big of a deal.  You just keep trying until you finally get in.  And once you are successful, there are a whole host of “goodies” that you can sign up for – especially if you go to one of the “sanctuary cities” that Obama steadfastly refuses to crack down on.  In fact, the federal government actually has a website that instructs immigrants how to sign up for welfare programs once they arrive in the United States, and the Obama administration has actually distributed flyers that inform illegal immigrants that their immigration status will not be checked when they apply for food stamps.  So we shouldn’t be surprised at the massive influx of illegal immigrants that we are experiencing right now.  This is a problem of our own creation. (Read More...)

Obama’s War On Coal Is Going To Kill Jobs And Sent Electricty Rates ‘Skyrocketing’

The General James M. Gavin coal plant on the Ohio RiverWhen Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he stated that under his plan “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”.  Well, now it looks like he is finally getting around to keeping his promise.  New EPA rules that are designed to cripple the coal industry could send electricity rates soaring by up to 40 percent in many rural areas.  And even though we have enough coal in the ground to provide hundreds of years of energy at current levels of consumption, Obama’s plan is going to force large numbers of coal plants to completely shut down because they are simply going to become too expensive to operate.  If Americans living in rural communities didn’t care for Obama before, they really are not going to like him much when these new EPA regulations start kicking in. (Read More...)

Culture Upside Down: There Has Been A Colossal Shift In America’s Values Since 2001

Map Of The United States 2014The United States is becoming a place where “anything goes”, and most Americans are okay with that.  No matter which side of the “culture war” that you are on, you have to admit that our culture is being fundamentally transformed.  In fact, new numbers from Gallup confirm that there has been a colossal shift in America’s moral values just since 2001.  Over the past 13 years, we have become a dramatically different country.  Many of the things that used to be considered “evil” are now considered to be “good”, and many of the things that used to be considered “good” are now considered to be “evil”.  In other words, our culture is literally being turned upside down, and the “values” that our national leaders speak of today are far different from the “values” that our grandparents grew up with.  So is this a good thing or a bad thing? (Read More...)

For The First Time Ever, More Than Half The Members Of Congress Are Millionaires

U.S. Capitol BuildingWealthy members of Congress are living the high life at taxpayer expense, while most of the rest of the country continues to suffer through one of the worst economic periods in our lifetimes.  According to an analysis conducted by the Center for Responsive Politics earlier this year, more than half of the members of Congress are millionaires.  This is the first time that this has ever happened in U.S. history.  In addition, the same study found that a hundred members of Congress are actually worth at least five million dollars.  We have a government of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy, but as you will see below, that isn’t stopping members of Congress from wasting taxpayer money in some incredibly bizarre ways.  Millions of dollars are being spent on “office expenses” and on the hair care needs of Senators, but very little is being done to stop this abuse.  It is almost as if the American people have just accepted that this is how “big government” is supposed to operate. (Read More...)

Kim Kardashian’s Wedding, Kids React To Old Computers, And A Cat Plays Jenga

Kids React To Old ComputersThe disconnect between what Americans should care about and what Americans actually do care about is really quite frightening.  You see, the truth is that far more Americans are drawn to articles with headlines such as the one above than to news stories that actually talk about substantive issues of real importance.  Don’t worry – if you came here hoping to see Kim Kardashian’s wedding dress or kids reacting to old computers, you will get to see those things below.  But in this article I am also going to discuss some of the hard issues that most of the people in our entertainment-addicted society usually ignore.  You see, it is a crying shame that Americans know more about Kim Kardashian than they do about the Federal Reserve.  It is a crying shame that a video about a cat playing Jenga can go viral while the systematic destruction of our most basic freedoms and liberties is virtually ignored by a deeply apathetic society.  My hope is that we can start to wake up a lot more people, because time is running out. (Read More...)