This keeps happening over and over, and yet nobody in the mainstream media would ever dare to call for a federal investigation into the pharmaceutical companies. That is because the big drug corporations have literally spent billions of dollars advertising their products on television, on radio and in the newspapers over the years, and if that gravy train were to ever end the mainstream media would collapse. So the general public is not going to get the truth about what is really happening with these mass shootings. In almost every single case, we find out that the mass shooter had been on anti-psychotic or anti-depressant medications (or both). So it really came as no surprise whatsoever to learn that Jacksonville shooter David Katz had been on such drugs. The following comes from Fox News… (Read More...)
After Reporting John McCain’s Death, NBC Immediately Transitioned To 2 Men In Dolphin Masks Performing A Bizarre Erotic Dance
Some are claiming that NBC made a “mistake”, while others are claiming that NBC had ulterior motives for a very strange incident that happened on Saturday night. After reporting the breaking news that John McCain had died, NBC immediately cut to a scene in a previously-aired episode of America’s Got Talent that involved two men in strange dolphin masks performing an extremely bizarre erotic dance as they moved in “for a passionate kiss”. What made this even more jarring was the fact that there was absolutely no transition between the McCain report and the erotic dolphins. Could it be possible that NBC was attempting to mock McCain or to send the rest of us some sort of “hidden message”? If you have not seen video of this yet, you can find it right here… (Read More...)
Executives From The Major Social Media Companies Gather To Plot “Strategy” For The 2018 Election
Is the social media crackdown on conservatives about to get even worse? On Friday, representatives from Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Snapchat and other major social media companies gathered to discuss “strategy” for the 2018 election. Supposedly they were going to discuss how to combat the flow of “misinformation”, but we know what that means. Every time the social media giants pledge to do more to crack down on “fake news”, more conservatives get censored. In recent months we have witnessed the greatest purge of conservative voices in the history of the Internet, and as you will see below, even more prominent voices have been hit with bans in recent days. Of course the social media companies are pledging that their censorship efforts are being implemented in an even-handed manner, but obviously all of their meddling has greatly enhanced the probability that Democrats will emerge victorious in November. (Read More...)
Seismic Shocker: The Number Of Global Earthquakes Over The Last 30 Days Is More Than 50% Above Normal
Why is the number of earthquakes happening around the world increasing so dramatically? In recent days, we have seen very large earthquakes in Venezuela, Fiji, Italy and elsewhere. Here in North America, significant quakes have rattled Oregon, Alaska and the west coast of Mexico. As I reported on all of these important seismic events, it sure seemed like the number of earthquakes was rising, but I wanted to be sure. I once worked as an attorney, and I was trained to only come to conclusions that were warranted by the facts. So I decided to pull up the numbers, and what I discovered was extremely alarming. I turns out that the number of earthquakes that we have witnessed over the last 30 days is more than 50 percent above normal. Of course the Earth is constantly being pummeled by quakes, but this is a huge deviation from the norm. Could it be possible that we have entered a time when major Earth changes are going to start happening on a regular basis? If so, what does that mean for the future of our society? (Read More...)
Large Quakes Hit Oregon, Alaska And Mexico As The Number Of Major Earthquakes Over The Last 7 Days Rises To 157
North America has been hit by three major earthquakes within the last 24 hours. A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck just off the coast of Oregon early on Wednesday, and that was followed by a magnitude 5.3 earthquake in Ometepec, Mexico that was so powerful that it was felt all the way in Mexico City. And just a few hours ago, an enormous magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit Alaska. The “Ring of Fire” has awakened, but up until the last 24 hours North America had largely been spared. Something truly unusual appears to be happening to our planet, and many are deeply concerned that this rise in seismic activity could be building up to a major event. Yesterday I reported that 144 major earthquakes had occurred over the last 7 days, but now that number has risen even higher. I just checked, and the USGS says that the number of major earthquakes over the past 7 days has now risen to 157. In case you were wondering, that is not normal. (Read More...)
Over The Last 7 Days Our Planet Has Been Violently Shaken By 144 Major Earthquakes
Within the past few days, we have seen an enormous magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit Venezuela and a giant magnitude 8.2 earthquake hit Fiji. Where will the next one strike? To many of us, it is becoming exceedingly clear that something very unusual is happening to our planet. I went and looked it up, and I was astounded to learn that the crust of the Earth has been shaken by 144 major earthquakes over the last 7 days, and that includes more than 50 on Sunday alone. And remember, these are not small earthquakes. The USGS considers any earthquake that is at least magnitude 4.5 to be “significant”, and they are happening so rapidly right now that it is difficult to keep up with them. (Read More...)