The Death Of The American Dream In 22 Numbers

Abandoned HomeWe are the generation that gets to witness the end of the American Dream.  The numbers that you are about to see tell a story.  They tell a story of a once mighty economy that is dying.  For decades, the rest of the planet has regarded the United States as “the land of opportunity” where almost anyone can be successful if they are willing to work hard.  And when I was growing up, it seemed like almost everyone was living the American Dream.  I lived on a “middle class” street and I went to a school where it seemed like almost everyone was middle class.  When I was in high school, it was very rare to ever hear of a parent that was unemployed, and virtually every family that I knew had a comfortable home and more than one nice vehicle.  But now that has all changed.  The “American Dream” has been transformed into a very twisted game of musical chairs.  With each passing year, more people are falling out of the middle class, and most of the rest of us are scrambling really hard to keep our own places.  Something has gone horribly wrong, and yet Americans are very deeply divided when it comes to finding answers to our problems.  We love to point fingers and argue with one another, and meanwhile things just continue to get even worse.  The following are 22 numbers that are very strong evidence of the death of the American Dream… (Read More...)

Guess What Percentage Of American Children Live In A Home With A Traditional Family Structure?…

Family - Photo by Eric WardIt is hard to believe, but in America today only 46 percent of children live in a home that has both a mother and a father that are in their first marriage.  An additional 15 percent live in a home that has two parents where at least one of them has been remarried.  But that means that an all-time record high 39 percent of all U.S. kids are living in a home with either just a single parent or no parents at all.  These numbers were just released by Pew Research, and they are rather startling.  The “traditional family” that most of us took for granted growing up is dying.  More Americans than ever are delaying marriage, having children out of wedlock and rejecting the traditional family structure.  But is this good for our kids?  Is this good for the future of America? (Read More...)

This Is How Much Russians Hate America…

American Flag Doormat - Video ScreenshotIn Russia, shopping malls are putting out American flag doormats for people to wipe their feet on, and there are stores that are selling toilet paper with the American flag imprinted on it.  Surveys show that Russian attitudes toward the U.S. are now even worse than they were during the end of the Cold War, and ordinary Russians are blaming America for everything from the overthrow of the Ukrainian government to the collapse of the ruble.  The Russian government has just authorized a new military doctrine which identifies the United States as a top threat, and commentators on Russian television are using extremely strong language to condemn the United States.  In fact, one of the most prominent Russian commentators has referred to the United States as “the kingdom of the Antichrist“.  To the Russians, a new Cold War has erupted, and they very clearly view the United States as enemy number one. (Read More...)

Obama And The Media Are Stirring The Pot In Ferguson, But Real Leaders Are Trying To Bring Us Together

Ferguson Protesters Burning American Flag - YouTube ScreenshotBarack Obama says that the notion that our laws are not being enforced uniformly is “rooted in reality” and that the rioting in Ferguson will “make for good TV”.  Time Magazine says that the Ferguson riots “are part of the American experience” and “are a necessary part of the evolution of society”.  Statements such as these stir the pot in Ferguson and provide fuel for the violent protests that have erupted nationwide.  And now that protesters are rioting and looting in major cities all over America, all sorts of angry and dissatisfied individuals are coming out of the woodwork.  For example, CBS Seattle is reporting that “communists” and “Palestinian groups” have joined the protests in Portland.  This kind of civil unrest draws them in like a moth to a flame.  But instead of stirring the pot in Ferguson like Obama and the media are doing, real leaders are trying to bring us together.  Setting fires and destroying businesses is not going to solve anything.  But if we love one another and resolve to work together, anything is possible. (Read More...)

17 Things About Men That Most Women Don’t Know

17 Things About MenDo you feel like you truly understand men?  Much has been written about how men don’t understand women, but the truth is that there is a whole lot about men that women don’t understand as well.  The point is not to spark a debate about “the battle of the sexes” or anything like that.  Rather, it is important for all of us to understand that there is a tremendous amount of confusion about what it means “to be a man” in America today.  So many of our young men seem lost, so many of our older men seem defeated and depressed, and all over this country families are completely falling apart.  We need to understand our problems so that we can start focusing on solutions.  Below, I have shared 17 things about men that most women don’t know.  Some of them are funny, some of them are quite interesting and some of them are extremely serious.  But all of them say something about where we are as a society today… (Read More...)

Most U.S. Hospitals Cannot Safely Handle Ebola Patients

Ebola Virus - Photo by NIAIDThis Ebola outbreak is being called the “most severe, acute health emergency seen in modern times“, and the U.S. health care system is completely and totally unprepared for it.  The truth is that most U.S. hospitals are simply not equipped to safely handle Ebola patients, and most hospital staff members have received little or no training on Ebola.  And the fact that Barack Obama and our top public health officials are running around proclaiming that Ebola is “difficult to catch” is giving doctors and nurses a false sense of security.  There is a reason why Ebola has been classified as a biosafety-level 4 (BSL-4) pathogen.  It is an extraordinarily dangerous virus, and there are only a few facilities in the entire country that are set up to safely handle such a disease. (Read More...)

18 Sobering Facts About The Unprecedented Student Loan Debt Crisis In The United States

Student Loan DebtThe student loan debt bubble in America is spiraling out of control, and it is financially crippling an entire generation of young Americans.  At this point, the grand total of student loan debt in the United States has reached a staggering 1.2 trillion dollars, and an all-time record high 40 million Americans are currently paying off student loan debts.  Just when our young people should be planning on buying homes and starting families, they find themselves financially paralyzed by oppressive levels of debt.  What makes all of this even worse is that only some of our college graduates are able to get the “good jobs” that we promised them.  So with limited job prospects and suffocating levels of debt, this generation of young Americans is increasingly putting off major life commitments such as buying a home and getting married.  As a society, we really need to rethink how we are “educating” our young people, because what we are doing now is clearly not working.  The following are 18 sobering facts about the unprecedented student loan debt crisis in the United States… (Read More...)

The Obama Administration Policies That Jihadists Are Using To Legally Immigrate To America

Obama Waving - Public DomainDid you know that one of the Americans that was recently killed fighting for ISIS once cleaned planes at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport?  His name was Abdirahmaan Muhumed, and he was a Somali refugee.  Since 1975, more than 3 million refugees have been resettled in cities in the United States, and thanks to the Obama administration an increasing percentage of those refugees are Muslim.  As you will read about below, Obama has even made it possible for refugees that have given only “limited material support” to terrorists to come to America. The Obama administration says that it is still trying to keep full-blown terrorists from entering the country, but it has become exceedingly clear that administration officials aren’t exactly into that whole “border security” thing.  And once refugees arrive in the United States, they are fully eligible for food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance and a whole host of other welfare programs.  So if you are a jihadist and you want to move to the United States legally, all you have to do is claim to be a “refugee” and you might just find that the red carpet gets rolled out for you. (Read More...)