A lot of people are going to be financially ruined by Hurricane Florence. As you will see below, only 9 percent of all homeowners in South Carolina have flood insurance, and up in North Carolina that figure drops to just 3 percent. That means that well over 90 percent of the people that will be affected by this storm do not have any financial protection against flooding whatsoever. Florence is expected to slowly churn over the region for the next several days, and it is being projected that this massive storm could dump up to 10 trillion gallons of water on the Carolinas. Needless to say, that amount of water is going to do an extraordinary amount of damage, and thousands upon thousands of households are at risk of losing everything because they aren’t carrying insurance. (Read More...)
After You Read What They Did To One Elderly Couple, You Will Question Everything About Our Barbaric Healthcare System
Most Americans are just a single illness away from losing everything. In our country today, medical bills are the number one reason why people go bankrupt, and many of them even had “good health insurance”. As you will see below, even if you have “good health insurance” you can still be stuck with a $100,000 bill for a single hospital stay. Our healthcare system does not work, it is absolutely barbaric, and both political parties have completely dropped the ball. The big health insurance corporations now dominate the entire industry, and they have become masters at finding loopholes that will allow them to wiggle out from having to pay claims. The entire purpose of these companies is to take in as much money as possible and to pay out as little as they can, and in the process millions upon millions of American families are being financially ruined. (Read More...)
It Is Now Being Projected That Florence Will Be The Most Expensive Hurricane To Ever Hit The United States
We all knew that Hurricane Florence was going to be bad, but now it is being projected that it will cause more economic damage than any other storm in all of U.S. history. As you will see below, one firm is estimating that the total damage from Florence could cost “more than $170 billion”, and that would put it into first place by a substantial margin. At this point, meteorologists are telling us that Florence may only be a Category 2 or a Category 3 storm by the time it makes landfall, but we need to remember that Hurricane Katrina was just a Category 3 storm when it hit New Orleans. But what made Katrina so damaging was the fact that it was so large, and Florence is getting bigger in size with each passing day. In addition, forecasters are also now telling us that Florence is expected to “stall” just off the east coast and could potentially linger there “for days”… (Read More...)
A Federal Simulation Found That A Category 4 Hurricane Could Damage A Nuclear Power Plant, And Now That Exact Scenario Could Happen For Real
Would it surprise you to learn that there was a “national level exercise” in late April and early May that simulated what would happen if a Category 4 hurricane hit the Mid-Atlantic region? As you will see below, this actually happened, and now it looks like we will be facing that precise scenario for real. Authorities are warning that Hurricane Florence could produce a storm surge of somewhere around 20 feet when it makes landfall and dump up to 45 inches of rain on some areas of North Carolina. But of even greater concern is the fact that there are 12 nuclear power reactors directly in the path of this storm. The federal simulation that was held earlier this year concluded that a Category 4 storm could damage a nuclear power plant, and if that happens with this storm we could potentially be facing America’s version of the Fukushima disaster. (Read More...)
There Are Trillions Of Pieces Of Floating Plastic In Our Oceans, And If We Don’t Stop All Marine Life Will Eventually Be Dead
We are filling up our oceans with trillions of extremely small pieces of plastic, and in the process we are literally killing off entire ecosystems. But because it is a very gradual process, most people aren’t really too alarmed by it. Every single minute, the equivalent of an entire garbage truck full of plastic is dumped into our oceans, where it joins all of the plastic that is already there. You see, the plastic that is already in our oceans never goes away. Instead, it just gets turned into smaller and smaller pieces. It is being projected that the total amount of plastic in the oceans of the world will exceed the total weight of all fish fish by the year 2050, and when we get to that point our oceans will probably be permanently beyond the point of recovery. Sea creatures are the very foundation of the global food chain, and once we lose that foundation we will see global famine on a scale that is absolutely unimaginable. (Read More...)
Over Half The U.S. Has Now Been Hit By Drought As Lake Powell And Lake Mead Drop To “Dangerous” Low Levels
The worst drought in years in the western half of the United States has sparked hundreds of wildfires, has crippled thousands of farms, and has produced what could ultimately be the worst water crisis in modern American history. As you will see below, Lake Powell and Lake Mead have both dropped to dangerously low levels, and officials are warning that we may soon be looking at a substantial shortfall which would require rationing. Unfortunately, many in the eastern half of the country don’t even realize that this is happening. The mighty Colorado River once seemed to be virtually invulnerable, but now it doesn’t even run all the way to the ocean any longer. Demand for water is continually increasing as major cities in the Southwest continue to grow, and this is happening at a time when that entire region just keeps getting drier and drier. To say that we are facing a “water crisis” would be a major understatement. (Read More...)