4 “Pestilences” That Everyone Should Be Keeping An Eye On Right Now

The plot thickens with each passing day, and I have a feeling that things are going to get very “interesting” in the months ahead.  Despite all of our advanced technology, humanity remains highly vulnerable to outbreaks of disease, and I have often said that I believe that we are entering a time when there will be great “pestilences”.  As you read this article, scientists all over the globe are playing around with extremely dangerous diseases.  Sometimes such research is being conducted for noble purposes, but in other instances it is not.  And as we have seen in the past, it is way, way too easy for a mistake to happen.  It is inevitable that more highly virulent bugs will be released accidentally (or on purpose) in the future, and we need to understand that this is going to be the “new normal” in a world that is increasingly going mad. (Read More...)

American Culture Has Fundamentally Changed Over The Past Several Decades

For as long as I have been alive, there has been an epic struggle for control over America’s values.  It has been referred to as “the culture war”, and it is often framed in political terms, but the truth is that it runs much deeper than that.  Literally every moment of every day, forces on both sides are engaged in a relentless battle for your mind.  Virtually everything you watch on television, listen to on the radio and look at on the Internet is designed to shape how you view the world.  Our education system, our largest corporations and politicians in both major parties are also used as tools in the culture war.  Both sides would like to achieve victory, but as you will see below, only one side has been making significant progress. (Read More...)

Why We Are Facing The Biggest Election Nightmare In Modern American History No Matter Who Ends Up Winning

It looks like we are headed for the most chaotic presidential election in modern U.S. history.  According to some estimates, somewhere around 40 percent of all U.S. voters will vote by mail this year.  That means that tens of millions of votes will be going through the postal system, and that has the potential to create all sorts of problems.  For one thing, it is going to take a lot of extra time to open those ballots and count them.  For states that allow mail-in votes to be counted in advance, that shouldn’t delay final results by too much, but in other states we are facing the possibility of a nightmare scenario.  There are certain states that are not allowed to start counting any ballots until the polls close on election day, and that includes key swing states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania(Read More...)

Do We Even Know What An “Evangelical Christian” Is Anymore?

Every four years, there is a tremendous amount of discussion about “evangelical voters” and the influence that they will have on the outcome of the presidential election.  Most of the pundits on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News speak of evangelicals as if they were this monolithic group that all generally vote the same way and generally believe the same basic things.  Perhaps that was somewhat true at one time, but now things have dramatically changed.  As you will see below, surveys have found that large numbers of evangelicals are abandoning core evangelical beliefs at a rate that is staggering.  In fact, it has gotten to a point where I am not even sure what an “evangelical Christian” is anymore. (Read More...)

“Something Big Is Coming”: Pastor Dana Coverstone Just Had Another Prophetic Dream About The Month Of September

Christians all over America are talking about Pastor Dana Coverstone, and he just had another prophetic dream about the month of September that everyone should hear.  He is warning that “something big is coming”, and he is calling Christians all over the country to pray for our nation from the beginning of the month of September to the end.  Hopefully many will heed this call, because we are definitely at a major turning point in our history.  I have been hearing from so many readers lately that feel such an urgency about the second half of this year and beyond, and I think that is a big reason why Pastor Coverstone’s original video resonated so strongly with so many people.  What he shared in that video exactly matches what countless believers have been feeling, and it also perfectly lines up with experiences that other prophetic voices have been having. (Read More...)

Just A Coincidence? A U.S. Patent For ‘An Attenuated Coronavirus’ Was Filed In 2015 And Granted In 2018

We are being told that the coronavirus outbreak which is currently escalating at an exponential rate probably started with a snake.  Perhaps that is true, but a lot of researchers are now pointing out some really odd “coincidences” regarding this outbreak.  For example, China’s very first biosafety-level-4 lab is located just 20 miles away from where this outbreak supposedly originated.  And a news report about this lab from a few years ago specifically stated that it would be “studying the pathogen that causes SARS”.  Of course SARS was caused by a coronavirus, and now a “new coronavirus” has been unleashed in the only Chinese city where coronavirus research was being conducted. (Read More...)

45 Population Control Quotes That Show The Elite Are Quite Eager To Reduce The Number Of People On The Planet

At one time, the elite at least attempted to conceal their boundless enthusiasm for population control from the general public, but now they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.  On Tuesday, an alarming new study that advocates global population control as one of the solutions to the “climate emergency” that we are facing was published in the journal BioScience.  This document has already been signed by 11,258 scientists from 153 different countries, and it openly calls for a reduction in the human population of our planet.  This has always been the endgame for the climate change cult, but now a big push is being made to make the public believe that there is a “scientific consensus” that this is necessary. (Read More...)

According To The FEC, Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign Is Raising Money – Is One Last Run For The White House Coming?

Could it be possible that Hillary Clinton is preparing to jump into the presidential race?  According to the FEC, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is still active, and it actually raised $165,902.73 during the first six months of 2019.  During that same period of time, the campaign spent $131,112.68, and that left her with a war chest of $650,264.43.  That isn’t enough to win the Democratic nomination, but it would certainly be enough to get another run for the White House off the ground rather quickly.  “Hillary For America” is the name of her official campaign committee, and during 2015 and 2016 it raised a total of $585,669,598.83, but that still wasn’t enough to beat Donald Trump.  However, with impeachment mania reaching a fever pitch in Washington and with the Biden campaign fading, Hillary may sense an opening.  She had a full slate of media appearances scheduled for this week, and so far she has done nothing to dispel the rumors that she may be getting into the race. (Read More...)