From 7 Billion People To 500 Million People – The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The Global Elite

The United Nations has officially designated October 31st as 7 Billion Day.  On that day, the United Nations estimates that the population of the earth will hit 7 billion for the very first time.  But instead of celebrating what a milestone 7 billion people represents, the UNPF is focusing instead on using October 31st to raise awareness about “sustainability” and “sustainable development”.  In other words, the United Nations is once again declaring that there are way too many people on the planet and that we need to take more direct measures to reduce fertility.  In recent years, the UN and other international organizations have become bolder about trying to push the sick population control agenda of the global elite.  Most of the time organizations such as the UN will simply talk about “stabilizing” the global population, but as you will see in this article, there are many among the global elite that are not afraid to openly talk about a goal of reducing the population of the world to 500 million (or less).  To you and I it may seem like insanity to want to get rid of more than 90 percent of the global population, but there is a growing consensus among the global elite that this is absolutely necessary for the good of the planet. (Read More...)

Even The CEOs On Obama’s Job Creation Panel Are Shipping Jobs Out Of The United States

There are 27 members on Barack Obama’s job creation panel, and most of them are corporate executives.  The formal name of the panel is the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which is kind of ironic considering the fact that many of the CEOs on the panel have been rapidly shipping jobs out of the United States.  So what hope is there that things are going to turn around if many of the folks that are supposed to be helping Barack Obama create U.S. jobs are actively destroying them instead?  And how is the American middle class ever supposed to recover if corporate executives keep taking their jobs away and sending them to the other side of the world where it is legal to pay slave labor wages?  These issues go to the very heart of America’s economic problems, and yet very few of our leaders are talking about them.  But they should be talking about these things, because the economy is the number one issue for most American voters right now. (Read More...)

16 Reasons To Feel Really Depressed About The Direction That The Economy Is Headed

If you do not want to feel really depressed, you might not want to read this article.  The U.S. economy is coming apart at the seams, and there are a whole lot of indications that things are about to get even worse.  After a time of relative stability, the pace of job cuts is starting to pick up again, inflation is rising but paychecks are not, the U.S. housing crisis shows no signs of ending, millions of American families are drowning in debt and all of the recent polls show that the faith of the American people in our economy is eroding.  As you read the statistics in this article, try to keep in mind that there are scores of families from coast to coast that are barely surviving from month to month.  It can be a soul-crushing experience to work as hard as you can and yet just barely be able to pay the mortgage and put food into the mouths of your kids.  The reason why so many Americans believe that we are in a “recession” or a “depression” is because that is what they feel like they are living through every single day. (Read More...)

Our Politicians Are Selling Off Pieces Of America To Foreign Investors – And Goldman Sachs Is Helping Them Do It

All over the United States, politicians are selling off key pieces of infrastructure to foreign investors and big Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs are helping them do it.  State and local governments across the country that are drowning in debt and that are desperate for cash are increasingly turning to the “privatization” of public assets as the solution to their problems.  Pieces of infrastructure that taxpayers have already paid for such as highways, water treatment plants, libraries, parking meters, airports and power plants are being auctioned off to the highest bidder.  Most of the time what happens is that the state or local government receives a huge lump sum of cash up front for a long-term lease (usually 75 years or longer) and the foreign investors come in and soak as much revenue out of the piece of infrastructure that they possibly can.  The losers in these deals are almost always the taxpayers.  Pieces of America are literally being auctioned off just to help state and local governments minimize their debt problems for a year or two, but the consequences of these deals will be felt for decades. (Read More...)

47 Statistics That Indicate That Economic Stress Points In 2011 Could Be Setting The Stage For A Global Economic Meltdown In 2012

Is the world approaching a devastating global economic meltdown?  Right now there are a large number of factors that are creating economic stress points all over the globe.  All of the crazy money printing that the Federal Reserve and other central banks have been doing is putting inflationary pressure on agricultural commodities, oil and precious metals.  Massive floods, horrific droughts and extreme weather patterns all over the globe are ruining crops and creating food shortages.  Some nations are now actually hoarding food, and in other nations rising prices have sparked food riots.  The price of oil has been moving back towards $100 a barrel, and if it stays at a high level for an extended period of time that is going to have very serious consequences for the global economy.  In addition, the growing sovereign debt crisis could erupt again at any time.  Half a dozen nations in Europe are on the verge of insolvency, Japan’s national debt is now well over 200 percent of GDP, and the global financial system is growing increasingly concerned about the exploding national debt of the United States.  The truth is that the entire world financial system is a house of cards balanced on a razor’s edge and it could come down at any time. (Read More...)

Will 2011 Be A Nightmarish Year For The U.S. Housing Market?

As we come to the end of 2010, there seems to be very few reasons to be optimistic about the U.S. housing market as we enter 2011.  Home prices have fallen for several months in a row, mortgage rates are going up, mortgage delinquencies are increasing again, the mortgage industry is mired in horrific legal problems and the underlying economy is still extremely sluggish.  During 2009 and throughout the first half of 2010 the U.S. housing market experienced a time of stabilization and it looked like the housing industry might recover, but when the tax breaks expired things started to get bad once again.  Now many analysts are publicly using the term “double-dip” when speaking about prospects for the U.S. housing market in 2011. (Read More...)

41 Facts About The History Of Central Banks In The United States That Our Children Are No Longer Taught In School

*The original version of this article contained a few minor inaccuracies.  I apologize for this.  I am not a historian, and several of the facts that I made originally are hotly disputed among historians.  I have attempted to revise the article in such a way as to reflect the historical consensus more accurately.  However, the central points of the original article are not in dispute.  Central banking has always been a huge issue throughout U.S. history and central banking remains a tremendous threat to our financial system in 2010.  Everyone makes mistakes, and I am sure I will make many more.  However, the main point of the article is to detail how corrosive central banking and the financial elite have been throughout U.S. history, and hopefully most everyone can see that very clearly.  There will always be historical debate about certain points, but the overall themes are unmistakable when you step back to take a look at the bigger picture. (Read More...)

Is The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Going To Kill The American Dream For Millions Of Americans?

As BP works feverishly to contain the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, many are now coming to the realization that this will be the most economically painful environmental disaster in U.S. history.   The oil spill in the Gulf is already larger than the entire state of Florida, and it creeps closer to the Gulf Coast with each passing hour.  According to official estimates, approximately 5,000 barrels a day are leaking into the Gulf, but outside groups working with satellite-imagery claim that the leak is at least five times that amount.   In fact, John Amos, a geologist who heads an environmental group called SkyTruth estimates that the leak is actually 26,500 barrels a day.  As oil continues to pour into the Gulf at a frightening pace, large numbers of Americans who depend on the Gulf of Mexico for their economic survival are wondering what is going to happen next.  Is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill going to kill the American Dream for millions of Americans? (Read More...)