Donald Trump Dares To Say That Turkey ‘Looks Like They’re On The Side Of ISIS’

Donald Trump - Photo by Gage Skidmore on FlickrDonald Trump just said something that he was not supposed to say, and it is something that Barack Obama will never admit. During an appearance on Sirius XM’s “Breitbart News Daily” on Tuesday morning, Trump stated that the Turkish government “looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil”. This makes Trump the first presidential candidate to tell the truth about this to the American people. By now, just about everyone knows that ISIS is using Turkey as a home base, and I have previously written about how Turkey is “training ISIS militants, funneling weapons to them, buying their oil, and tending to their wounded in Turkish hospitals”. But a major U.S. politician, especially one running for the White House, could get into really hot water for saying these kinds of things about our NATO ally. You see, the truth is that the American people are not supposed to know that Turkey is actually on the same side as ISIS and has been facilitating the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars of oil that has been stolen by ISIS. (Read More...)

Saudi Arabia Refuses To Take Even A Single Syrian Refugee

Banned - Public DomainIf Saudi Arabia won’t take in Syrian refugees, why should the United States?  In recent weeks, we have heard a whole lot from Barack Obama about our “moral obligation” to take in refugees from Syria.  Well, if there is a “moral obligation” to help these refugees, then why aren’t more wealthy Islamic nations stepping up to the plate?  According to Amnesty International, since the beginning of the Syrian civil war Saudi Arabia has not accepted a single Syrian refugee.  Neither has Kuwait.  Neither has Qatar.  Neither has the United Arab Emirates.  These nations are absolutely swimming in money, and yet they have slammed the door on these desperately needy Islamic refugees.  So what precisely does that tell us? (Read More...)

Obama Knows That Turkey Is Buying Oil From ISIS And He Isn’t Doing Anything To Stop It

Obama And Turkey - Public DomainAt this point, is there anyone that still doesn’t know that ISIS is selling hundreds of millions of dollars of stolen oil in Turkey?  As you will see below, this is very much an open secret, but the mainstream media in the United States is being strangely silent about this.  Why?  Well, because if the truth came out Turkey would have to be kicked out of NATO and Barack Obama would probably be facing impeachment proceedings.  He claims to be fighting ISIS, and yet an endless parade of trucks carrying oil that ISIS has stolen goes back and forth over the Turkish border with his full knowledge and approval.  Barack Obama is very much aware that Turkey is buying oil from ISIS and he refuses to do anything about it.  If the Republicans are looking for a scandal which could completely wreck Obama’s presidency and essentially secure the 2016 election for them, this is it. (Read More...)

Warning: If You Live Anywhere Near Chicago, Brace Yourself For Massive Rioting

Ferguson Civil Unrest - Photo by LoavesofbreadThe city of Chicago has released a video that shows a white police officer shooting a 17-year-old African-American young man named Laquan McDonald 16 times.  Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez says that this video is “graphic”, “violent” and “chilling”, and it is expected to provoke a very strong emotional reaction from Chicago’s very large African-American community.  Over the past few years, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray have all become household names because of the way that they died, and now it looks like Laquan McDonald’s name will be added to that list.  But the situation in Chicago is potentially even more volatile what we witnessed in either Ferguson or Baltimore.  More than a million African-Americans live in the Chicago metropolitan area, and the crime rate in the city has already been skyrocketing.  In fact, it is being projected that Chicago’s murder rate will increase by 20 percent in 2015.  This is a city that is always living on the edge of chaos, and now the video of Laquan McDonald’s death could be the spark that sets Chicago ablaze. (Read More...)

Turkey: The Country ISIS Uses As A Home Base And Where It Has Sold 800 Millions Dollars Of Oil

ISIS - Public Domain
If we truly do want to get rid of ISIS, why aren’t we doing anything about the Islamic governments that are funding them, aiding them and facilitating the sale of their oil?  As you will see below, ISIS fighters hop back and forth over the Turkish border with impunity, there are “direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIS members”, and more than $800,000,000 worth of ISIS oil has been sold in Turkey.  If these things are true, action must be taken.  According to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey, 92 percent of Americans consider Islamic terrorism to be a serious threat to the United States, and a Washington Post-ABC News survey found that 83 percent of registered voters believe that a terror attack that causes a large amount of casualties inside the United States is likely in the near future.  The American people clearly want ISIS to be dealt with, so why isn’t the Obama administration doing anything to go after the state sponsors of such terror? (Read More...)

Judgment On America? We Are On Pace For The Worst Year For Wildfires In All Of U.S. History!

Wildfire Lake - Public DomainNever before have so many acres burned in America up to this point in the year.  I just went and checked the latest numbers from the National Interagency Fire Center, and it turns out that we are now on pace for the worst year for wildfires in all of U.S. history.  So far in 2015, wildfires have burned an astounding 9,799,866 acres.  Before this, the worst year for wildfires was in 2006 when a total of 9,506,582 acres had burned through November 13th.  When I last reported on this, we were still behind 2006’s record pace, but now we have surged ahead of it.  Overall, the average for the last 10 years for the number of acres burned in the U.S. through November 13th is 6,464,947, and so we are more than 50 percent ahead of that pace right now.  Clearly, what we have been experiencing is highly unusual.  Could it be possible that this is some form of judgment on America? (Read More...)

Obama: The number of refugees from Syria and elsewhere will be increased ‘to 100,000 per year’

Obama - Public DomainThe number “10,000 Syrian refugees” is being thrown around a lot by the mainstream media, but did you know that Barack Obama has actually publicly declared that the U.S. is going to take in 100,000 refugees from Syria and elsewhere for each of the next two years?  That is an absolutely massive number, and it is inevitable that some jihadists will slip through the vetting process.  As Syrian refugees enter the United States, they are being dispersed all around the country.  In my article yesterday, I explained that the State Department has established refugee processing centers in 48 U.S. states.  But instead of the “trickle” of refugees the mainstream media is talking about, the truth is that it is going to be more like a flood.  The following is a message that was tweeted by Barack Obama’s official Twitter account on September 28th… (Read More...)

Thousands Of Syrian Refugees Being Resettled By Obama Could End Up In 48 Out Of 50 U.S. States

The United States Of America At NightDespite everything that just happened in France, on Sunday the Obama administration made it clear that it still plans to resettle at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in communities all over the United States within the next year.  Thanks to Obama, the U.S. has already been absorbing thousands of refugees from the Middle East each year, and as you will see below, just last week administration officials expressed a desire to “increase and accelerate” that process.  So far, the list of states that have received the most refugees includes Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.  But by the time it is all said and done, it is likely that Syrian refugees will end up in virtually every major city in the United States.  The U.S. State Department has established “refugee processing centers” in 48 different states, and you can view the entire list right here.  Considering what just took place in Paris, is this really a good idea? (Read More...)