Trump’s Approval Rating Is Starting To Really Go Up

Following an extremely strong State of the Union performance, President Trump’s approval numbers are steadily rising.  In fact, as you will see below, Rasmussen Reports says that Trump’s approval rating is higher than Barack Obama’s was at this stage.  That is startling, because the mainstream media would have us believe that Barack Obama was a widely popular president and that Donald Trump is the most hated president in modern American history.  Yes, there are definitely a lot of people out there that do not like Trump, but the truth is that there are also millions upon millions of us that support the president and want him to succeed. (Read More...)

There Have Been More Than 30,000 Documented Terror Attacks Worldwide Since September 2001

When are we going to say that enough is enough?  According to Act For America, more than 30,000 documented terror attacks have taken place around the world since September 11th, 2001.  And in case you were wondering, almost all of those terror attacks were committed by radical Islamic terrorists.  According to one website that tracks these things, in 2017 alone “there were 2035 Islamic attacks in 61 countries, in which 15,700 people were killed and 14,302 injured.”  Even though ISIS is on the ropes, Islamic terror continues to spread, and we must boldly confront this threat. (Read More...)

Why Hillary Clinton Needs To Go To Prison In 2018

In the United States, nobody is supposed to be above the law, and that includes our elected officials.  If top politicians are permitted to break the law over and over again and get away with it, that sends an absolutely terrible message to everyone else in our society, and it threatens the legitimacy of our entire system of justice.  Hillary Clinton has been caught red-handed mishandling classified documents, it appears that she greatly betrayed our nation during the Uranium One deal, evidence has emerged that she has committed gross violations of campaign finance law, and the very deep corruption at the Clinton Foundation is well known.  Hillary Clinton needs to be prosecuted and sent to prison, and as a member of Congress I will do whatever I can to help make that happen. (Read More...)

Donald Trump Has Become Such A Hero In Israel That He Is Going To Have A Train Station Named After Him

When Donald Trump decided to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, everyone knew that he was going to get a tremendous amount of criticism from the rest of the world.  In fact, things got so crazy that even the Pope was criticizing him.  But in Israel, Trump is now regarded as a national hero.  Large signs with the message “God Bless Trump” have gone up all around Jerusalem, and now we have learned that a new train station that will be constructed very close to the Western Wall will actually be named after Trump.  The following comes from the Jerusalem Post(Read More...)

The UN Tried To Mess With Trump, But They Ended Up With A $285 Million Budget Reduction Instead

When are people going to learn that you don’t mess with Trump?  Over the past several decades, the United Nations has grown into a vast bureaucratic monstrosity that is completely out of control, but previous administrations have just kept feeding the beast.  Thankfully, we now have a president that is not afraid to stand up to the globalists, and the $285 million budget reduction that Trump and his team just negotiated is the largest budget reduction in UN history.  Those that have not read “The Art of the Deal” yet may want to do so, because this is Trump at his best.  The following is the statement that UN Ambassador Nikki Haley put out about this stunning budget reduction(Read More...)

Republicans Are About To Pass The Most Important Tax Bill In A Generation

Republican members of Congress are racing to pass the tax reform bill so that they can get home in time for Christmas, and it looks like it is actually going to happen.  The key is the Senate, and at this point it looks like there will be enough votes, but we have seen surprises before.  As I have stated previously, I would have voted for this bill, but nobody should pretend that this fixes our tax system.  The tax code is still going to be more than two million words long, the regulations are still going to be more than seven million words long, and Americans are still going to spend billions of hours and tens of billions of dollars complying with the most complicated tax system on the entire planet. (Read More...)

Jedi Religion: Thousands Of People All Over The World Are Converting To ‘Jediism’

Yes, there are actually people out there that want to be a Jedi so badly that they have made “Jediism” their official religion.  As you will see below, a new documentary entitled “American Jedi” has just been released that examines this phenomenon, and when I first heard about this I decided that I wanted to learn more.  So I did some research, and I discovered that there is actually an official website for “the Temple of the Jedi Order” that bills itself as the “international church of Jediism”.  And even though this “faith” is entirely based on fictitious characters, the IRS actually granted tax exempt status to the Temple of the Jedi Order in 2015. (Read More...)

Wake Up! The Numbers Look Incredibly Good For The Democrats Leading Into The 2018 Midterm Elections

If we truly want to take our government back, we are going to have to fight harder than we have ever fought before.  Right now I am seeing so much apathy among Republicans, and that deeply alarms me, because if the 2018 midterm elections were held right now the Democrats would probably take back control of the House and it would be a really close call in the Senate.  Conservatives all over the United States need to wake up immediately, because we only have a handful of months to get this thing turned around.  In 2016, we gave Republicans control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and this represented a once in a generation opportunity to fundamentally transform the federal government.  Instead, the Republican-controlled Congress has accomplished next to nothing, and the American people are deeply frustrated. (Read More...)